Tag: media


What else seems unusual?

https://popularresistance.org/connecting-the-dots-the-rulers-are-losing-narrative-control/    –Something strange is going on with the narrative put forward by the ruling elite. They seem to be admitting to a lot of very unusual things over the past couple years. Everything from UFOs to the culpability of Saudi Arabia in the planning of 9/11, the US government seems to be letting loose. Have they lost control of the narrative or are they trying to intentionally muddy the waters? Lee Camp has a theory as to why. read more


The problem with lying is you need to remember those lies.  When you speak truth, it’s easier. The same crowd who lied us into attacking Iraq are now vociferous in promoting military action and economic sanctions against Russia. Does anyone see a pattern? read more


FACTually speaking, the USA could be viewed as dangerously militaristic and aggressive by some people. read more


We The People, so far, do not have an educational system that promotes ability to self-govern, a 1-payer comprehensive public health care system, or a reliable supply chain when FACTually speaking we need local production rather than supply chains.  Congress hasn’t addressed these topics but seem preoccupied with funding foreign military conflicts.

https://twitter.com/LeeCamp/status/1524828462019661842                       —
“The Squad” just voted to send another $40 Billion of weapons to the Ukraine proxy war, some of which will end up in the hands of Nazis. So what exactly is “The Squad” a squad of? Because it’s clearly not left-wingers or anti-imperialists.–end of leecamp info–

https://twitter.com/blackintheempir/status/1524757908004683776        –Imagine having the power to make over $50 billion appear out of nowhere to buy weapons to send to Ukraine after spending years watching families suffer and entire cities crumble in your own country while doing nothing.–end of blackintheempire info–
C-Span call in at 7:00AM on 5/13/2022 highlighted the Native boarding school catastrophe imposed by the US government.
7:28AM–Caller called CJ–paraphrase—spoke of the ongoing Native protests against pipelines built through local communities, as much but more insidiously through Native land as through lands of all citizens.  ( This is particularly egregious due to original residency of Native Americans on the entirety of North America.)
Host of C-Span–paraphrase–quickly deflected the conversation back to the history of boarding schools effectively ignoring ongoing and current exploitation toward Native Americans.
One views the ongoing expression of “Western values” that cannot escape the filter of capitalism to the extent that censorship results as suggested in the 7:28AM call with the follow up from the host to steer the caller into the path permitted.        —
Some callers mentioned the European origin of said “Western values” with the implication that this is about race.  It is too simplistic and in FACT racist to imply this imposition of capitalism didn’t first happen against white people.  

In FACT, some people see the Russia/Ukraine War to have resulted from the ongoing infliction of “Western values” against local communities. The “Western” media has ignored and censored the war against ethnic Russians in Ukraine since 2014.  Beginning with the Obama Administration including under-investigated participation by the Bidens, the Trump Administration meddling, and now the Biden Administration aggression in that military action, can be imagined as imposition of “Western values”  as much in those regions as is FACTual in North America.
American ideas about foreign nations can be fuzzy at best, and therefore easily manipulated by capitalists selling “Western values”.  This can be easy when people are not interested about others.  That is a reason The Military-Industrial Complex can so easily impose “Western views” about other people onto the American public.  But as is typically in many instances, it’s complicated—–https://www.gzeromedia.com/quick-take/ethnic-russians-in-ukraine-a-look-back       –I mean, in fact, you go to Crimea and Southeast Ukraine, you get people that they look the same, they have the same accent, they’ve got very similar cultural background, they see each other as very similar from an ethnic perspective.—end of gzeromedia info—
One believes many Eastern Europeans with a middling understanding of their own family background, can pin down precisely the nation from which they spring.  So a self-interested Military-Industrial Complex defining foreign nations for political and military expediency should be considered with suspicion.

Russia has historically represented “non-Western values”.  This frightens Americans at the same time that “Western values” are investigated for the atrocities listed above.  The logic of the US could stand to be questioned.
7:50AM–guest Buddy Carter–paraphrase—Warns against funding to promote the health and welfare of Americans after having voted to fund the War in Ukraine to the tune of $40,000,000,000….that’s with a  “B”…….
https://rollcall.com/2022/05/10/revised-40b-ukraine-aid-package-unveiled-heads-to-house-floor/               –The House passed a roughly $40 billion supplemental package of military, economic and humanitarian aid for Ukraine on Tuesday night just hours after Democratic leaders introduced the bill.–end of rollcall info–
8:55AM–caller–paraphrase—-We need money to protect America.
Many paths exist to protect America, but don’t include the bait-and-switch of protecting “American interests overseas” that is about spreading “Western values”, which in FACT aren’t about democracy.  The “Western values” seem to be about oligarchical welfare.
A skeptical person could view the military protection of “American interests overseas” as protecting US oligarchical interests at the expense of foreign local communities.  This may be a reason the US has been singular in funding NATO.  Meanwhile defense of the USA within our borders seems lax, and the health and welfare of local US communities is a nonstarter.
It is reported that Covid-related US deaths have reached 1,000,000, and some people see this as a national security risk.  In other words, the lack of a 1-payer comprehensive public health policy is a danger to Americans that has gone unaddressed, while the Republican/Democratic duopoly enthusiastically supports military action in the Ukraine/Russia conflict.
Near-comic attitude from politicians on the topic of Climate Change ignores the reality of national and global security issues—-https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-07/climate-change-linked-to-5-million-deaths-a-year-new-study-shows        –Extreme weather accounted for 9.4% of all deaths globally between 2000 and 2019, according to researchers who on Wednesday published the first study linking changes in temperatures to annual increases in mortality. While most deaths have been caused by exposure to the cold, the trend is likely to reverse as the planet warms, they said. –end of bloomberg info–

The misinformation that white people were not the first target for the aggression and violence of capitalism is buoyed by the FACT that misunderstanding may be the mindset of too many people toward too many “others”—–https://www.treehugger.com/are-possums-cute-cuddly-5271438?utm_campaign=treehugger&utm_medium=email&utm_source=cn_nl&utm_content=27698337&utm_term=        –Some people mistakenly assume possums are dirty, diseased, and aggressive. In reality, possums prefer to keep clean (they wash themselves frequently, like cats) and their body temperature is too low to effectively carry viruses like rabies, parvo, and distemper. And while they may appear mean, their snarling and teeth baring is simply a desperate attempt to appear frightening in hopes they’ll be left alone. Possums are the ultimate introverts!–end of teehugger info–
Some people can empathize with the plight of the introvert.
From popularresistance  —  https://mailchi.mp/popularresistance/jbz3knfkdk?e=1b0a9c0541                 —

The Hawai’i State Legislature Calls For A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty        –(Because it isn’t nation against nation, it’s hierarchy against local community)

It’s Time To Challenge The Corporate University

Off-Duty Police Pushed Out Of Atlanta Forest By Land Defenders

Land Defender Sentenced To Jail For Breaching Trans Mountain Injunction

US Boarding School Investigative Report Released
–end of popularresistance info–

Interesting is the electorate disdain for socialism at the same time so many of the electorate whines about the capitalism that is curtailing life and liberty.  Go figure—-https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/05/12/realistic-humane-and-just-choice-sanders-unveils-medicare-all-act-2022?utm_source=daily_newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=daily_newsletter&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=TOP+NEWS%3A++The+Realistic%2C+Humane%2C+and+Just+Choice+%3A+Sanders+Unveils+Medicare+for+All+Act+of+2022&utm_campaign=TOPS+NEWS%3A+Thur++5%2F12%2F22     –“As we speak, there are millions of people who would like to go to a doctor but cannot afford to do so,” said the Vermont senator. “This is an outrage.”–end of berniesanders info–

Regardless of votes cast via group enthusiasm rather than analytical reasoning, it is never too late to raise a voice for good governance—–PETITION—-Sign if you wish—–https://act.berniesanders.com/signup/fobs-may22-medicare-for-all/?source=em220512-1-subs&refcode2=9179.105164.loG6Qj&t=4&akid=9179%2E105164%2EloG6Qj    
Now more than ever, we must do away with our cruel and dysfunctional health care system and join every other major country on earth in guaranteeing health care as a basic human right. Please add your name to Bernie’s petition if you agree.
—end of Medicareforall health care—
The same electorate voting into office the sycophants of the health profiteering industry were aghast over Bernie Sanders.  Please explain your rationale.
Good people are attempting good governance in a nation that seems to prefer capitalistic authoritarianism.  Let’s get more views from the good governance crowd—https://www.budget.senate.gov/hearings/medicare-for-all-protecting-health-saving-lives-saving-money?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=8def42a8-8c94-4001-b6f9-77508c1e08dc   —

There will be a Hearing of the Committee on the Budget 

On:  Thursday, May 12, 2022, 11:00 AMIn:  Room SH-216. Members of the Committee may participate in person or by video conference technology.To consider: Medicare for All: Protecting Health, Saving Lives, Saving Money
—end pnhp info–
From wecaninternational.org——Mother’s Day is internationally celebrated throughout the month of May, and at this special time, the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network invites you to join us in honoring, celebrating and standing in solidarity with matriarchs around the world rising for our communities and the sacred Mother Earth!
We also honor our collective home, Mother Earth, this beautiful planet that provides us all with deep love and care. A place to call home. The waters, prairies, deserts, mountain tops, forests that nourish us individually and as a community. We are Nature, and we are committed to working together diligently across movements and continents to build a just, thriving and liberated world.
Please continue on in this newsletter, to learn more about our recent campaigns, events, and actions to support frontline movements and organizing!
For Mother Earth and for each other, we continue to rise.
–end of wecaninternational.org—-From wecaninternational—–https://www.wecaninternational.org/PressReleases/Indigenous-Women-Leaders-&-over-200-Groups-Urge-the-Army-Corps-to-Stop-the-Line-5-Pipeline-Expansion           —USA, April 27, 2022 — Today, Indigenous women leaders, joined by over 200 organizations, representing millions nationwide, submitted a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers urging the department to deny necessary permits for the expansion of Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline, and to conduct a federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the entire pipeline within the Army Corps of Engineers’ jurisdiction.
Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline was originally built in 1953, and continues to operate nearly 20 years past its engineered lifespan, transporting 22 million gallons of crude oil each day through northern Wisconsin, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and under the Straits of Mackinac. Currently, Enbridge is proposing to expand the Line 5 pipeline, despite the strong opposition of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and other Tribes.
Enbridge proposes to route Line 5 through hundreds of waterways that flow into the Bad River Reservation, their extensive fisheries, and the navigable waters of Lake Superior. The letter sent today delivers key information detailing the impacts the Line 5 tar sands pipeline expansion project would have in the region, and clarifies how it directly undermines Indigenous rights and perpetuates the climate crisis:–end of wecaninternational info–
From Gatewaygreens   —-      https://mailchi.mp/e963e6053c3a/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6037133?e=d624642c9f      —
It’s ready now!  
To see the VIDEO of the May 4, 2022 webinar “Ukraine, Fossil Fuels and
Unanswered Questions
” click HERE or copy this link into your browser:

Many folks commented during the webinar about the perspectives they had
not heard from corporate media.

People registered from these state in the US:
In addition, folks tuned in from Canada and Ukraine.Please take a look at the Green Social Thought website: http://www.greensocialthought.org/

Its focus is: “Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all www.gateway-greens.org For more info, call 314-727-8554 read more


Capitalism has over decades been advertised by Establishment as the guide book for the greatest good for the most people.  Evidence in 2022 suggests this was a sales job.  Supply chains are broken down, from foreign nations where US products are manufactured in order to secure low wages to workers.  Transportation surely must increase Climate Change.  US workers are competing with low-wage workers in foreign nations outside of the jurisdiction where there is any possibility of securing human and environmental rights.  Important products are becoming sparse if attainable at all to the US public. Corporations are experiencing exaggerated profiteering while consumers pay astronomical prices for products.  Health care is non existent as the health industry manages disease without improving the public health.  Democracy is under attack by many who prefer authority from hierarchy.  The US educational system seems used to reinforce these principles before children are even out of school. read more


Lee Camp seems to be a censor magnet.  Nobody should be, if we could assume Free Speech and intellectual honesty….. read more


Misinformation on social media is conceivably displaced by misinformation reported on state-influenced/corporate-owned media.  This is a reason the responsibility of each person is to investigate information personally rather than to take ideas of others as FACTual.
https://www.nrdc.org/stories/climate-misinformation-social-media-undermining-climate-action?source=EMOCT11INF&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=email           —Researchers at Indiana University have identified three separate but interrelated kinds of bias that, in their words, “make the social media ecosystem vulnerable to both intentional and accidental misinformation.”–end of nrdc info—-
Commercial interests and their political minions ask We The People, on the topic of Climate Change, not to believe our own lying eyes. read more


The bait-and-switch heard in the USA that capitalism is anti-state is used along with lies that capitalism uses free-market concepts.  But the most dangerous lie from capitalistic hierarchy is that US-current ideoogy about anti-state-ness is unshackled from imperialism and colonialism.  The blatant FACT of requirement of The Military-Industrial Complex to maintain global supremacy by American oligarchs should be a topic of discussion. read more


Capitalism has mandated and legislated regulations and lifestyle by which many of We The People have accepted as rational and in one’s best interests, but FACTually speaking they may be nothing other than sales techniques to enrich hierarchy and commercial interests.  This renter was weary of paying $1,200 per month in rent along with expenses, and imagined living arrangements that suit his personal ability, choices, and lifestyle. read more


C-Span is valuable for the individual-citizen call-in ability to voice opinions.  Again this morning, a caller expressed his concern that political Parties offer only 1 opinion, when 2 opinions are available. Really?  Only 2? and so goes disability of imagination, indoctrination, and/or total brainwashing.  How are so many Americans so convinced that only 2 opinions are available?  Join the real world, people. Expand your ideas, open your ears, and walk into the sunshine and breathe the clean air.  (Deciding not to say “crawl out from under the rock”)….. read more


C-Span would be of service to offer ideas about a peace budget. We don’t have one at this time.  We do however have a very expensive Pentagon budget that seems a prerequisite to maintain business as usual. read more


This sort of exposes the maniacal undercurrent of NATO, does’t it?— read more


This must be a national security risk far beyond any risk from a foreign nation, and it is current, intense, ubiquitous, and nasty—- read more


Theoretically capitalism will meet the needs of the most people with little to no governmental intervention.  FACTually speaking the evidence tells a different story.  In “the West” capitalism is equated with democracy and contrary to communism.  In reality capitalism and communism are both hierarchical while democracy is not hierarchical.  The propaganda about these topics have been profound and is the work of corporate-owned-government-controlled media in a manner that brings to mind fascism. read more


An incident of brainwashing is evident in bureaucratic contempt for Utopian ideas.  That to reach perfection is ostensibly impossible and the requirement to do so may be unhealthy, to attempt toward as nearly as possible that which is ideal surely isn’t wrong.  Yet when ideas are introduced that to support a more equitable life for We The People, along with liberty and justice, you will hear a majority of politicians reject these notions.  Yet the personal status of politicians seem to tend to heights of quality of life that are legislatively unavailable to the general public.
In other nations this could be described as dictatorship.
read more