I’m thinking the chaos Americans are living through in 2021 is one reason to reconsider rule by dynasty family.  Cronyism may be the step before such government that seems opposite to principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Self-interest is the motivation.  As Bernie Sanders said when asked the reason for his unchanging policies, he spoke to the unchanging character of problems in the USA ignored by government.  This is a reason to consider once again that political parties hold little to no sway in the US Constitution, while the voter does have standing under our US Constitution.

In his farewell Presidential address, George Washington advised American citizens to view themselves as a cohesive unit and avoid political parties and issued a special warning to be wary of attachments and entanglements with other nations. … In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances with other nations.
President George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) https://www.ourdocuments.gov › doc
The Revolutionary War seems to have been inspired by ideas other than dynasty-family rule.  Consider the Haudenosaunee ideas about governance that reportedly inspired ideas for our US Constitution  —  https://www.history.com/news/iroquois-confederacy-influence-us-constitution      
https://www.aol.com/news/capitol-hill-drug-pricing-reform-110513269-123234471.html        — (Reuters) – Democratic Party lawmakers holding up proposed drug pricing reforms are among the largest beneficiaries of the pharmaceutical industry’s push to stave off price cuts, a Reuters analysis of public lobbying and campaign data shows.     The industry, which traditionally gives more to Republicans, channeled around 60% of donated campaign funds to Democrats this year. It has spent over $177 million on lobbying and campaign donations in 2021. Nonprofit political action committees (PACs) run by Pfizer Inc and Amgen Inc and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) were among the biggest donors, according to political spending data from OpenSecrets, formerly the Center for Responsive Politics.   They include Senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, Robert Menendez of New Jersey, and Representative Scott Peters of California, OpenSecrets data covering industry donations through September of 2021 shows. In all, they have received around $1 million in pharmaceutical and health product industry donations this year. –end of aol info–

Money in politics paves the way for corruption.  Citizens United legalized illegitimacy in the electoral process in which money has been labeled Speech and is used to censor Free Speech from people.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly supports this system for obvious reasons of greed.
American politicians are complicit in denial-for-cash on topics such as human health care, Climate Change, and the apparent FACT that Climate Change is harming human health—https://socialistproject.ca/2021/10/fossil-fuel-meat-producing-countries-lobbying-against-climate-action/#more      –The leaked review comments – which consist of detailed responses to the draft by governments; businesses; civil society and academics submitted earlier this year – reveal how a small number of major fossil fuel producing and consuming countries reject the need for a rapid phase out of fossil fuels. Instead, this group argues, the IPCC must remain “technology neutral” and acknowledge the role that “carbon capture” technology could theoretically play in reducing the climate impact of fossil fuels.–end of bullet info–
While the snide comment “you can’t stop progress”, is used by those in denial, we could define progress in terms of good health, peace, and equality rather than the current apparent label of progress in terms of greed, privilege, and exploitation.
Vote accordingly.  And surely don’t demand that other voters “hold your nose and vote”for corruption..
The deluded campaign strategists who urge this sycophantic behavior onto other voters, seem particularly drawn to characteristics of greed in other people.  This is disturbing because in our current system of a Pyramid-Scheme economy, wealth is gathered by corruption more often than by merit.   —  https://countercurrents.org/2021/10/the-path-to-a-livable-future-or-will-rich-corporations-trash-the-planet/    –It doesn’t have to be this way. As you write in your new book, The Path to a Liveable Future, there is indeed a path to a livable future. There are ways to have responsible, sane, and racially just policies. It’s up to all of us to demand them, something young people around the world are already doing.Other countries have their own things to answer for, but the United States has one of the worst records in the world. The United States blocked the Paris Agreement before Trump eventually got into office. But it was under Trump’s instructions that the United States pulled out of the agreement altogether.–end of counterpunch info–
Received from popularresistance  —  https://mailchi.mp/popularresistance/6kptgmxav2?e=1b0a9c0541      —

Police Increasingly Cite Climate Disasters When Seeking Military Gear

Forest Defenders Continue To Block Destruction Of Rare Forest Habitat

The Great Recoil Of Neoliberal Globalization

More Skeletons In Obama’s Closet

–end of popularresistance info–
Consider that forest defenders are challenged by law enforcement as forest defenders attempt to protect the environment from exploitation by commercial interests who pay law enforcement to protect so-called private property in order to obtain the natural resources (environment) in order to profit while this process promotes Climate Change that is the excuse from law enforcement to require military equipment to “crack-down” on activists.  What they do, not what thy say.
Received from theintercept  —  

Private Prison Companies Pursue Creative Workarounds to Biden Executive Order

Sen. Joe Manchin Has Been Fighting to Keep Billions in Subsidies for Fossil Fuel Industry

As Sen. Joe Manchin’s Star Rose in West Virginia, the FBI and IRS Probed His Closest Allies

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Is the Dying Scream of the Corporate Democratic Party

—-end of theintercept.com info—

What is the difference between the “Corporate Democratic Party” and any other pro-capitalism politician.  What they do, not what they say.
Received from  socialistproject                                 https://socialistproject.ca/2021/10/ecosocialism-not-extinction/#more        –As ecosocialists, we say another world is possible, but a massive social and political transformation is needed, requiring the mobilization of the mass of working people across the globe. Only the end of capitalism’s relentless pursuit of private profit, endless waste, and rapacious drive for growth, can provide the solution not only to climate change, environmental degradation, and mass extinction, but to global poverty, hunger, and hyper exploitation.
–end of SP info–
Dictatorship may be more recognizable to the general public if curiosity about history wasn’t tempered by popular-culture priorities.  An old saying suggests those who ignore history are forced to relive it.  One particularly current and relevant example is a woman’s right to control her own body and life.  The work accomplished by past generations have been used as jokes by youngsters.  Perhaps the silver lining is the ability for young women to struggle for their own rights, therefore building character.
The same is true abut ignorance of other cultures, times, and dictatorship.  Can we in the USA better recognize dictatorship as it unfolds before us, if we were less ignorant about world history?  One’s eyes are opening as one reads the book by Albert Hourani called A History Of The Arab Peoples.
How is dictatorship built?  Dynasties may be a very effective tool; and one applies this approach to the families Bush, Koch, Clinton, Obama-in-training-let’s-elect-Michelle, and quite definitely Trump.  Leadership within family hierarchical control is plainly and understandably explained in the book by Hourani.  Most of us would recognize this, for example, in the Saudi family dynasty of rulers.  Consider the frightening similarities and relationships that perhaps shouldn’t be overlooked.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmyyCHxsn7w               –Trump participates in traditional Saudi dance
This could seem like a lighthearted participation in the culture of foreign nations if it wasn’t for the dictatorship, cult following, dynasty family part of this, in one person’s view.
Women in the USA are losing human rights.  Patriarchy seems evident in a continuum of capitalism and surely in the theocracy of religion that emanates from the Middle East.  The ages-old custom of hierarchy is not objectionable, especially to those at the top.  We might wish a discussion, open and transparent, about how this comports with principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.

We deserve better.      https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”

WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FROM FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE–end of lwv info–Murray Bookchin, who founded social ecology, a theory that strongly influenced early Green Socialist thought, strongly advocated the discussion and study group as the first step of any revolutionary movement. A group of individuals meets to expand their knowledge of radical thought and form a radical intellectual community; through the give and take of discussion, can eventually form ideas for next steps in organizing and political activity. According to Bookchin, study groups help create solidarity and a shared language — with a shared coherent vision — for building a mass, organizing, political movement!
Along with Climate Change, many people oppose the imperialism of the USA under control of the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  Use of the wealth of our nation should be to enhance quality of life for We The People rather than for imperialism.  Some people vote accordingly.I———————–That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  

Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access www.debates.org to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”
If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. 
*******************************************************************https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx—-Political Party affiliation of voters.

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