Tag: work


Governor Hochul has put into place an inducement for sex work.  Sex work should be decriminalized.  But more to the point, we need universal health care that would be less costly and more inclusive and that could serve more of We The People, including sex workers. 
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C-Span hosted a call-in discussion in which at 7:30AM a woman expressed a view (paraphrase) that we need a people’s counsel that approved or disapproved the laws and policies by politicians.  If principles in the US Constitution hadn’t been so defiled by institutionalized greed and corruption in the electoral process enforced through Citizens United, our system would be representative in which politicians had as their first concern, We The People. read more


Everyone gets to decide for themselves if activities filling their day have meaning.  This is an interesting topic and possibly not considered enough by many of us.  Awareness seems a component and slowing down may be one technique toward that end.

Another reason I love NYS—-https://bcpeaceaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/war-merchant-resistors-flyer-local.pdf        –September 9th at 11 AM Join Broome County Veterans for Peace and other peace groups to expose Lockheed Martin & BAE SystemsWeapons System

 Workers Demand Life-improving Jobs. There is No Dignity in War Work!

–end of bcpeaceaction info—–The Southern Tier of NYS has been a hotbed of citizen responsibility; often in spite of politicians and bureaucrats.  

From nativeorganizing.org —PETITIONS to sign if you wish  — 

These two pieces of legislation would advance the Tribal management of public lands and improve the protection of sacred and cultural sites. They are set to go into a congressional committee hearing this month.<link href=’https://actionnetwork.org/css/style-embed-v3.css’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’ /><script —

Protect sacred places and our cultural ways of life.
‘https://actionnetwork.org/widgets/v4/petition/protect-native-places-petition?format=js&source=widget&referrer=[object Object]’></script><div id=’can-petition-area-protect-native-places-petition’ style=’width: 100%’><!– this div is the target for our HTML insertion –></div>Add your name in support of the Advancing Tribal Parity on Public Lands Act and the Tribal Cultural Areas System Act!

—-end of nativeorganizing—–

The carousel of absurdity includes governmental negligence in ignoring the plight of US citizens such as exist in Jackson, Mississippi while so-called protecting democracy in Ukraine, and pro-capitalist D&R duopoly promotion of imperialism against local communities in foreign nations.  To begin to raise voices against this tyranny, one may sign the petitions below, if one is so inclined—–

From RAN.org  —  The Consumer Goods Forum exists to help corporations like Procter & Gamble, Mondelēz and Nestlé reduce their negative environmental and human rights impacts. Sounds good, right?

What’s not good is when the Consumer Goods Forum turns a blind eye to corporate members who engage in violence against Indigenous peoples. We plan to corner the Consumer Goods Forum at NYC Climate Week later this month and demand accountability for violence against Indigenous peoples — please lend us your signature.

Consumer Goods Forum member Asia Pulp and Paper has used physical violence, intimidation and food crop destruction to displace several Indigenous and traditional communities like the Sakai People and Lubuk Mandarsah from their land  in Indonesia. This company has one of the worst human rights track records.

When we told the Consumer Goods Forum about Asia Pulp and Paper’s acts of violence, they ignored us — help us shout it this time.

It’s simply inexcusable for the Consumer Goods Forum to allow its members to use the forum in bad faith, as a way to greenwash serious environmental and human rights violations.

Help us demand at NYC Climate Week that the Consumer Goods Forum adopt a policy of zero-tolerance toward corporate members who use violence.—end of RAN.org info—

From gatewaygreens—–https://mailchi.mp/6ba354a3a4d1/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6160777?e=d624642c9f   —

Webinar at 7:30 pm CT, Wed, Sept 14, 2022
Please take a look at the Green Social Thought website: http://www.greensocialthought.org/

Its focus is: “Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all   read more


Aside from the obvious reality of the transfer of the wealth of the planet from the 100% to the 1%, a commensurate diminishing of equality and justice….surprise, surprise…..has happened.  Why is it legal for the upper echelon to put at risk US national security while members of the general public are incarcerated for, for example, jaywalking? read more


So White House Press Secretary is going to MSNBC.  This seems nothing other than a lateral switch within departments of a corporation.  Did the Trump Administration “say out loud the quiet parts”, or were they so honest as to display FACTually that which other Administrations are still dancing around?  An example is an expression heard from Jared Kushner (from memory anecdotally and paraphrased) that the US public are the customers of our government.   read more


Apparently Marjorie Taylor Greene has been denied access to something or other.  Whatever her problem, she is barred from a private enterprise outlet.  Private enterprise has the right to run their business according to their personal policies.  This is the reason employers can mandate, for example, dress codes and masks.  Some private corporations even mandate a woman’s health-care coverage access to birth control.   read more


Over the last several decades, and on the wave of Citizens United tyranny and greed, many politicians in the US Capitalist Party (Democratic/Republican duopoly) have passed laws that support trade agreements that are good for hierarchical commercial interests but not for We The People.  American jobs were sent overseas and products required by the US public are controlled by foreign interests.  One doesn’t understand the reason this isn’t the “government run like a business” that on a continuum becomes organized crime.
In desperation to cover their tracks, politicians have exchanged policy for racism and sexism in campaigns in order to control a deluded electorate.  Local small business is replaced by national chain retailers that retain workers at poverty wages.  Said poverty wages qualifies workers for government aid when it should be the responsibility of the employer to pay living wages and provide benefits to workers.  The shift of cost from the employer to the public seems fraudulent.  The poverty wages cuts down on income taxes and social security payments from workers’ paychecks that should support the government that is drained of resources in order to transfer the wealth of the nation from the 100% to the 1%.
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As hierarchical Establishment pose as arbiters of life on Earth, and perhaps beyond, local common community go about the business of reality.  The longer the fantasy land of hierarchical Establishment is imposed upon the public (indoctrination), the longer will take actualization of life was will comply with sanity.  A growing cadre of local-community members are working toward the goal of integrity. read more


Ask your Representative of The People and hear what she/he thinks.  Ask for a justification of his/her view with the US Constitution.  Vote according to whether the politician will uphold her/his Oath of Office to protect the US Constitution.   read more