TEMPTATION NATION— A value of C-Span is ability to hear ideas and news from Fellow Americans, rather than from MSM propaganda.  One was unaware of the Israeli attack on the US Liberty resulting in American deaths.  One doesn’t recall a similar event perpetrated against the US by our “enemy” Russia.



The US Naval technical research ship Liberty was attacked by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats off the Sinai Peninsula on 8 June. The following account of the circumstances of the attack has been compiled from all available sources.

—end of history info–

Use of religion to manipulate the public isn’t new; but it has reached a fever pitch in the USA.  Come to think of it, the USA is joining this style of authoritarian control along with other nations.

The new campaign style in the USA of installing religion as the foundation of government, has also given us the seemingly-blasphemous notion that candidate Trump is chosen by the Creator.  Also suggested by some of his supporters is their good intention that hob-knobbing with people of the ilk of religion-chauvinistic politicians will bring Trump to the Lord.  Hmmm…..

Having chosen Trump for this role seems logical, considering his hubris and self-interested bent.  The problem is, in the end, the orange savior will not meet you at the Pearly Gates, but Saint Peter will….participating in the Conservative myth……

In other words, how nonsensical are these religious wanna-be’s as they speak such silliness, in order to urge the slow-witted to vote in a position of dictatorship, by using Christianity?  WWJD?

A sordid local example can be found in NYS Representative Molinaro, who has taken a backdoor explanation of “cracking down” on Free Speech, by introducing a bill to be past into law…. legislation that sniffs out any of Palestinians, Jews, or any other of campus protesters against war and for peace.  The individual so identified by “authorities” will be labeled as anti-semitic, when it is indeed the Free Speech that is not only protected under the US Constitution, but is also a human right.

Legislation can mess with Constitutional rights,  but not with human and natural rights.  The Supreme Court Justices could take note.

Those who join the cults, perhaps for a feeling of protection, may wish to reconsider.  Remember that ultimately the orange savior possibly won’t meet you at the Pearly Gates.

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