Tag: Inflation


The story as told by the “winners” may be a tale of predatory exploitation— read more


A problem on the topic of fascism is that, until authoritarian exploitation of human resources (people) or natural resources (environment) becomes noticeable, the money is nice.  A governance based on :”the economy” can be a euphemism for dictatorship.  It is easy to overlook corruption when money is being generated, and this includes our nation of shareholders.  Add to this the highly questionable policy of Citizens United by which lawmakers are purchased by big-money interests, and supposedly monitoring sources such as the Federal Reserve, which is supposed to maintain balance in “the economy”, has over a decade kept too low, interests.  Keeping interest rates abnormally low has forced family savings accounts into the stock market that can be considered speculative.  Low interest rates may also promote inflation.   read more


Did anyone seriously expect good governance for We The People from either branch of the Republican/Democratic duopoly (American Capitalist Party)?    If so, denial is evident as has been the ire directed to those who remind wokesters that to go hat-in-hand to big-money campaign donors to beg voting rights from those responsible for putting in place the deleterious electoral process to begin with.  But what about the MSM that encouraged said delusion?  Indoctrination into capitalism seems the reason for said naivete.   read more