The current definition of progress in terms of privilege, greed, and exploitation along with use of technology included to further delude and deflect seem to be a model for barbarity. The apparent unwillingness of hierarchy to recognize a definition of progress in terms of peace, good health and equality seems to be fatal human flaw in survival. Bellicosity in hierarchy needs to be recognized as turpitude rather than strength, if humanity and nature are to thrive or even survive. –The current impasse between two superpowers, the US vs Russia + China, threatening to grow into a nuclear war, endangering the future of civilization and much of nature, echoes the Peloponnesian wars between Athens and Sparta for control of the Aegean world (Figure 2), witnessed by Thucydides, the Greek general and historian. Throughout history when a great power was threatened by the rise of another, with few exceptions the stronger adversary would try to arrest the growth of the new one, a strategy labelled “Thucydides Trap”. As Thucydides, wrote: “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.”–end of countercurrents info–
Capitalism has been sold as the best method of providing the best lifestyle for the most people, while the Democratic/Republican duopoly insist we are a 2-Party system. Then we have the fascist/organized crime scenario that we must “run government like a business”. All are examples of indoctrination by authority toward We The People.
Indoctrination into accepting inevitability the superiority of technology as pertains to people and nature is a deadly lie. How is national security served by sending American manufacturing overseas to further enrich American oligarchs, and embracing technology as the most secure method to run the nation and the lives of US citizens, when a flip of a switch can stop everything?
Today we hear politicians come up with the brainstorm that “we must bring manufacturing back to American”, after manufacturing was exported and the wealth of the nation was transferred to several ignominious oligarchs for their pleasure and benefit? One recalls that Biden presided within an Administration where the obsession of fast-tracking TPP was feverish. When the rewards to Obama were questioned for this so-called leadership, the defense was “everybody does it”. Any criticism of this governance was challenged by charges of racism.
The system in which we live was built upon the shoulders of this Establishment process. Our national security is precarious due to the actions of such politicians. –As anyone who has followed my work will know, globalization is of particular interest to me: for more than 40 years I’ve been studying its impacts on different cultures and societies around the world. From Ladakh and Bhutan to Sweden and Australia, a clear pattern has emerged: as people are pushed into deepening dependence on large-scale, technological systems, ecological and social crises escalate.Professor Robinson wrote that we are “at the brink of another round of restructuring and transformation based on a much more advanced digitalization of entire global economy”. This is true, but the link between globalization and technological expansion began well before the computer era. Large-scale, technological apparatuses can be understood as the arms and legs of centralized profit-making. And while 5G networks, satellites, mass data-harvesting, artificial intelligence and virtual reality will allow the colonization of still more physical, economic and mental space by multinational corporations, technologies like fossil fuels, global trading infrastructures, and television have already helped to impose a corporate-run consumer-based economy in almost every corner of the globe.–end of popularresistnace info–
The Military-Industrial Complex holds the US in it’s self-interested clutches to our deep danger. The ability for We The People to think independently was never to important. —
Antiwar Groups Rally To Stop Us From Being Lied Into War With Russia
NY Times, Washington Post Driving US To War With Russia Over Ukraine
Peace Groups Say No To War Between US And Russia Over Ukraine
The Antiwar Movement That Wasn’t Enough
Tent Demonstration Remains Strong Despite Police, Far-Right Harassment
–end of popularresistance info–
Received from MRonline— —
‘Look up’, Australia: How capitalism and climate change are turning our food bowl to dust
The end of growth? The capitalist economy & ecological crisis
How the Establishment functions
The Code of families, a document built among all Cubans
–end of mronline info–
So, boys and girls, the Democratic Establishment has never said they were for a 1-payer comprehensive public health care policy. The reason anyone believes Democrats would work toward anything other than the status quo is curious, if not childlike—- –The fact that the majority of California Democratic Assemblymembers do not support a single-payer system when the vast majority of their constituents do is inexcusable.A poll [1] by Physicians for a National Health Program on Medicare for All healthcare conducted during last fall’s attempted recall of Governor Newsom showed that 60% of voters – and 86% of Democratic-leaning base voters – supported a state Medicare for All healthcare system in California.–end of greenparty info–
From Aunt Crabby—-