Tag: freedom


The USA has presumed capitalism as “our system”, rather than regard for principles of a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Capitalism has a goal of profit.  Profit in the USA means money.  People who have no money and are attempting survival under capitalism do not have freedom. read more


,,,,,or who was Ross Perot.  But before we get to that, we would do well to remember that where we were in 1992, was far different from where we are in 2022.  The politicians who had been in power in between have much to answer for.  The deepest tragedy is that youngsters of 2022 don’t know they live in a far different world as pertains to economic opportunity and in FACT freedom and liberty.  For those who remember, the difference is dismal.  Even counting in the inflation of bygone days, anyone with any self-motivation was able to secure with dignity, a respectable lifestyle.  In 2022, that is much harder. read more


Success is the carrot in capitalism with competition suggested as a virtue.  What has this ideal created in our modern world? read more


If democracy is backsliding in the USA as is reported, a reason may be the hierarchical indoctrination of We The People into compliance to authority.  We are repeatedly reminded that the USA “isn’t a democracy”, we are a Constitutional republic.  Of interest is the FACT that governments don’t do democracy, people do democracy, as heard on a Bill Moyers conversation.  Our public educational system has been tortured into a training to be compliant consumers and economic units in a system that panders to the 1%.  This seems tyrannical. read more


In a nation where democracy is explained away as “our system” because we are a Constitutional republic, we could remember that democracy is practiced by people, not by government.  This may be the difference between principles of equality and liberty as compared to a dictatorship.  If government functions for the benefit of the public rather than to support hierarchy, democracy sees required. read more


Information has surfaced in local-community news reports about attempts from bureaucrats to down-play the legitimacy of citizens attempting to speak to issues of democratic (small d) action as would be expected in our democracy.  Law enforcement has called for a “crack-down” on “activists” that seems uniquely contrary to principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Along with this FACT is an increasing promotion of gun use with diminishing norms about responsible gun use.  Included in this mix is the incorrect assertion that our system is capitalism.  Capitalism is hierarchical with a pervasive goal of profiteering.  This seems to be a recipe for corruption.  We need a discussion about whether we still embrace democracy, which is action by individual people, not by government.  We need to discuss whether gun use should be accompanied by responsibility.  We need to agree whether corruption should be legalized, when the lawmakers are bought into public office via Citizens United.  We have traveled far from logic. read more


Freedom without responsibility is tyranny.  The USA as  a government could benefit by remembering this.  For those who love to remind thinking adults that ours isn’t a democracy, but is a Constitutional republic, one could remind that government doesn’t do democracy, people do democracy.  This is the same reason human rights and enviornmental rights cannot be violated legitimately using bureaucratic lawmaking. read more