Tag: censorship


The value of the recent UFO concerns in the USA that has an infinitesimal chance of being aliens from outside of our universe, is the attention-grabbing ability that may accrue toward those who may otherwise be running around in red caps and annoying others.  A significant value is to shine light into the dark corner of government secrecy that is out of sync with a democracy.   read more


Lee Camp is a censored comedian who has raised the topic more than a few times, that armed law enforcement focused on traffic violations may be overkill.  But this discussion isn’t often heard from corporate-owned-government run MSM, due to governmental and corporate censorship.  Protecting and serving doesn’t require military process. 
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As I watch Katy Tur interview Byron Donald on MSNBC on 1/26/2023, one appreciates her attempts to clarify his rhetoric.  Especially strained is Mr. Donald’s statement that we must never cut taxes on the oligarchs, because they are the money makers (paraphrase).  If that statement held water, the USA would not have a large national debt.  Mr. Donald talks fast, possibly to avoid clarity or explanation. read more


One has immersed oneself in study of historical Christianity due to ignorance on the topic, and wishing to enlighten oneself.  The reason is that one seems to live in what is tending toward a Christian theocracy.  The take away from historical reading including said info being straight as possible from the horses’ mouths (Josephus and such) supports the following personal views— read more


Definitions are vital, or we don’t know what we’re talking about.  Discussion about health may be laughable as for example, disease perpetuation for profit is labeled health care.  Who needs censorship when double talk will do? read more


As one who is surely not an expert on the topic of communicable disease, one found the gain-of-function research conversation to be fascinating and frightening.  The most worrisome part of the discussion raised concerns about censorship and reliance on self-described experts.   read more


What does it say when the topic of censorship raises the question as to whether a particular situation applies to school curriculum or to parents.  Shouldn’t interests be similar; and if interests are not similar, should this be a matter of concern? read more


It’s not like there aren’t alternatives to war and Climate Change.   Denial and obfuscation aren’t working so well.  Let’s try reality. read more


Apparently Marjorie Taylor Greene has been denied access to something or other.  Whatever her problem, she is barred from a private enterprise outlet.  Private enterprise has the right to run their business according to their personal policies.  This is the reason employers can mandate, for example, dress codes and masks.  Some private corporations even mandate a woman’s health-care coverage access to birth control.   read more


People who focus on economic expansion at the expense of quality of life on Earth must be in denial.  Denial is an all-too-human frailty. read more


A recent Democratic Party campaign strategy used misogyny to the extent to condemn a woman who called for law enforcement when she was accosted by a man on a wooded jogging trail.  That women are specifically schooled about “how to act” when she is alone in public as a part of routine parental care, and that there is no place a woman can feel safe, and that her attackers are seldom women, is a topic that has been ignored.  Those women are condemned who take upon themselves their own protection, that includes calling law enforcement when in peril, is an added insult from a patriarchal political system.  The reality of women’s lives includes protecting themselves in a violent culture.  To suggest women should carry guns for their own protection is an added absurdity.  Women must feel safe even on nighttime streets and/or wooded areas.  Further harm is inflicted by political patriarchy that from time to time raise the question of misogyny in foreign nations where the excuse for US imperialism is to protect women’s rights, when said rights are politically and in reality abused in the USA  And so goes patriarchy. read more