Neither monopoly or dictatorship supports voices of the public or principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional Republic.  
Is anyone concerned enough to use the “F” word?

http://act.ciel.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=5645.0&dlv_id=8902&current=true&em_id=5645.0&pgwrap=n        —
Many net-zero plans promise to balance out ongoing emissions using offset-based accounting tricks and purported techno-fixes, like carbon capture and storage and blue hydrogen. They’re premised on the myth that we can somehow avoid catastrophic levels of warming without eliminating the largest source of global emissions: fossil fuels. That’s why we’re telling governments and institutions gathered in Glasgow that it’s time to say the “F” word.

Fossil fuels are incompatible with a climate-safe world, but until now, their central role in the climate crisis has gone conspicuously unspoken in global climate negotiations. –end of ciel info–
https://popularresistance.org/indigenous-activists-say-their-voices-are-missing-at-cop26/—–Activists in Glasgow reject ‘big business’ approach to climate crisis as they commemorate murdered land defenders.As world leaders inside the COP26 conference centre in Glasgow boasted about pledges to slash greenhouse gas emissions and end deforestation, indigenous delegates gathered across the river Clyde to commemorate activists killed for trying to protect the planet from corporate greed and government inaction.——end of popularresistance info–

popularresistance.org/257-groups-say-no-to-nature-based-solutions/       –Corporations like Shell, Eni and Total claim that with “nature-based solutions”, they can bring down their greenhouse gas emissions to zero and continue to profit from extracting fossil fuels. Companies from Microsoft to Unilever have tied their net-zero and carbon neutrality promises to offsetting their emissions through “nature-based solutions” projects.Corporate demand for “nature-based solutions” will enclose living spaces of Indigenous Peoples, peasants and other forest-dependent communities on a massive scale. The “net-zero” plan of world’s largest food company, Nestlé, alone could require 4.4 million hectares of land per year for offsets. That’s just one of hundreds of corporate net-zero pledges risking to enclose peoples’ territories in the global South.The No to Nature-Based Solutions statement remains open for sign-on until the end of 2021.

Sign the Statement Here

Read the full statement here:

Statement in English: https://bit.ly/3q15TR9Declaración en español: https://bit.ly/3jRSiaYDéclaration en français : https://bit.ly/3CAlr1zDeclaração em português: https://bit.ly/3mBB2ZyThe statement is initiated by: Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)Alianza BiodiversidadAsian Pacific Movement on Debt and DevelopmentETC groupFocus on the Global SouthGlobal Grassroots Justice Alliance (GGJ)GRAINFriends of the Earth International (FoEI)Indigenous Climate Action (ICA)Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)World March of Women (WMW)World Rainforest Movement (WRM).–end of popularresistance info———–Petition for organizational sign-on

The same campaign style of smears and money as described below, seemed at work in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary race toward Bernie Sanders.  —  https://jacobinmag.com/2021/11/buffalo-new-york-india-walton-mayoral-election-byron-brown?mc_cid=b86718bb6e&mc_eid=aceca0359f  –When thinking about India Walton’s loss in the Buffalo mayor’s race last night, it’s hard not to first think about the never-ending injustice of being poorHe was also helped by a bipartisan political establishment united against Walton. New York Republicans put up a united front with Brown, with right-wing party members, most of them outside Buffalo, making up a third of the signatures they helped collect to try to put him on the ballot. Together, they fearmongered about Walton using a playbook indistinguishable from the red-baiting tactics Republicans have used the last few years to rile their voters up against Democrats.On the Democratic side, despite getting a late endorsement from Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Democrats in the state largely avoided endorsing Walton, with the state party chair comparing her to white supremacist David Duke. At one point, shortly after her primary win, the Democrat-controlled city council voted to “explore” simply eliminating the mayor’s office.———end of jacobinmag info–

Tolerance for all spiritual paths may be expanding as evidenced by the following—That Pope Francis provided a blessing is indeed historic. The Roman Catholic Church, after all, has condemned the practice of Witchcraft, fueling propaganda and misinformation about Witches and Pagans. And yet there was Curott, in a publicly prominent role, and a schedule of conference events led or attended by those from the Pagan community.“I’ve always refused to be defined by negative stereotypes – the ones others have of us or that we might have of others,” Curott continued. “I’ve worked in the interfaith world for almost forty years because it’s an open-minded community of religious leaders, activists, and influencers. Change their negative stereotypes about Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans, and you begin to change the world’s negative stereotypes. Freedom and the chance to offer our wisdom to the world follow.”—end of wildhunt info–
Perhaps ages-old attitude of violence toward “the other” is recognized for the bigotry it is—–http://ili.nativeweb.org/sdrm_art.html     –When Christopher Columbus first set foot on the white sands of Guanahani island, he performed a ceremony to “take possession” of the land for the king and queen of Spain, acting under the international laws of Western Christendom. Although the story of Columbus’ “discovery” has taken on mythological proportions in most of the Western world, few people are aware that his act of “possession” was based on a religious doctrine now known in history as the Doctrine of Discovery. Even fewer people realize that today – five centuries later – the United States government still uses this archaic Judeo-Christian doctrine to deny the rights of Native American Indians.–end of nativewebinfo–
Maybe a time is approaching in which the Democratic/Republican duopoly will no longer demand loyalty from the electorate and will relent in censorship of 3rd-Party voices.  Loyalty might better be used to protect principles of the US Constitution.
Capitalism is hierarchical and monopolies work well for it; in contrast to the exploitation caused by monopolies on the public.https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/pizzaisnotworking-inside-the-pharmacist?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTU0NTE0LCJwb3N0X2lkIjo0MzQ5NzA4NiwiXyI6Ik1IZDgvIiwiaWF0IjoxNjM2MTI1MTgzLCJleHAiOjE2MzYxMjg3ODMsImlzcyI6InB1Yi0xMTUyNCIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.9gkeT5gvf4AYuGzezO5LE0iTNauFFDFCYL0HezXgQOs          –Writing about monopoly is largely about pointing out problems, but increasingly it’s also about showing a society waking from its slumber, and beginning to fight back. This particular story has to do with a rebellion inside some of the biggest health care providers in America – the firms that control the pharmacists who dispense our medicine.–end of mattstoller substack—–

Local and troubling indications of monopoly haven’t been addressed by so-called authority as yet.  This is a very real problem for a large number of the public.  This was shared previously but deserves ongoing attention—-Capitalists have captured a concept that they are free market entities that doesn’t seem FACTual.  A local anecdote is worth sharing.  My experience over 50 years of interaction with local privately owned veterinarian services has suddenly been replaced with what I have been told by the veterinary staff is a corporate-owned business with the corporation having bought up all of the veterinary businesses in our region.  As an example, a routine procedure for one of my dogs that he needs every 6 weeks or so, began with a fee of $10 when the veterinary office was privately owned.  After the corporate takeover the fee increased first to $20.00, then to $21.00, and most recently to $40.00.  The procedure takes about 7 seconds to do with no equipment necessary.  When I asked about the impressive charge and said I thought it was predatory, the staff member of the veterinary office said that while it may be predatory, I would find no lower price due to the corporate takeover of most veterinary offices.
I’ve contacted Broome County Humane Society, Chenango County Humane Society, the Press & Sun Bulletin, Joe Angelino, Claudia Tenney, Donna Lupardo, and Letitia James, with a solution of enabling to the public, veterinary services through Humane Societies or rescue-dog facilities, with the inordinate and predatory fees going to these organization where pets whose families cannot afford services, will be dumped.  If we are to be exploited, the extraordinary fees would better go to support dumped family pets than to a corporation that may be responsible for the situation.
I’ve heard nothing in response.  This should be a situation to which many people can relate.
Is it too skeptical to think inordinate fees funneled through corporations that in turn fund political campaigns is a reason big-money interests are crowding out small sole-proprietorship, and encourages Representatives of The People and state-influenced-corporate-owned MSM to look the other way?
May I share another anecdotal recent example…….Having shared with a friend the FACT that my hair falls out when I use a certain popular brand of shampoo, her reply was that her hairdresser, in a government-mandated educational class, was informed that that brand of shampoo was well known for doing just that.
So why is the local small-business hairdresser mandated to go to classes while international corporations continue to sell a questionable product that is so anecdotally well-known to cause harm?  A cynic would say it is about the Citizens United campaign contributions to so-called Representatives of The People.
We have much work to do. ———–end of local evidence of monopoly ignored by Establishment authority—–
Laws are currently on the books to address criminality of monopolies.  A problem may be the campaign funding for politicians via Citizens United by which compliance by so-called justice is ensured by greed and corruption.
The rosey-scenario concept of “running government like a business”, on a continuum, becomes organized crime———–  https://www.wsj.com/articles/federal-judge-files-recusal-notices-in-138-cases-after-wsj-queries-11635875891?emci=0fa72e65-453e-ec11-9820-c896653b26c8&emdi=2dad2530-4e3e-ec11-9820-c896653b26c8&ceid=42183  –One of America’s most prominent federal judges acknowledged in court notices that he may have violated the law in 138 lawsuits identified by The Wall Street Journal between 2011 and 2018 by hearing cases that involved companies in which he or his wife had a financial interest
–end of wsj info via POGO—

One hopes the US public is aware that we have a front-row seat to a show within our politics that puts to shame the drama of Netflix’ House Of Cards   –https://mtracey.substack.com/p/unprecedented-abuse-of-power-what?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTU0NTE0LCJwb3N0X2lkIjo0MzUxNzQ0MSwiXyI6Ik1IZDgvIiwiaWF0IjoxNjM2MTI4MjI0LCJleHAiOjE2MzYxMzE4MjQsImlzcyI6InB1Yi0zMDMxODgiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.XP4-DZr_AS3sA4L3gidHtoZsPgSx20z1VfiXIyBAGkw    –At the very least, this sure gives the impression of something extraordinarily and perhaps unprecedentedly fishy going on. And if Letitia James has no qualms about giving that impression, it suggests she’s perfectly happy to appear as if she’s wielding law enforcement powers expressly to further her own electoral ambitions, which is among most nefarious characteristics that a public official can possess.
===end of Tracey substack——-

Amidst the riot of hypocrisy that seems the USA in 2021, VFP continues to stand for their mission for Peace        —    https://www.veteransforpeace.org/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=acaffd97-cf7d-4eb1-b8e8-6302f8d8db54      —


Veterans For Peace is going to COP26!

–end of VFP info–      
Republican won impressively in the recent election, similar to the impressive win by Democrats in 2020.  The out-of-touch jubilation from Establishment D&R duopoly politicians seem to overlook a possibility that the electorate, controlled by the Duopoly Party , seems to be acting in accord to surgically vote in the best way possible to avoid the dictatorship of the Republican/Democratic Party.  Alternatively and without dictatorship, 3rd-Party views could be openly expressed and voted into public office.  Until this happens, the voter badminton game probably will continue.
Anyone who doesn’t see a majority of the electorate voting against Trump and not for Biden, must be quite out of touch.  
The adage that “voters get the government they deserve” would apply in a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  But in a capitalistic dictatorship, one could say the electorate is doing an admirable job of avoiding total dictatorship in the manic back-and-forth from Democrats to Republicans and back to Democrats, until democracy can again reign.    The dictator is represented in the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  In the Former USSR it was represented in the Communist Party.
Is soul the difference between 1964 and 2021?https://twitter.com/NickDale/status/1450617359375343617        –If you haven’t yet seen the ‘impossible’ crane shot from Soy Cuba (1964), prepare to have your day made.==end of facebook info–
We deserve better.      https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”

WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FROM FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE–end of lwv info–Murray Bookchin, who founded social ecology, a theory that strongly influenced early Green Socialist thought, strongly advocated the discussion and study group as the first step of any revolutionary movement. A group of individuals meets to expand their knowledge of radical thought and form a radical intellectual community; through the give and take of discussion, can eventually form ideas for next steps in organizing and political activity. According to Bookchin, study groups help create solidarity and a shared language — with a shared coherent vision — for building a mass, organizing, political movement!
Along with Climate Change, many people oppose the imperialism of the USA under control of the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  Use of the wealth of our nation should be to enhance quality of life for We The People rather than for imperialism.  Some people vote accordingly.I———————–That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  

Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access www.debates.org to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”
If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. 
*******************************************************************https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx—-Political Party affiliation of voters.


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