Tag: parents



Unforeseen results from authoritarian and aggressive leadership is as much abut a dictatorial governance style as it is parenting style toward children.  Indoctrination in our hierarchical society presume an attitude of Supremacy toward We The People that is not warranted.  A curiously immature government and bureaucratic system that has as a primary motivation, greed and self-promotion, is indeed rendering unhealthy, adults as much as children.  That too many parents are sabotaging future lives of their children in imitation of said government feels rather Soviet. read more


What does it say when the topic of censorship raises the question as to whether a particular situation applies to school curriculum or to parents.  Shouldn’t interests be similar; and if interests are not similar, should this be a matter of concern? read more


Your problem isn’t books.

And why would the entrenched interests within the Republican/Democratic duopoly consider untoward methods in retaining power that insult principles of a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic?  Perhaps self-interest is a motive—– read more