As one who supported Kaepernick for months before it became popular, and by the way simultaneously objected to the “b” word due to self respect, one was amused when the tipping point in favor of Kaepernick happened when the “b” word was used by Trump, that garnered attention because suddenly-awakened people said it was a negative reflection on mothers, from groups who previously used the “b” word as a commonplace. –In 2017, Colin Kaepernick, the San Fransisco 49ers quarterback who led the team to the Super Bowl XLVII, was blackballed from the NFL for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. Kaepernick became a frequent target of Trump and the political right for kneeling during the national anthem to draw attention to police violence. “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now,” Trump said during a 2017 political rally, referring to Kaepernick and anyone else who took a knee.
On September 22, 2022, Nike donated $25,000 to the Republican Governors Association (RGA), an organization currently seeking to install pro-Trump extremists in powerful positions across the country. –end of popularinformation info–
All in all this was a delightful display of stereotyped Republican/Democratic duopoly nonsense, mixed with capitalistic hierarchical Establishment exploitation while the Democratic Base formed groups to go hat-in-hand to corporations to request support for their right to vote, “because we spend money with corporations”.
The story is that democracy as a reality is fading in the USA…….ya think? Long before that which faded, was ability of dignified assessment of situations, one may suggest.
And now after the Democratic Party has had sufficient opportunity to codify Roe v Wade, their campaign promise to Democratic voters is to turn out and vote for us so we will consider codifying Roe v Wade.
This is not to overlook the Republican Party promise to fix the economy after Republican Administrations officiated over incredible increases in the national debt, and the most recent Republican Administration, rife with corporate characters in their Cabinet, gave us the inflation engines of the Trump tax cut for the wealthy and the incomprehensible absurdity of the Trump tariff that was a direct tax on products purchased by the public. —
- Governments impose tariffs to raise revenue, protect domestic industries, or exert political leverage over another country.
- Tariffs often result in unwanted side effects, such as higher consumer prices.
- Tariffs have a long and contentious history, and the debate over whether they represent good or bad policy still rages.
–end of investopedia info–
Globalism has transferred US manufacturing to foreign nations, leaving no reason to protect domestic industries, and so rendering the Trump tariff nothing other than a tax and a bad joke on consumers.
And so the D&R duopoly demand voters vote within the 2-Party monopoly, to avoid being labeled a communists.
Elsewhere, freedom and inspiration are still possible. — —
In the fall of 2021, the members of Frederick Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (FCUUPS), located in Frederick, Maryland, took on the logistical challenges posed by the pandemic and crafted an entirely new, fully outdoor ritual called, “The Samhain Ritual: an Underworld Journey.”
“The ritual was created out of the necessity to have an outdoor ceremony,” explained FCUUPS president Irene Glasse. “That necessity resulted in an absolutely beautiful ceremony that we’re excited to revisit this year.”–end of wildhuntinfo–
From popularresistance —– —
Why Some African Countries Are Abandoning Paris, Joining Moscow
The Non-West Coalesces
Over 1,000 US-Backed ‘Terrorist Bases’ Spread Across Iraqi Kurdistan
Minneapolis March Says ‘No To US Wars’
Why We Should Transfer ‘Land Back’ To Indigenous People
–endof popularresistance info– —
Oct 18, 2022 With Sweden saying they are not willing to share Nord Stream investigation findings it seems like we’ll never know who sabotaged the pipelines. But the US MSM are pretty sure – good job they’re reliable and don’t collaborate with the US government…. Oh. #Ukraine #Russia #War –end of russellbrand info–
It’s about money. Citizens United, therefore, is implicated. It’s called corruption. Third-Political Parties and candidates have a history of being labeled as socialist or communist, by capitalists and the R&D duopoly. But who could uncover this plot? And so candidates of the R&D duopoly are supported by D&R voters. What could go wrong?
From — Despite efforts by the New York State Democratic Party and their functionaries to silence us, we have broken through to the media with this campaign’s message of Inclusive Democracy, a Green New Deal, and an Economic Bill of Rights. We ask that you share this important news coverage to your community, families and allies:
- Capital Tonight Video: Green Party wages daunting write-in campaign to win back ballot access in New York
- Albany Times Union Op-Ed: Kathy Hochul, Lee Zeldin and nobody else
“Walk into any supermarket and you’ll find a variety of breakfast cereals to match nearly any taste. Shop online and you can select, say, shoes to meet your idiosyncratic preferences.
This is what we’ve come to expect in this age of choice. Almost everywhere there are alternatives to the same-old boring whatever. Nearly everywhere, we have options to satisfy every niche, variety that feels infinite and empowering.
Everywhere, except at the ballot box…” - The New York Times: For First Time Since 1946, New Yorkers Have Just 2 Choices for Governor
“…this year, for the first time in over 75 years, the state ballot appears destined to offer only two choices: Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, and Representative Lee Zeldin, a Republican.
The paucity of options is largely due to former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who championed changes in election law two years ago that made it far more difficult for third parties to get on the ballot. The changes to ballot access law tripled the number of voter signatures required for groups to get on the November ballot and forced political parties to qualify every two years instead of four.” - Focus on Albany Video: A conversation with Howie Hawkins about the campaign for Governor
The Times nails the issue: Cuomo, Hochul, and their Legislature Lackeys have brought democracy in New York to a 75-year low. And the bar was already disgracefully low.
But we can beat this and make our elections more fair and equitable than ever — with your help. We ask that you donate to this campaign today so we can continue fighting through Election Day.
And, speaking of Election Day, we ask that you take a moment to look at how you will need to write in our names for Governor and Lt. Governor, and to share this information with voters:
—end of hawkinsmattera info–