Tag: democracy
Most students in civics classes noticed a paragraph in government-approved textbooks about a scandal in the Warren Harding Administration called the Teapot Dome. One doesn’t remember anything about this scandal other than it was about kickbacks. FACTually speaking, that this scandal was included in textbooks seems to assuage any notion that this system continued unabated, but the insinuation was that this scandal was an anomaly. One’s eyes popped open after reading the following about which one recently commented—–
This book reminds that the past can warn those who have the awakening to notice..
Incidentally reading the following—-https://www.davidgrann.com/book/killers-of-the-flower-moon/—In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, they rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.
Then, one by one, the Osage began to be killed off.
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Librarians are said to be under attack from bureaucrats. No wonder.
The infamous Teapot Dome Scandal may have reached over decades unabated and hushed into a system known as “running government like a business”.
https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/teapot-dome-scandal –In 1920, Warren G. Harding, a senator and Ohio newspaper publisher, won a long-shot bid for the White House with the financial backing of oilmen who were promised oil-friendly cabinet picks in return. As Laton McCartney wrote in his book The Teapot Dome Scandal, How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country, the back-slapping Harding was a consummate “go along to get along man.”
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An argument can be made that the bribing of government officials was dealt with after the Teapot Dome Scandal, not by challenging corruption legislatively and judicially, but by legalizing without legitimizing corruption in the government by such determinations as Citizens United. In other words, laws were passed to legalize “running government like a business”, which may be defined as either fascism or organized crime.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAnpvte1l10 —
So THIS Is Why US Wants War In Ukraine——- Jul 17, 2022 This week I spoke with investigative journalist with the Grayzone, Aaron Maté, about efforts by the US proxy war in Ukraine and its efforts to weaken and destabilise Russia. #ukraine #russia #US
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Can these governmental anomalies add to Climate Change? Perhaps…..https://theintercept.com/2022/07/18/joe-gayle-manchin-condo-climate-canaan-valley/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=The%20Intercept%20Newsletter –But while Manchin has sabotaged federal efforts at combating climate change, he has used federal dollars to preserve his own corner of the world. Public records reviewed by The Intercept show that even after Manchin’s decadeslong efforts to upend environmental policy that would undercut the fossil fuel companies funding his political campaigns (and the waste coal industry generating his personal fortune), he and his wife, Gayle Manchin, have directed millions of federal dollars to a small, pristine valley in West Virginia where the couple owns a condo. Hundreds of miles north of the coal communities decimated by the mountaintop removal mining that Manchin fostered in the state, the Manchins’ Canaan Valley residence sits in an unadulterated watershed, surrounded by the Dolly Sods Wilderness, the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge, and Blackwater Falls State Park.
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But don’t blame Joe Manchin for acting true to his character. He won’t be the first.
https://portside.org/2022-07-20/joe-manchin-symptom-its-senate-thats-sick?utm_source=portside-general&utm_medium=email –Two-hundred and thirty-five years later and the United States Senate still works to stymie and stifle the “pernicious innovations” that might help ordinary Americans, or preserve the planet for their children and grandchildren.
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As one who is fairly informed and curious, still I was shocked to hear Howie Hawkins inform that the Senate is not a requirement and is not a part of the 3 branches of government. And so if it feels like the function of the Senate is to maintain supremacy by a certain group of people, it may be a FACT.
If the Senate isn’t a requirement, maybe this should be discussed.
One has watched a concept of American exceptionalism that to some people seem like hubris, pretend to supremacy by being woke, to an extent that has blinded Americans to real-time democratic (small d) actions that predominate just South of the borders of North America. Could this be a type of racism? Could Northern chauvinism be another excuse for imperialism inflicted under the excuse of “spreading democracy around the world” that promises privilege to those who support this system? Could the North learn anything from the South, as pertains to the Americas?—
https://portside.org/2022-07-20/global-left-midweek-focus-latin-america?utm_source=portside-general&utm_medium=email —
- Lessons From Colombia
- Internationalism of the Landless
- Panama National Strike
- The Mapuche: Across Borders
- Argentina: Trans Rights
- More on Chile’s New Constitution
- CARICOM/Venezuela
- Ecuador: Indigenous Protests Against Austerity
- Antigua: Same-Sex Marriage Victory
- Cuba: Referendum on Family Plan
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New ideas and perspectives seem appropriate as we watch the chaos from Establishment—-
https://mailchi.mp/bee6e05f2358/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6155137?e=d624642c9f —
Wood Pellet Manufacturing in a Rainforest
The true scale of the global North’s economic
Disingenuous Conservatives who hypocritically attack Choice which is an innate human right of women as apparent by biology from The Creator (you can’t challenge FACTS) would better build a society that enhances the life of women and children, if said Conservatives wish to cut down on abortions, rather than forcing women through a filter of patriarchal control that implies human rights violations, with said violations based on the mechanics as preordained by The Creator.
A definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing while expecting different results. C-Span hosted a discussion about electoral reform, while basing the discussion on reliance to corporate political Party duopoly control, rather than on control by We The People.
American exceptionalism may be a political strategy to promote either branch of the Democratic/Republican duopoly in a system that therefore creates psychological imprisonment that deters excellence as manifesting in other local communities around the globe. As near as South America, extraordinary local-community democratic (small d) actions abound under suspicious imperialistic barriers. This may be a reason environmental racism is so different in each of North America and South America, for example.
As one who thought Kaepernick was a hero before it became a fad, this will happily be retweeted. Is it inappropriate to say the following about this fad?—
Media reports to the public what media wants the public to believe. Does anyone still believe the USA enjoys a Free Press rather than a corporate-owned-state-influenced media? Combine this view with hierarchical capitalism in which Speech is confused with money, Add on the unusual approach to democracy defined as “running government like a business” that feels similar to organized crime on a continuum of which end the USA may be approaching, and questions may come to mind.
The diversity of targets of types of fraud and predatory practice in the USA reveals less about individual offenses than an overall system of corruption. Please note the youth who are seriously engaged in raising voice that hearkens back to similar involvement in the ’60’s.
“Made a deal with the devil”? It’s like we’ve identified the devil. Some people were excoriated in the 2020 Presidential election when they didn’t “hold your nose and vote”. Can we hear from the Democratic-base voices? The campaign-strategy accusations of racism seem curiously close to home.
One wonders if it is supposed to be impolite, discussion about politics or religion, the better for hierarchical Establishment to use both to control We The People. Perhaps this also keeps the public in the dark about ideas other than those in each particular cubicle of thinking.
One takes a wild guess here that the shooter was male; and armed for specifically said occurrence when a “good guy with a gun” was needed. Domestic violence targets will attest to the benignity of such characters until they’re not.
When the public is disturbingly susceptible to Establishment sound-bite phrases and hierarchical pandering, we may forget to think for ourselves. Consider “free trade” and the curious insinuation by capitalists that they are the foundation of this system, and that it is good for you.—
Climate Change will impact young people more than others. Irritation is heard about the planet that is handed to them that includes Climate Change. At the same time popular culture indoctrinates about availability of anything desired at one’s fingertips. This is confusing. Add to this dependence and trust in an apparent cause of Climate Change, which seems to be technology, as the means by which humanity will continue untrammeled self-indulgence, and a few questions arise about thought processes.
To point to racism in the use of a blocklist is helpful in drawing attention to the problem of the universal FACT of corporate-owned-state-influenced MSM that sets a tone for We The People that seems to funnel humanity through the channel of commercial control that raises the concept of the corruption of “running government like a business”.
Student debt has been used as a campaign strategy with promises with no results. Bernie Sanders ran on a platform of universal health care in an nation isolated among industrialized nations, of predatory industrial health profiteering, but was rejected by the voters. Health debt is surely as consequential and more unavoidable than student debt, but can be suspected as another tool by the lending industry. Capitalism is promotion of hierarchy for profit, and it is working well. On a continuum capitalism transforms into organized crime or fascism. Citizens United is a component in this process, that uniquely insinuates corruption into the system. Yet voters continue to choose against their own interests and precepts of the US Constitution. Consider the Preamble to the US Constitution.
The following principles in the Oneida Nation link feels similar to those from 100-years ago in the Southern Tier of NYS, in which employers provided a support system for workers. The provided really livable local neighborhoods; until Establishment ran national highways through said neighborhoods. The result has not been enviable.