Tag: government


Information has surfaced in local-community news reports about attempts from bureaucrats to down-play the legitimacy of citizens attempting to speak to issues of democratic (small d) action as would be expected in our democracy.  Law enforcement has called for a “crack-down” on “activists” that seems uniquely contrary to principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Along with this FACT is an increasing promotion of gun use with diminishing norms about responsible gun use.  Included in this mix is the incorrect assertion that our system is capitalism.  Capitalism is hierarchical with a pervasive goal of profiteering.  This seems to be a recipe for corruption.  We need a discussion about whether we still embrace democracy, which is action by individual people, not by government.  We need to discuss whether gun use should be accompanied by responsibility.  We need to agree whether corruption should be legalized, when the lawmakers are bought into public office via Citizens United.  We have traveled far from logic. read more


We are told the USA has a 2-tier economic system with a small minority of people controlling most the of wealth of the nation with the majority drifting down into poverty.  This is predictable in a Pyramic Scheme economy controlled by a capitalistic hierarchical Establishment.  More disturbingly than abject poverty for most Americans is the 2-tier expectations of survival caused by Climate Change in which the wealthy will be able to buy into safety for a longer period of time than the majority of people.  Giddy excitement over progress defined in terms of privilege, competition, and greed needs denial about the effect of Climate Change.  A growing number of people are realizing denial won’t stop Climate Change, but capitalistic hierarchical Establishment seems reluctant to slow profiteering in order to match reality with actions….in other words they promote denial. read more


The US Capitalist Party seems the cover for plutocracy.  The presumption that “we are a 2-Party system is the opening propaganda that betrays any reality in the US Constitution.  President George Washington in his Farewell Address specifically warned Americans against political Parties due to conflict of interest.  The Republican/Democratic duopoly is working in tandem to uphold capitalism as our system, in place of principles of a democratic Constitutional republic.   read more


One could consider principles stated in The Preamble to the Constitution and The Preamble to The Declaration of Independence in place of reference to communism, capitalism, or socialism.  These principles don’t seem particularly commercial and seem to suggest a society in which the human rights of people are important.  A high minded attitude is suggested that doesn’t imply greed, privilege, or injustice.  Along with these ideas seem to be included avoidance of perceptions of depravity.   read more


Tyranny hasn’t historically been expressed, debated and then voted into reality.  Tyranny more typically is a slow immersion byway of propaganda, lies, persuasion and control by hierarchical greed and privilege.  Often tyrants pose as saviors.  The public doesn’t need a savior.  The public needs human and environmental rights. read more


A point can be made that policies and indeed acronyms are in play as relates to government long before too many in the public are familiar with either.  Jargon could be properly described to the general public if we availed ourselves of a Free Press.  Instead the USA is encumbered with a state-run-corporate-owned MSM PR platform in place of a Free Press, but advertised as such.  And so, the public needs to dig into the so-called news to understand precisely what is transpiring. read more


Neither monopoly or dictatorship supports voices of the public or principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional Republic.  
Is anyone concerned enough to use the “F” word? read more


In other words while capitalistic hierarchical Establishment is indoctrinating that “we are not a democracy”, some environmental-health advocates are reminding that governments  don’t do democracy, people do— read more


Apparently government has devolved into a political-Party demolition team that is more about institution of dictatorship than upholding the US Constitution. At the same time the public can appreciate questioning from Republicans of the abuse of the CIA and FBI by the DOJ under Garland and the Biden Administration, the embarrassment can be recalled, that they upheld powers that simply aren’t permitted in the US Constitution for a comedic DOJ under the Trump Administration. What they do, not what they say….. read more


Capitalism like communism is hierarchical and requires subservience from the public.  A Free Press is uncomfortable to hierarchy.
chi·can·er·y— the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.     — Corporate-owned-state-influenced MSM talking heads giggle when they hear this word they seem to believe is archaic.  The word is still relevant, but has been white-washed away by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment. read more


C-Span hosted a discussion with Grover Norquist, the anti-corporate-tax lobbyist.  His sales presentation for capitalism is quite ’80’s.  It’s like the public hasn’t lived the reality and has experience to compare alongside his fantasy. read more


I’m thinking the chaos Americans are living through in 2021 is one reason to reconsider rule by dynasty family.  Cronyism may be the step before such government that seems opposite to principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Self-interest is the motivation.  As Bernie Sanders said when asked the reason for his unchanging policies, he spoke to the unchanging character of problems in the USA ignored by government.  This is a reason to consider once again that political parties hold little to no sway in the US Constitution, while the voter does have standing under our US Constitution. read more


Bernie Sanders made a noble attempt to break through a wall of Democratic/Republican rhetoric.  In FACT, he succeeded.  Some of the American public are tentatively considering democracy.  Sshhh….don’t let Establishment know.  Not yet….. read more


What do we mean by national security and is the subject We The People?  When we consider government, does that mean of, by and for The People?  Is our government in 2021 about the public?   read more


To begin with, a nation cognizant of education about FACTual history to our children continues to tolerate history written by the winners, rather than according to events and impact.  We also continue to kowtow to “running government like a business” rather than according to principles of a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  We also seem to prioritize a ROR in the markets over a healthy environment.  The kids are becoming miffed, but cling to business as usual.  Isn’t this strange? read more