C-Span was metaphorically on fire today.  Consider, is Trinidad/Tobago in 2024 to the USA  what the 13 Colonies to King George’s monarchy?  Here’s  one’s reasoning.

You can find this on C-Span—– In addition to its ambitious, long, and detailed agenda, the UN, as an organization, is being challenged by the United States and other Member States over its governance structures and in particular the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, more commonly known as UNRWA. Earlier this year, the United States suspended financial assistance to UNRWA. In the past The United States has paid the plurality of the agency’s overall budget, including $370 million in 2023. UNWRA officials say the agency will run out of money in June. 

–end of DennisFrancis info–

The US Challenge to the UN seems founded upon the euphemism of America’s “rules based” impingement against international We The People, which more realistically is do as we say, not as we do.

Mr. Francis is making the point that the demand to function by 19th-Century standards (one’s interpretation is war and oligarchical  dictatorship) needs to be acknowledged as obsolete and out of step with rational social evolution.

The unusually elderly make up of the US government, especially highlighting geriatric Trump and Biden who are morosely our choices put forth by the D&R duopoly, upholds a seeming system of stodginess that is rife to be challenged.

One could think the USA intends to maintain the feudalism of bygone days.  One awaits explanations from said characters, their reasoning as to why this isn’t a FACTual interpretation.

Trinidad/Tobago, UN National General Assembly President, sounds so much more sane, rational, and in-the-loop than most of American Congress People and Senators, one wishes he was eligible to run for President of the USA.

C-Span also hosted the following—Washington Journal | Series |

MAY 6, 2024

Jared Alper on Independent and Third-Party Candidates

Jared Alper of the group Good Party talked about his group’s role in supporting non-partisan, independent, and third-par…

—end of JaredAlper info–

Mr. Alper offers a way out of the American prison for citizens, run by oligarchs..  

We currently have interesting candidates with young ideas, regardless of their chronological ages, that put to shame the stodgy business-as-usual bureaucrats and politicians saddling us currently.  Has the US electorate been indoctrinated into said stodginess and inability to think?  There’s a remedy.  Get out of your box of old ideas, and this has nothing to do with chronological age, boys and girls.

And let’s not overlook the network of local bureaucrats and politicians who are so good at back-slapping and other forms of financial ladder climbing.

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