Specific language is required from politicians about recognition of rights of women that currently are being violated.

Molinaro seems to obfuscate by soothing insinuations and half truths.  He must directly express his intention on women’s reproductive rights is intrinsic to human rights, rather than soft-peddling as though he is courting. 

Molinaro, Riley head for bitter rematch in NY-19 this fall

“I am leading the effort as a Republican, standing basically alone among … others, to ensure that there’s access to IVF,” he said. “These are really difficult choices that women have to make, and I respect that we need to be sure that we’re giving them the support and resources they need.”

Riley said that is the least Molinaro could do, invoking Molinaro’s comments that he will back the GOP nominee for president this year. 

“The only reason access to IVF and mifepristone are in jeopardy is because Marc Molinaro’s choice for president – Donald Trump – had Roe v. Wade get overturned,” he said. “You don’t get to light the house on fire and then try to take credit for dumping a couple of buckets of water on it.”

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So….do we need the ERA now?

The ERA in the NEWS is a bi-weekly newsletter from the Alice Paul Institute highlighting the media stories published nationally and internationally about the Equal Rights Amendment. 

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Chevron and Israel: Profits above human rights | MR Online–Big oil and gas company Chevron is deeply entwined with the Israeli state. Israel’s government relies on Chevron to extract the rich supply of gas off its coast, making money for a government actively perpetrating a genocide against the Palestinian people.1 And Chevron relies on Israel—Israel will be Chevron’s third largest source of gas globally over the next twenty years.2–end of Chevron info–

Is one too suspicious to see as cynical, connection between big oil campaign contributions and politicians?

Israeli government speech to Congress may encourage such laws as, for example, labeling of anti-war and genocidal policies as anti semitic when expressed on college campuses.

What the “Antisemitism Awareness” bill means for higher ed

Backers of the Antisemitism Awareness Act, including several leading Jewish organizations, say the legislation will provide more clarity for agencies tasked to enforce Title VI. The Council on American-Islamic Affairs has condemned the legislation, saying it ignores anti-Palestinian racism and conflates criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism.

Others in higher education, along with First Amendment and civil rights groups, are concerned that such a sweeping definition of antisemitism could chill free speech on campuses and affect academic freedom.

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We need a discussion on a commensurate topic of the crime of war; especially when used for political power and greed.

Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’–Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.

–end of kushner inspiration—-

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