Tag: democracy


When one head-of-state promotes the notion of protection from criminal activity of other heads-of-state, does this feel like the icing on the cake of world oligarchical privilege and control?  In other words, this seems like a preemptive self-serving maneuver for absolution.  One includes in this happy fraternity both sides of the D&R duopoly. read more


Breathtaking is any presumption that attack on nature can be perpetrated without an accompanying attack on humanity.  This is emblematic of hierarchical Establishment indoctrination that has urged humanity to identify with corporations rather than nature.   read more


On this election day when so many US citizens cast their vote for representatives for our republic, which is a decidedly positive act of democracy, we might remember purported origins of principles of the US Constitution.   read more


In a republic run similarly to a Pyramid Scheme and not a democracy, the euphemism for price gouging appears to be inflation. read more


Inculcation of the public into Capitalist Party/Communist Party hierarchical systems has limited democracy and local-community autonomy, and the inevitable failure of this top-down governance is being exposed.  Hierarchy continues to mouth incorrect information in last-ditch efforts to retain power. read more


At least questions are being raised.  Some of the public are noticing that something fishy is going on. read more


C-Span presented a political campaign commercial at about 7:21 AM in which the politician said he supported the CHIPS Act that brings manufacturing back to the USA.    So many politicians are jumping on the bandwagon of returning manufacturing to the USA without explaining the reason they desecrated manufacturing in the USA in the first place.  By the way these same politicians are still receiving big-donor campaign contributions byway of Citizens United that casts shadow on veracity and honesty. read more


As one who supported Kaepernick for months before it became popular, and by the way simultaneously objected to the “b” word due to self respect, one was amused when the tipping point in favor of Kaepernick happened when the “b” word was used by Trump, that garnered attention because suddenly-awakened people said it was a negative reflection on mothers, from groups who previously used the “b” word as a commonplace. read more


The cash sent overseas to “save democracy” would be better used to uplift We The People.  Knowledge is power and the American people possess neither. read more


A reason I love NYS is that it is a hotbed of responsible citizens.  This is curious alongside a propensity to vote into positions of power, patriarchal Establishment types who seem to disregard local community wishes.  Authoritarianism conflicts with democracy.   read more


Inculcation into visions of life from hierarchical Establishment characters has supported a system that is violent, oppressive, greedy, cruel and authoritarian.  Denial is required to ignore some of these realities. read more


C-Span hosted a call-in discussion in which at 7:30AM a woman expressed a view (paraphrase) that we need a people’s counsel that approved or disapproved the laws and policies by politicians.  If principles in the US Constitution hadn’t been so defiled by institutionalized greed and corruption in the electoral process enforced through Citizens United, our system would be representative in which politicians had as their first concern, We The People. read more


One is under informed about the details of the following story about Brazil to analyze the contents.  But where one finds symptoms it is logical to look for a disease.  We know democracy is diminishing at an alarming rate around the globe ad most markedly in the supposed bastion of democracy called the USA.  Hierarchy are gaining wealth at the expense of the majority of humanity and this is explained by “running government like a business”.   Climate Change is too obvious to be denied by any other than the most dedicated environmental exploiters.  Climate Change is a price paid by Earth and humanity to promote hierarchical Establishment financial interests. read more


Everyone gets to decide for themselves if activities filling their day have meaning.  This is an interesting topic and possibly not considered enough by many of us.  Awareness seems a component and slowing down may be one technique toward that end.

Another reason I love NYS—-https://bcpeaceaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/war-merchant-resistors-flyer-local.pdf        –September 9th at 11 AM Join Broome County Veterans for Peace and other peace groups to expose Lockheed Martin & BAE SystemsWeapons System

 Workers Demand Life-improving Jobs. There is No Dignity in War Work!

–end of bcpeaceaction info—–The Southern Tier of NYS has been a hotbed of citizen responsibility; often in spite of politicians and bureaucrats.  

From nativeorganizing.org —PETITIONS to sign if you wish  — 

These two pieces of legislation would advance the Tribal management of public lands and improve the protection of sacred and cultural sites. They are set to go into a congressional committee hearing this month.<link href=’https://actionnetwork.org/css/style-embed-v3.css’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’ /><script —

Protect sacred places and our cultural ways of life.
‘https://actionnetwork.org/widgets/v4/petition/protect-native-places-petition?format=js&source=widget&referrer=[object Object]’></script><div id=’can-petition-area-protect-native-places-petition’ style=’width: 100%’><!– this div is the target for our HTML insertion –></div>Add your name in support of the Advancing Tribal Parity on Public Lands Act and the Tribal Cultural Areas System Act!

—-end of nativeorganizing—–

The carousel of absurdity includes governmental negligence in ignoring the plight of US citizens such as exist in Jackson, Mississippi while so-called protecting democracy in Ukraine, and pro-capitalist D&R duopoly promotion of imperialism against local communities in foreign nations.  To begin to raise voices against this tyranny, one may sign the petitions below, if one is so inclined—–

From RAN.org  —  The Consumer Goods Forum exists to help corporations like Procter & Gamble, Mondelēz and Nestlé reduce their negative environmental and human rights impacts. Sounds good, right?

What’s not good is when the Consumer Goods Forum turns a blind eye to corporate members who engage in violence against Indigenous peoples. We plan to corner the Consumer Goods Forum at NYC Climate Week later this month and demand accountability for violence against Indigenous peoples — please lend us your signature.

Consumer Goods Forum member Asia Pulp and Paper has used physical violence, intimidation and food crop destruction to displace several Indigenous and traditional communities like the Sakai People and Lubuk Mandarsah from their land  in Indonesia. This company has one of the worst human rights track records.

When we told the Consumer Goods Forum about Asia Pulp and Paper’s acts of violence, they ignored us — help us shout it this time.

It’s simply inexcusable for the Consumer Goods Forum to allow its members to use the forum in bad faith, as a way to greenwash serious environmental and human rights violations.

Help us demand at NYC Climate Week that the Consumer Goods Forum adopt a policy of zero-tolerance toward corporate members who use violence.—end of RAN.org info—

From gatewaygreens—–https://mailchi.mp/6ba354a3a4d1/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6160777?e=d624642c9f   —

Webinar at 7:30 pm CT, Wed, Sept 14, 2022
Please take a look at the Green Social Thought website: http://www.greensocialthought.org/

Its focus is: “Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all   read more


Transfer of the wealth of the nation has proceeded over decades under the guise of democracy that is the current euphemism for capitalism. read more