Before reading this, perhaps we could all go out and buy something at a local business. The need for a small business Saturday seems a response to black Friday. We would all be the better for recognizing patterns rather than specifics. What is the connection or lack thereof with small businesses, multi-national corporations, The Military-Industrial Complex, and Climate Change?
One’s personal choice to shop this week will be the following small business in Broome County, NY—-Leather Corner Shoe Repair4.8 (45) · Shoe repair shop24.0 mi · 33 W State St # 17 · In Binghamton PlazaOpen ⋅ Closes 4PM · (607) 722-1872″Best place for anything show or leather related.”
C-Span was relevant on topics and offered a wide array of ideas this morning— — NOVEMBER 27, 2021 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 11/27/2021
Washington Journal
Mark Leon Goldberg on Top Foreign Policy Issues
Global Dispatches podcast host Mark Leon Goldberg discusses top foreign affairs issues.–end of c-span info–
8:45AM–guest–paraphrase — The Madagascar famine is the first in history attributable to Climate Change rather than war. (Can a point be made that the same aggression that causes war, such as imperialism, also contributes to Climate Change? Capitalistic hierarchy inflicts so-called business practice in the name of progress defined in terms of greed, privilege, and exploitation upon local communities for profit. Consider the immigration crises in numerous countries is about the inability of local communities to feed themselves due to changing climate and having been crowded out of markets by corporate farms supported by governments funded by local communities)—– NOVEMBER 27, 2021 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 11/27/2021
Washington Journal
Shaundell Newsom on State of Small Businesses in U.S.
Shaundell Newsome, co-chair of the group Small Business for America’s Future, discussed the state of small businesses in the U.S.–end of c-span info–
On this small-business Saturday, the discussion from a small business owner was apt. Small businesses are more nearly the free market that capitalists have stolen as their own. In FACT capitalism is stultifying to local small business. So many excellent calls to comment as to be beyond ability to document all, and so to listen to the entirety of this discussion would be best. But one caller did mention that years ago the ability of a sole-proprietor to set up a business was ubiquitous and unrestricted by bureaucratic road blocks.
As one imagines the cheer from capitalistic hierarchical Establishment about deregulation of commercial interests, one says not so fast. A few thoughts—*Free markets seem included as protected in the US Constitution*One believes this was more nearly intended as protection of small business than of multi-national corporations*Capitalism is contrary to notions of liberty and equality because capitalism is specifically hierarchical*The Supreme Court over time has rejected practice once in place to protect the public by Corporate Charter Revocation by which corporate charters are suspended upon harm inflicted by said corporation to local communities and/or environment*Trade agreements such as TPP and NAFTA seem to be a blatant affront to the US public on the topic of jobs, supply chain, and price fixing*Globalism gives protection to multi-national corporations functioning outside of the laws of the USA*Globalism has rendered the US workforce into ostensible indentured servitude –La Vida en los años 50’s (6) Sixteen Tons – Tennessee Ernie Ford
We still haven’t had a serious discussion about the integrity of worker co-ops. The public would be served by the reality that capitalism isn’t “our system”, nor is it synonymous with free markets.
The under-reported news story of NYS (news blackout?) has been the prescience of the NYS fracking ban tolerated by Governor Cuomo against his capitalistic characteristics. It isn’t questionable the reason capitalistic hierarchical Establishment disapproved of activism or Cuomo. By the way, this doesn’t mean one supported Cuomo. –from AP News–California denies most fracking permits ahead of 2024 ban
–end of facebook post—-
To be starry-eyed over wealth and the favors it can bestow upon We The People is similar to the untoward brainstorms from voting rights groups who came up with the plan to go hat-in-hand to capitalistic hierarchy to request voting rights — –Federal agencies paid out at least $548 million to informants working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), in recent years, according to government audits.Our auditors at compiled this information by reviewing federal reports. While some of the data is several-years old; it’s apparently the most recent available.–end of openthebooks info– —
“A CRAZY MESS”!! Pfizer Whistleblower SLAMS Vaccine Trials
One also is not a medical hobbyist or expert and happily leaves all things medical to purported professionals and state-influenced-corporate-owned MSM. One does, however, admit curiosity about connections between the for-profit medical industry, lobbyists, campaign funding via Citizens United, politicians owned by big-money interests, and pro-capitalist lawmakers.
One also notices the “crack down” by bureaucrats and politicians in recent decades on activists and whistleblowers.
Anecdotally on the topic of inordinate regulation of small business one offers this perspective. Someone said her hair was falling out. I mentioned that when I used a particular popular brand of shampoo my hair also fell out. She said her local hair dresser, in a bureaucratic-mandated refresher class for sole-props and small businesses, she was warned to steer customers away due to harm to hair. The point is, why harass the local hair dresser with mandates for class participation while permitting multi-national corporations to manufacture and sell product that is harmful. One understands the ability of a local hair dresser to inflict harm on customers while recognizing that a local business owner is less inclined to hurt customers than may be a multi-national corporation. This seems to circle back to the C-Span caller who mentioned the innumerable and successful small businesses of perhaps 40 years ago that have been put out of business by chain stores, globalization, capitalism, and regulation protecting big-money campaign donors via Citizens United rather than local communities.
Americans once understood the FACT that money sometimes connotes corruption.
And by the way, too many chasing voter-rights permission from commercial interests also have voted in an Administration that is enthusiastic for pay-to-play health industry promotion—- –(Comparison between UK health-care indced bankruptcies to the USA — 0 to 530000 — USA is winning, exceptional as usual……..–end of Lee Camp Info–
If expanded voting rights produce these results, we have a problem……..
Schiff’s voice seems lone in the wilderness— –Adam Schiff’s new book, “Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could,” makes a strong case for the importance of whistleblowing, particularly in these fractured times. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, argues that his committee is “uniquely dependent on whistleblowers” because of the “classified nature” of its work. Without whistleblowers, the congressional intelligence committees would be “almost completely reliant on the intelligence agencies to self-report,” according to Schiff. A whistleblower in the intelligence community cannot go to the press, so they must have “access to Congress” or the “whole system fails.”–end of popularresistance info– –We were worried this would be the first time in the history of the country that the Justice Department brought charges against a publisher for the publication of truthful information. This indictment doesn’t represent that. Nevertheless, there is some cause for concern. The indictment itself describes a criminal conspiracy that includes the kinds of activities that investigative journalists do routinely – encouraging a source to provide more information, helping a source conceal her identity, using secure means of communication. The government sees all of those as elements of a criminal conspiracy. And that doesn’t bode well, I think, for press freedom.–end of npr info–
The unease with which state-influenced-corporate-owned MSM approaches the Assange prosecution seems to be a display of censorship.
The beauty of abilities of those who can relate on levels outside of greed and exploitation give hope—– –The moon was shining brightly enough that I could see the details of the gravestones and the valley floor below held no secrets. A family of coyotes was talking to each other in the woods behind me, their movement revealed by the direction of their yipping and barking. I hoped that they would take their hunt out into the light of the valley so I could see them, but they lingered in the shadows instead.–end of wildhunt info– Capitalistic hierarchical Establishment have been heard to label this ability of sensitivity as a religion. One supposes when you are a hammer everything is a nail. Respect can be given without labels.
Many views have been locked out of voice to the detriment of humanity and environment. Many of these voices are feminine. It is long past time for equality — —
Contact your U.S. Senator and urge them to Co-Sponsor SJ RES 1. |
Has your U.S. Senator signed on to SJ Res 1 as a co-sponsor? Click HERE.Don’t know who your U.S. Senator is? Click HERE. |
–end of alicepaul info– Specific to the Equal Rights Amendment. “All men are created equal” still excludes women. While the argument of pro-patriarchy voices insinuate this passage will result in ubiquitous draft of your daughters into The Military-Industrial Complex, this needn’t be so as equally as it will not enforce your sons to give birth. And if this is FACTual, neither should your daughters be mandated to give birth as surely as your sons shouldn’t be trained to kill others in war. Indoctrination freezes reason away.
Stand with Bernie Sanders — ——-Members of Congress and media pundits do a lot of wringing their hands worried about the deficit and national debt when it comes to passing the Build Back Better Act with its $170 billion a year price tag, but there isn’t peep from these same people when it comes to the $778 billion a year National Defense Authorization Act.That’s not even the full cost of the defense bill since every year amendments for pet projects, like the so-called $54 billion “competitiveness” bill, get added right before the vote. The final total is expected to bring the yearly price tag to just under $1 trillion a year.end of actionnetwork info——————–PETITION to sign if you wish. –“If the bees disappear off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” –end of mikehudema info–
We have much work to do.