Tag: life


Biden ‘splains “core inflation” to America, in which the inflation rate is 0%, considering the price of somethings went up while the price of other things went down.  For example, cheaper are diamonds, yachts, foreign boarding schools, and high-end vehicles.  Unfortunately food, gasoline, day care, housing, health care  and family vehicles are priced out of availability for the average consumer.   (This isn’t necessarily a quote but more nearly a paraphrase dripping with sarcasm…and yes the use of sarcasm implies derision) read more


Disingenuous Conservatives who hypocritically attack Choice which is an innate human right of women as apparent by biology from The Creator (you can’t challenge FACTS) would better build a society that enhances the life of women and children, if said Conservatives wish to cut down on abortions, rather than forcing women through a filter of patriarchal control that implies human rights violations, with said violations based on the mechanics as preordained by The Creator. read more


In a system of competitive capitalism, to slow down is anathema, but what if that is the way to understand life— read more


The reason the following is the dismal state of governance in the USA is best explained by understanding this follows the model of dictatorship as profiting capitalists who are in the ascendancy in what is best defined as fascism, in one person’s view.  Discuss this with your Representatives of The People, if you wish.  The topic could be about diminishing choice for We The People.

https://twitter.com/AndrewYang/status/1544334661416996864   –31 flavors of ice cream, hundreds of tv channels, 330 million people, 2 political parties.

–end of tweet——

A reason some people support 3rd-Party participation in political campaigns is that both of the duopoly Democratic and Republican are mouthpieces for capitalistic hierarchical Establishment and with Citizens United it can be mentioned that money is more of a motivating factor to these political corporations than is policy.   

https://portside.org/2022-07-05/senate-urged-block-bidens-pro-privatization-nominee-social-security-board?utm_source=portside-general&utm_medium=email    ———

Defenders of Social Security on Tuesday urged the U.S. Senate to block President Joe Biden’s little-noticed nomination of Andrew Biggs—an American Enterprise Institute senior fellow with a history of supporting Social Security privatization—to serve on the independent and bipartisan Social Security Advisory Board.–end of portside info–

Appearances suggest money has been the motivating factor for each of the political corporate participants.  –https://moguldom.com/298458/cornel-west-takes-off-on-jim-clyburn-for-being-owned-and-pimped-by-big-pharma-industry/

Toward the end of this discussion you can read about the censorship that seems apparent from political Parties that have taken control of Presidential debates from The League of Women Voters that in the past provided diversity.  Not only is censorship a problem kept in place by efforts of the R&D duopoly, but ballot access is also nearly impossible for many 3rd-Party candidates.    

https://peoplesparty.org/were-suing-florida-for-ballot-access/ –The Democrats and Republicans together have hurled this country into crushing inflation, mass homelessness, endless war, and growing authoritarianism. Every American has the right to vote against the establishment parties and for third party candidates who don’t answer to their billionaire donors. But in state after state, the increasingly unpopular corporate parties are trying to entrench their advantage with laws meant to suppress third parties and deny millions of Americans the right to vote for them.

–end of peoplesparty info–

From Gatewaygreens, we are buoyed by vision that is simply unavailable anywhere else, in one person’s view, as pertains to political Parties  —  https://mailchi.mp/0c71123ff7bc/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6096781?e=d624642c9f–

The Digital World’s Real World Impact on the Environment  read more


Rape of the Earth’s resources to convince consumers they need things they never knew about or that they needed, seems inane— read more


Patriarchy expects enabling from others—— read more


This feels like an example of how hierarchical Establishment labels as free trade that which is FACTually speaking, socialism.—– read more


How workable is it to have both cooperation and competition?  This feels like the message inherent in current Establishment rhetoric that is embedded within capitalistic hierarchy.  The oxymoron of urging competition and cooperation provides space for authority to lightly skip from one message to another in a way that confuses and controls.  Competition is the message to explain free market principles within capitalism which itself is an oxymoron, proven by run-away inflation.  Cooperation is the message of required patience by the public as hierarchy sends our manufacturing and good-paying jobs overseas for maximized profiteering.   read more



As above so below.  So far we haven’t tried it but we could attempt an experiment in improving lifestyle pertaining to infrastructure which may uplift attention to humanity that may incidentally address the insanity that is expressed in the violence and aggression on our streets. Not only is gun safety an issue that needs attention, but so is vehicular safety.  One notion sees the promotion of both guns and vehicles by commercial interests as filling a deficiency in the characters of some people who have not received the validation that could otherwise do so by society based upon principles of humanity rather than hierarchy.   read more


What we focus on becomes our reality.  And so it would be easy to believe the only reality is hierarchical Establishment.  They may be simply the loudest.  Some may be so busy actually doing things, as to be uninterested in self-promotion.  Or like the dolphin, working their wonders in their own world, but nonetheless exceptional examples of works of The Creator in whatever way one sees He, She, It, or Cause-And-Effect. read more


As we’re reassessing the exceptionalism of modern-day America, we might benefit from acknowledging cultures that have been around longer. read more


Mothers Day seems dissimilar from Mothers’ Day.  How did Mothers’ Day as a strong voice from women against militarism, become Mothers Day, the retailers dream? read more


Reading a book recently about a days-long meeting with scientists, psychoanalysts, and the Dalai Lama, one learned that the human brain is more active during sleep than when awake.  Watching my dog dream, one supposes the same is true of some animals.  One seems to recall that only 1 animal doesn’t dream, and it seems that was an armadillo, anteater, or some such easy sleeper.  Don’t quote on that bit of trivia. read more


That “we are a 2-Party system”  is misinformation from the Democratic-Party corporation and the Republican-Party corporation, which in collaboration illegitimately purport to “run American elections”.  This is not specified as legitimate in the US Constitution.  In contrast, 3rd-Party Greens are expressing their platform in NYS in the election for governor.  Political Parties should participate in elections; political-Party corporations aren’t sanctioned to run elections.  This isn’t the Former USSR. read more


Bureaucracy requires winners and losers in order to stay in control of the public.  The majority of local-community members want to live their personal lives according to their own wishes, in peace and dignity.  Wars are perpetrated for the promotion of hierarchy and generally for the interests and profits of the wealthy.  The obscenely wealthy generally didn’t gain their positions according to principles of restraint and self-awareness.  Anyone must acknowledge the work that goes into becoming wealthy as defined by oligarchy, but at that level a line often has been crossed.  Use of said wealth to pass laws favorable to what has come to be called “the economy” exacerbates the corruption. read more