C-Span hosted discussions about immunity for presumptive American leaders.  Is anyone else beginning to question a judicial system in which it is better to be rich and guilty than to be poor and innocent in our courts?

Immunity for Presidents is the topic today.  A caller to C-Span brought immunity for those who are poor and minority juxtaposed against immunity for Presidents “in defense of our nation”.

One would take this notion in the other direction.  Immunity for the President will permit a rogue nation.  Some people are concerned that the USA  has become a rogue nation.  Past President-immune actions can be considered as implementation of NATO propaganda toward Ukraine contrary to the agreement that the USA  would refrain from such action.  This has motivated a war. People are dying.

Another past Presidential action was, after the Saudi-assisted (according to news reports) 9/11 attack on the USA, Saudi-friendly President Bush invaded Iraq that murdered untold numbers of Iraqi’s.

Following was an invasion of Afghanistan that gave the US a 20-year war.

Obama needs to answer for his persecution and prosecution of whistleblowers.  The censorship seems sanctioned because as Obama has relentlessly barked at Americans “we’re a nation of laws”.  He doesn’t mention the laws are passed byway of Citizens United as a legal method of bribery of Presidents, politicians, Supreme Court Justices, and other bureaucrats.

One could go on but you get my drift.  Immunity for Presidents is immunity for a rogue nation.  

This is a reason, rather than US honoring treaties and international law (as in war crimes, for one) demands a “rules based system” that seems to be if he had thought of it, been the dream of Hitler.  – This thickening system of international organisations, rules, and norms — commonly referred to as the “rules-based order” — is widely credited with having …

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Some people prefer peace to war.  This will only happen when greed and corruption are recognized and acknowledged.  The rule-based system caters to oligarchs.  Oligarchs are about hierarchy and patriarchy.  

Consider a startling example—-Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’

Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.

The former property dealer, married to Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, made the comments in an interview at Harvard University on 15 February.

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One too immature, self-centered, and corrupt, in one person’s imagination, who couldn’t qualify as a dog-walker, has inordinate influence in the Hamas/Palestinian debacle.  Yet he could be a “development expert” with input into our rules-based order.  Should we discuss?

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