About Me

Jean Hricik

A career in the corporate world that was relentless over 45 years dictated residence in an urban setting.

  Retirement permitted choice of residence that resulted in relocating to a very rural region. 

Fortunately my husband is as enthusiastic as am I, about our return to nature.  Our canine companions have been ecstatic over the privacy and freedom, as are we.

Employment in the financial world provided a backdrop against which ideas bounce about the use of our economy in which it can support equality, autonomy and justice, or in which the economy is shorthand for exploitation by the most aggressive and violent types among us.

Nature has been a resource of exploitation for cash, but so have people.  
Unless ideas about different lifestyles that better comply with environmental, human and civil rights are expressed, hierarchical Establishment will continue controlling and predatory.

These are my interests, aside from the peace and joy of life within that environment in Upstate New York that so far, has not been destroyed.  One wishes the same for everyone.

Contact me at: jlacreevy@aol.com