Tag: people
Over the last several decades, and on the wave of Citizens United tyranny and greed, many politicians in the US Capitalist Party (Democratic/Republican duopoly) have passed laws that support trade agreements that are good for hierarchical commercial interests but not for We The People. American jobs were sent overseas and products required by the US public are controlled by foreign interests. One doesn’t understand the reason this isn’t the “government run like a business” that on a continuum becomes organized crime.
In desperation to cover their tracks, politicians have exchanged policy for racism and sexism in campaigns in order to control a deluded electorate. Local small business is replaced by national chain retailers that retain workers at poverty wages. Said poverty wages qualifies workers for government aid when it should be the responsibility of the employer to pay living wages and provide benefits to workers. The shift of cost from the employer to the public seems fraudulent. The poverty wages cuts down on income taxes and social security payments from workers’ paychecks that should support the government that is drained of resources in order to transfer the wealth of the nation from the 100% to the 1%.
…may not be as noticeable if not for the hilarious 2020 Presidential campaign in which, as James Carville suggests, anything goes, and having emerged from the fugue (the psychiatric kind) of the Trump Administration. People may be peaking out from under that sheep’s cover that has been irreverently placed upon We The People using a tormented type of governance style, as said people wonder where they are and the reason they are accepting the absurd.
Information has surfaced in local-community news reports about attempts from bureaucrats to down-play the legitimacy of citizens attempting to speak to issues of democratic (small d) action as would be expected in our democracy. Law enforcement has called for a “crack-down” on “activists” that seems uniquely contrary to principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic. Along with this FACT is an increasing promotion of gun use with diminishing norms about responsible gun use. Included in this mix is the incorrect assertion that our system is capitalism. Capitalism is hierarchical with a pervasive goal of profiteering. This seems to be a recipe for corruption. We need a discussion about whether we still embrace democracy, which is action by individual people, not by government. We need to discuss whether gun use should be accompanied by responsibility. We need to agree whether corruption should be legalized, when the lawmakers are bought into public office via Citizens United. We have traveled far from logic.
Did anyone seriously expect good governance for We The People from either branch of the Republican/Democratic duopoly (American Capitalist Party)? If so, denial is evident as has been the ire directed to those who remind wokesters that to go hat-in-hand to big-money campaign donors to beg voting rights from those responsible for putting in place the deleterious electoral process to begin with. But what about the MSM that encouraged said delusion? Indoctrination into capitalism seems the reason for said naivete.
The US Capitalist Party seems the cover for plutocracy. The presumption that “we are a 2-Party system is the opening propaganda that betrays any reality in the US Constitution. President George Washington in his Farewell Address specifically warned Americans against political Parties due to conflict of interest. The Republican/Democratic duopoly is working in tandem to uphold capitalism as our system, in place of principles of a democratic Constitutional republic.
As one who prefers speaking of FACTS on topics of interest, consider that truth emerges from an unpolluted mind. FACTS counter the clutter of popular bluster emitted by predatory campaigns used more to convince rather than enlighten. To convince leads to exploitation whether in the form of a slick media campaign or the hard-sell of a “government run like a business”. These campaigns can cloud thinking and interestingly are sullying the integrity of our physical world. This must uphold the reality of oneness.
One could consider principles stated in The Preamble to the Constitution and The Preamble to The Declaration of Independence in place of reference to communism, capitalism, or socialism. These principles don’t seem particularly commercial and seem to suggest a society in which the human rights of people are important. A high minded attitude is suggested that doesn’t imply greed, privilege, or injustice. Along with these ideas seem to be included avoidance of perceptions of depravity.
Tyranny hasn’t historically been expressed, debated and then voted into reality. Tyranny more typically is a slow immersion byway of propaganda, lies, persuasion and control by hierarchical greed and privilege. Often tyrants pose as saviors. The public doesn’t need a savior. The public needs human and environmental rights.
The difference between campaigning and governing is like the difference between your first solo joy-ride when you are a 16-year-old driver and a trip to the grocery store at the age of 40 with 3 kids and a dog in the backseat. We need to address again, the conduct of our lesser persons during campaigning for positions of responsibility in public office.
In other words while capitalistic hierarchical Establishment is indoctrinating that “we are not a democracy”, some environmental-health advocates are reminding that governments don’t do democracy, people do—
Apparently government has devolved into a political-Party demolition team that is more about institution of dictatorship than upholding the US Constitution. At the same time the public can appreciate questioning from Republicans of the abuse of the CIA and FBI by the DOJ under Garland and the Biden Administration, the embarrassment can be recalled, that they upheld powers that simply aren’t permitted in the US Constitution for a comedic DOJ under the Trump Administration. What they do, not what they say…..
Capitalism like communism is hierarchical and requires subservience from the public. A Free Press is uncomfortable to hierarchy.
chi·can·er·y— the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose. — Corporate-owned-state-influenced MSM talking heads giggle when they hear this word they seem to believe is archaic. The word is still relevant, but has been white-washed away by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment.
Ask your Representative of The People and hear what she/he thinks. Ask for a justification of his/her view with the US Constitution. Vote according to whether the politician will uphold her/his Oath of Office to protect the US Constitution.
Money buys news reports and this promotes capitalism as upheld by the Republican/Democratic duopoly. Journalists that aren’t associated with corporate-owned-state-run MSM are increasingly at risk to be censored, prosecuted, persecuted, and jailed in the USA. Capitalism uses as a measure of excellence, the wealth that is of the nation and transferred by law from the 100% to the 1%.