Tag: school


Analytical thinking may be nothing more than common sense.

https://www.c-span.org/video/?527441-1/house-speaker-mccarthy-ny-stock-exchange       —
APRIL 17, 2023

House Speaker McCarthy at the N.Y. Stock Exchange

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) gave remarks at the New York Stock Exchange on the U.S. economy and negotiations to raise the federal debt limit. This event experienced technical difficulties.–end of McCarthy stock exchange info–

A big-money interest-financed politician (byway of Citizens United) speaks to the NY Stock Exchange on the topic of the Reagan inspiration of Trickle Down Economics to presumably some of the same players who were bailed out by the US taxpayer after said players engineered the 2008 Financial Meltdown.  McCarthy seems to imply (paraphrase)…”We couldn’t have done it without ya”.

And how are corporations, devoid of Corporate Character Revocation abilities by local community members, functioning in the new normal of lack of government regulation?  Please consider thoughts from Status Coup.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUU3RhWiOLo     —

Erin Brockovich ACCUSES Norfolk Southern of Lying About East Palestine Ohio “Controlled Burn”

–end of statuscoup info–

MSM didn’t report on the decade-long NYS anti-fracking advocacy in which local citizens learned much more than they wanted about corruption.  A few personal and untutored views.  One welcomes correction where warranted—

*Fracking uses proprietary chemicals that are secret from local communities

*Proprietary seems to mean the chemicals used on people and nature are none of our business

*Pollution of several types are found in areas that are subjected to this industrialization

*Many local communities are protected by volunteer fire departments that understand common brush and house fires, but not so much industrial chemical fires

*Some local politicians seem more intent on courting big-money interests into local communities with the excuse of economic advancement than supporting local volunteer groups

*One may suppose a part of the draw may be big-money campaign donations to politicians

*The NYSEG Stadium absorbed curious amounts of local taxpayer funding for renovations when perhaps volunteer fire departments could have benefited from said funding

*NYSEG Stadium is now Mirabito Stadium


*Local municipalities also needed to fend off LG fueling stations, one locally proposed next to a neighborhood school

Capitalism surely benefits from the Trickle-Down Economic system, but that either are beneficial to local communities is highly questionable.  

We The People need to short-circuit reliance on marketing speech from hierarchy and remember common sense.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3y79ZUl-zk      —

Florida Might Be Done For

–end of leeamp info–

From popularresistance  —  https://popularresistance.org/taking-back-our-universities-from-corporate-apparatchiks/            —

New Brunswick, N.J. — Here are some of the senior administrators I did not see joining us on the picket lines set up by striking teachers and staff at Rutgers University. Brian Strom, the chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, whose salary is $925,932 a year. Steven Libutti, the vice chancellor for Cancer Programs for Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, who makes $929,411 a year. Patrick Hobbs, the director of athletics, who receives $999,688 a year. The president of the university, Jonathan Holloway, who is paid $1.2 million a year. Stephen Pikiell, the university’s head basketball coach, who has received a 445 percent pay raise since 2020 and currently gets $3 million a year. Gregory Schiano, the university’s head football coach, who pulls in $4 million a year.

Here is who I did see. Leslieann Hobayan, a poet and single mother with three teenage daughters who makes $28,000 a year teaching creative writing as an adjunct professor and could not afford health insurance last year. Hank Kalet, who, by teaching seven courses a semester at Rutgers, Brookdale Community College and Middlesex College as an adjunct professor (a full course load for a semester is normally four courses) as well as teaching summer courses, can sometimes make $50,000 a year. But even he only has health insurance through his wife’s employer. Josh Anthony and Yazmin Gomez, graduate workers in the history department who serve as teaching assistants, and who each struggle to survive on $25,000 a year, $1,300 of which is deducted by the university for library, gym and computer fees.

–end of popularresistance info–

One is seriously interested in those who have degrees from institutions of high learning and pose as educated, who also carry un-payable levels of debt to finagle said degree.

Common sense would be better.

From Gateway Greens——–

Please take a look at the Green Social Thought website: http://www.greensocialthought.org/

Its focus is: “Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all www.gateway-greens.org For more info, call 314-727-8554 read more


The following Organic Consumers link highlights several disturbing realities, not the least of which is masks for cows. read more


As a child of the 50’s, childhood diabetes wasn’t typical.  Today reports suggest childhood diabetes is growing.    A personal opine is a memory from around 1970 in which one first began to hear about the interjection of corporate interests into the public school system that was explained as profiting both industry and the school system.  At that time the first industrial inspiration was soda machines in school systems.  So what about the health care costs that devolved onto the general public due to atrocious nutritional habits, while the public school system and industry profited?  This seems a perfect setup for public/private partnerships that are so advertised as promoting economic well being.  Another definition could be nationalizing risk while privatizing profit. read more


Would a developed country actually have such chaos as does the USA? read more


What does it say when the topic of censorship raises the question as to whether a particular situation applies to school curriculum or to parents.  Shouldn’t interests be similar; and if interests are not similar, should this be a matter of concern? read more


Apparently government has devolved into a political-Party demolition team that is more about institution of dictatorship than upholding the US Constitution. At the same time the public can appreciate questioning from Republicans of the abuse of the CIA and FBI by the DOJ under Garland and the Biden Administration, the embarrassment can be recalled, that they upheld powers that simply aren’t permitted in the US Constitution for a comedic DOJ under the Trump Administration. What they do, not what they say….. read more