Tag: humanity
Look behind the curtain.
C-Span hosted an interesting view abut AI this morning. The recent commentary has been whether AI will take over humanity to the extent of replacement. AI, like for example the Industrial Revolution, will be whatever humanity lets it be.
So many ads seem dedicated to indoctrination for profit, away from the normal, respectful and easy relationship between humanity and nature. This marketing strategy is harmful to both nature and people.
One is grateful for a perspective relating to wildfires that include the FACT of Climate Change. The Central NYS region experienced AQI of far over 400, and this is dangerous. As much as one appreciates the local news reporting that focuses on capitalism as our savior, to insinuate that “experts” he has heard inform that wildfires such as the one in Canada are normal seems to do a disservice to intellectual honesty.
One feels enough hasn’t been stressed about the underlying rot of authoritarian governance that permeates the USA. Having lightly mentioned a topic that should be prominent in the concern of We The People, is the habit, as in addiction, of products foisted upon the public without assurance of safety.
In the US democracy has been associated with capitalism. This is an erroneous framing by hierarchical Establishment that supports the capitalistic interest in power and control as opposed to the democratic local-community participation by the public. In the USA the authoritarian governing style of hierarchical capitalism is a foundation for dictatorship. In other words, the USA has lost the ability to lead or innovate. And so we need to notice success in other nations pertaining to public self-empowerment.
Some people have pointed out that “we are not a democracy”, we are a Constitutional republic. Neither are we a dictatorship, but our Constitutional republic feels currently to function as a dictatorship based on bribes.
C-Span is a resource that is as good as it gets on the topic of transparency. Without information a democracy doesn’t function. And by the way, as heard on a Bill Moyers Show, government don’t do democracy, people do.
The value of not knowing can be found in Buddhism. This mindset generated ideas millennia ago that suggests quantum physics. That this may be the closing of the circle isn’t an unknown concept in some spiritual and scientific areas. Some people believe that science and religion must be connected. (“Must” as in logically are, not as in hierarchically prescribed)
Is it only a war if the destruction is against foreign governments, or does it include humanity and nature as the targets?
Humanity is a much more interesting topic than capitalistic hierarchical Establishment wishes to acknowledge. “Western values” wrings out to cash, and that which must be removed is the heart and soul of people and nature, for profits. The system is effective because who doesn’t want cash, until you realize the cost is your soul and heart. Capitalistic hierarchical Establishment characters have recently alluded to the concern that AI would be dangerous to humanity, and one suggests also to nature. Better late than never to acknowledge.
Denial must be the official mindset to forget North America is colonized. The result seems to have been destruction of nature and and acceptance of Climate Change. The latest “breaking news”? Little Rock, Arkansas.
Open interest by politicians of the Poverty Draft emphasizes the reality.
This seems a response to those who notice anti-war protesters siding with Kiev without noticing ani-war protesters also have different views. Ultimately to stop military action is primary. War is a dust-up between groups of oligarchs with the pain inflicted upon humanity and nature. Some people believe systems that are hierarchical la the foundation for such competition that escalates into military action.https://mronline.org/2023/03/27/anti-war-protests-in-deutschland-and-the-need-to-change-course-on-kiev/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=anti-war-protests-in-deutschland-and-the-need-to-change-course-on-kiev&mc_cid=242fdb6a0b&mc_eid=2833cdb99b —
The protests are being spearheaded by figureheads such as Sahra Wagenknecht and veteran feminist campaigner, Alice Schwarzer, who are sending a clear signal that peace, amity, absence of hostilities and eschewing Cold War mentalities needs to take hold for a stable continent and world order. In a speech at the protest, Wagenknecht stated that a citizen’s initiative was the need of the hour as well as a new, strong and impactful peace movement across Germany. She also pointed out how demonstrators were united over grievances such as isolation and lack of representation by the Olaf Scholz administration. On the foreign policy front, the German public is also disillusioned by Foreign Minister Anna Baerbock’s doctrine of providing unfettered access to weapons.
–end of mronline info–
American chauvinism seems a reason for attempting to insinuate NATO wherever possible. That the following fossil gas lobby was in Austria seems routine to those who understand the history of the region the USA is, in 2023, attempting to “dominate”.
https://popularresistance.org/hundreds-of-people-disrupt-fossil-gas-lobby-conference-in-austria/ —
Vienna, Austria – More than four hundred people protested against the European Gas Conference (EGC), blocking streets around the Mariott Hotel Vienna, the conference venue. The European Gas Conference is a three-day ‘high-level’ event where representatives of fossil fuel companies such as Shell, Total and BP meet with financial investors and political representatives to take decisions on major energy projects. Despite massive police presence trying to keep the conference behind closed doors, hundreds of people blocked the streets. The protesters demand an end to the fossil exploitation being planned behind closed doors at the EGC and call for comprehensive changes in order to create a just energy system.
–end of popularresistance info–
What does it mean when Rachel Maddow and Lee Camp air views that are similar? Are they collaborating in Conspiracy Theories? Last night Maddow aired clips of protesters in Georgia (the nation) and also one believes Israel. Maddow seemed to suggest somnolent Americans might wish to take heed and follow suit due to authoritarian actions in
Georgia the state.
So why is Mr. Camp censored but not Maddow espousing similar sentiments. Could it be power and money? Actually Camp/Maddow are a fetching team.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-aeBkjgJek —
France Burns! Is The US Next?
–end of leecamp info–
Maddow’s point seemed to be admiration for the Georgian (the nation) citizens who were challenging authoritarian attempts by the legislature and questions about the same in Georgia the state where the same is happening.
https://apnews.com/article/georgia-prosecutor-district-attorney-remove-discipline-dd06c56d0d0672e38ef11f4c63dda468 —
ATLANTA (AP) — A new Georgia commission to discipline and remove wayward prosecutors would be the latest move nationwide to ratchet up oversight on what Republicans see as “woke prosecutors” who aren’t doing enough to fight crime.–end of apnews info–
Meanwhile wokesters have been given the responsibility by Establishment (meritocracy) to help to reform the Pentagon. Be careful what you wish for….
The awakened character of information by Sabby Sabs is encouraging. —
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdgb2iPUKg0 —
Bronx Green Party DEMANDS An Apology From AOC (clip)
–end of Sabbysabs info—-
Anyone with more info for AOC can email bxantiwar@gmail.com
A caller to C-Span asked the question of he reason for ongoing US funding to Israel for defense when Israel enjoys a booming defense industry. That’s a good question that was answered by mumbled nonsense from the guest. (One person’s interpretation)
From gatewaygreens — https://mailchi.mp/362fd367c521/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6231837?e=d624642c9f —
Were you at the showing of “A Sewer Runs Through It: A History of the River des Peres” or did you miss it? If you came, please send the message below to your friends and urge them to register for the REPEAT SHOWING at 7 pm, Tuesday, March 28. If you missed it you can reserve your spot with a NO COST Eventbrite ticket (see below). We anticipated 40 – 60 people registering for the first event but had vastly more interest than expected. Space limitations caused us to shut off registration at 160. Please notice that the March 28 repeat event is at the University City High School Library. Since the second event might also “sell out,” you should reserve your spot as soon as you get this. All panelists will speak at the second showing. The event is NO COST but you need an EVENTBRITE ticket ($0.00).