
Buddhism supports a method of personal intellectual honesty, in one person’s interpretation, that doesn’t interfere with other philosophies or religions, whether Muslim, Jewish, or Christian.

Self-awareness won’t interfere with institutionalized religion nor it’s privilege of cracking the worldly whip.  –

As the Dalai Lama notes in his foreword, Luminous Mind covers “the full range of Buddhist practice from the basic analysis of the nature of the mind up to its ultimate refinement in the teachings of Mahamudra.” This anthology of Kalu Rinpoche’s writings and oral teachings resonates with his wisdom and compassion.

Comparing Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche with Milarepa, the greatest mediation master Tibet has ever known, His Holiness the Dalai Lama extols the author of Luminous Mind as a “beacon of inspiration” for spiritual practitioners of all traditions. 

–end of LuminousMind info—-

What if “American exceptionalism” was a tool of “Western Values” indoctrination?–

Guan Yin – Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion

In Chinese Buddhism, Guan Yin is synonymous with the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the pinnacle of mercy, compassion, kindness and love.
(Bodhisattva- being of bodhi or enlightenment, one who has earned to leave the world of suffering and is destined to become a Buddha, but has forgone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to save all children of god.

–end of KuanYin info–

One recalls that Palestinians had little to nothing to do with the Holocaust; so revenge can’t even ‘splain away these archaic abuses.– CNN spoke to three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the Sde Teiman desert camp, which holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza. All spoke out at risk of legal repercussions and reprisals from groups supportive of Israel’s hardline policies in Gaza.

–end of aol info–

The bait-and-switch of last-century atrocities against Jews, brought to us by Netanyahu who is a member of the international oligarch class, is a hopeful attempt by said oligarchs after a long list of indoctrination of international We The People.  

Preliminary to this we had the American War in Vietnam to fight communism.

Then we had the “W” war against the WMD’s of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in response to the 9/11 attack against NYC, which is in NYS, by the way, and seemed to involve Saudi oligarchs, according to reports.

Then we had the Trump/Kushner Administration in which Trump sent Kushner to wage peace in the Middle East, that seemed motivated in promoting interests of Saudi oligarchs and Israel oligatrchs.

And in the USA  of 2024, we have absurd inflation imposed upon We The People, as the excuse and smokescreen for oligarchical exploitation of citizens as corporations perpetrate obscene profiteering and further transfer of wealth from the 100% to the 1%.

And it’s not a “hush money trial”, it is an election fraud trial.  Tomato….Tomoto….but it is no more criminal than is Citizens United that hasn’t even given us the best politicians money can buy.   That is simply too hopeful—-–

Indoctrination seems fundamental in local-government authoritarian censorship of too many of the voices of We The People.–

IDA named lead agency for environmental review for proposed corporate park in Town of Maine

MAINE (WBNG) — The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has officially named the Broome County IDA as the lead agency for environmental review for the development of a 526-acre corporate park to be built in the Town of Maine.

That project has been controversial with many residents speaking out against it. For the past several months, residents have shared concerns with 12 News. Most of them wish to keep the space green and others have worried that it will interfere with their ability to hunt in the area.–end of Town of Maine info–

Even after the voters rejected the previous Administration that was instrumental in setting in place the oligarch-instigated project contrary to life-long residents of this community, “laws” would indeed impose insurmountable challenges to the legitimate voices of the people of Vestal. And so goes the “laws” of NYS.  Call your “Representative of the People”.  Or at least, don’t vote for him.

Development on Bunn Hill to continue, Town Board will not vote to repeal– Sexton said if it came to a vote, the majority of the board would not vote to repeal, and even a successful vote would open the town to further lawsuits which would not be protected by insurance given the circumstances.–end of press&SunBulletin info–

As yet American oligarchs haven’t figured a way to use military force against We The People as they have in nations around the world; but it sounds as though Trump is working on a plan to do so.  Armed robbery is so much simpler than ‘splaining away inflation.

However, so far, “running government like a business” is working quite well

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