Protests don’t include breaking windows and taking over public places, as attested to by the 1/6 insurrection.

Police clear pro-Palestinian protesters from Columbia University while clashes break out at UCLA– Protesters calling on the Ivy League university to stop doing business with Israel or companies that support the war in Gaza seized the hall about 20 hours earlier.

–end aol info—

The successful peaceful protests of the MLK, Jr. civil rights movement were predicated by the Gandhi anti-colonization protests in India that was taken from Leo Tolstoi- concepts– Thoreau to Tolstoy: Five thinkers who helped transform Gandhi to Mahatma

– Gandhi and Tolstoy have been the two greatest exponents of non-violence as a way of life and means of resistance. According to Gandhi, Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of God is Within You (1893) “left an abiding impression” on him and the Russian’s idea of “love as law of life” and care for entire mankind greatly moved him. Gandhi named his second ashram in South Africa after Tolstoy where he experimented with methods of Satyagraha.

–end of tolstoi info—

In contrast the American anti-war movement included violence, possibly due to the imminent danger to youngsters sent to war to further the interests of capitalistic hierarchy Establishment.  A similar danger faces Palestinians and especially Palestinian children.  The Israeli government is furthering their capitalism and most insidiously protecting Netanyahu from facing his criminal actions, one of which is now genocide.

Notice the new normal of criminals clinging to their political positions in order to make the laws to protect themselves.  This is becoming prominent in the US government, in too many instances.  Sounds a bit corrupt to me (Citizens United).

The Jewish people protested the Israeli government before 8/7, as they are currently, in contempt of the hierarchical corruption of the Israeli government.  

The pride of America must be the diversity that manifests in American Jewish-community members are supportive of Palestinian protesters, and are opposed to genocide.  Also American politicians, mirroring the self-interest of Netanyahu, are “cracking down” on the international diaspora of We The People.  In other words, the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment that has infiltrated a growing number of worldwide governments, is blazing wild in the USA (Citizens United).

C-Span is airing the following– Washington Journal: Angus Johnston Discusses History of Student Protests

Washington Journal

Angus Johnston on the History of Student Protests

History Professor Angus Johnston discusses the history of student protests and current protests taking place on college campuses.—end of info–

Considering American drug addiction and lack of civilized health care, one considers the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment quiet aggression in the USA that funds Citizens United to be a type of genocide against We The People.

One is impressed with the American Jewish community members who can differentiate between the Palestinians, and understand that antisemitism has nothing to do with criticism of a genocidal Israel government that is promoting capitalistic hierarchical Establishment.

The diversity of the diaspora of We The People that works together against the common danger is our strength and blessing.  Contrast this with the self-interest of American politicians; for example Mike Johnson.– House Speaker Mike Johnson condemns pro-Palestinian campus protests

House Speaker Mike Johnson condemns pro-Palestinian campus protests

—end of mikejohnson info–

Antisemitism exists and will be best exposed with transparent Free Speech.

Flame-thrower Mike Johnson is working his magic in support of the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment of the D&R Duopoly that has as a motivating factor, big-money campaign donations.

As to American anti-war movements of the ’60’s, possibly the violence was motivated due to the murdered American youngsters in which children fresh out of high school would be trained to be killers of other people in Vietnam.

The injustice of training American youngsters to kill children of foreign nations when 18-year-olds weren’t allowed to vote, was a catalyst to changing the laws.  – The 26th Amendment – Rock the Vote

What is the 26th Amendment?

Ratified on July 1, 1971, the 26th Amendmentopens a new window to the U.S. Constitution extended the right to vote to all Americans aged 18 and older by lowering the federal voting age from 21. Section 1 of the 26th Amendment reads as follows:

The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age.

What led to the passage of the 26th Amendment?

In 1942, in the midst of World War II, Congress lowered the minimum age to be drafted into the U.S. Military to 18 from 21. This wartime change launched a decades-long debateopens a new window over lowering the voting age in the United States, as young men were being drafted to fight for their country while simultaneously being denied the right to vote. From this discrepancy, the slogan “old enough to fight, old enough to vote” was born, and it became a rallying cry for a youth voting rights movement, which was powered by the activism of young people and their allies.

—end of rockthevote—

Our supposedly hyper-information drenched society due to the internet, youngsters haven’t figured out their power in voting rather than in breaking windows.

Do you want to cast fear in the hearts of hierarchy?  Try voting.  It is heartening that Palestinian young people and Jewish young people have figured out what oldsters still must; that each other isn’t the enemy.  Maybe the next step will be sane and peaceful action from youngsters.  Protest is a good step……violence is not.

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