Category: Climate Change


Not to nit-pick every misstatement when unintentional, but Trump has built a political Presidential campaign on attributing to others the failings of others while he rides his own wave of lies to an untenable extent. read more



A value of C-Span is the bits of information that is heard, that otherwise would have gone by the wayside.  Mr. Boston offers seemingly straightforward views about leading America in a better direction, that isn’t just about 2024, but has been the work of We The People from the beginning of our democratic Republic.  One is aware of the character of President Adams, but was not aware that he passed a law that didn’t tolerate critique of himself.  Such commentary could land one in the jail of the time.  Along came Jefferson who, understanding his personality doesn’t surprise one, did away with that dictatorial law.  Does anyone really believe the orange savior would do the same about censorship? read more


For years grassroots environmental-health advocates have been demonized by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment in attempts to censor the message of consequences of predatory behavior toward nature. read more

Climate Change Harms Everyone

Climate Change Harms Everyone
When capitalistic hierarchical Establishment tell We The People they can’t address Climate Change because “why should America do this for the world”, show them this– read more

Climate Change And Solidarity

Solidarity will suggest that people who understand the importance of an environment that isn’t exploited for industrial profiteering, would not be limited by race or gender.  This is a matter of principle and sanity.  If we destroy our planet, life will become intolerable, especially for future generations. read more