As a militant old Feminist who has warned young ladies over the last 30 years ago, as hubris soared as to security of their human rights, one warned that, “No, ladies, they’re coming after your rights. You don’t get patriarchal hierarchy.”
At the same time we are watching patriarchy which disturbingly includes women as surely as it excludes many men remove reproductive rights of women, the only gender so afflicted and exposed, that seems like a unique type of discrimination, one reminds that the ERA is still a resource that is indoctrinated out of the purview of otherwise thoughtful people. –
When the 117th U.S. Congress convened in full for the first time on Thursday, January 21, 2021 resolutions with bipartisan support were introduced to remove the time limit placed upon the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972. On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to remove the time limit with a vote of 222-204 on HJ Res 17. Attention now turns to the U.S. Senate and moving SJ Res 1 to the floor for a vote.
–end of ERA info– – Some in the anti-abortion movement, including advocates who asked for anonymity to speak candidly to CNN, are wary of a political backlash if the Comstock Act is enforced too aggressively – a backlash that would put pressure on Congress to repeal it altogether – and caution that former President Donald Trump, if he is reelected, should consider the political risks in deciding how his administration should wield the law.
–end of aol info–
As we watch patriarchal hierarchy pretend “we can’t legislate morality”, as they “run government like a business” that is the foundation of Reagan’s Trickle-Down Theory and FACTually is about robbing the wealth of the nation for personal ownership by oligarchs, a step in this process is relegating women back to the reality of the pre-’70’s era of extraordinary exploitation of women.
Broome County sheriff urges DOH to consider synthetic opioid antagonists—
In response to an emailed inquiry to NYSDOH, a spokesperson sent the following statement:
“The State Department of Health whole-heartedly agrees that we must work together to develop programs, services, and strategies to treat opioid use disorder and prevent overdose deaths.
“Nalmefene, the generic for Opvee, has no known history of use in emergency department or ambulance settings in New York State and the is currently no evidence there is a need, or additional benefit, for this product.”
–end of spectrum info–
Anecdotally one offers a bit of info from about 20 years ago, heard but not adequately absorbed at a women’s small business meeting in Binghamton, NY, in which a speaker who was introduced in working to curtail the growing drug problem in Broome County, NY, warned that the system, like law enforcement, could be motivated by self interest. The calls for greater funding to address the addiction didn’t precisely “crack down” on the actual profiteers such as, for example, the pharmaceutical industry.
One believes this Pyramid Scheme, so imagined by watching said local players over decades, motivates one to dare to express this radical notion. One remembers the urgency with which the speaker delivered his opinion that now feels so prophetic.
Apparently in question is mailing mifepristone is obscene, but local-community bureaucrats can transform a portion of their privileges the hawking of product without disclosure of profitability for self, or participation in a possible Pyramid Scheme of local collaboration. In other words, the subtle patriarchal machine grinds on.
For the general public to be sidetracked by reproductive rights, which indeed are legitimate to be concerned, may not even be the most dangerous violation of human rights. May one opine the next target could be a woman’s right to vote? – New Jersey supported Adams in 1800, but over the next three years the Democratic Republicans began to dominate elections. The change began in 1797, the same year that township voting laws and the elimination of “clear estate” as part of the property requirement expanded the electorate. The combination of rising partisan rancor and the increasingly inclusive elections sparked accusations of fraud and charges of campaigning among those unqualified to vote, or manipulating groups assumed to be poorly informed.
—enter NJ info–
We need more ironclad protection of human rights that include womens’ rights because experience and tradition, especially in our newest governing experiment into Christian Nationalism…aka patriarchal Establishment…..because we, ladies, are on a slippery slope.
One only says these things because having been raised in the ’50’s and ’60’s, one lived them.
/and by the way, why the change? Women in the late ’60’s and early ’70’s, the young ladies of the time, though you won’t hear anything about this, needed to deal with the aftermath of the Vietnam War. After being raised to be wives and mothers, many women found themselves with soldiers returning from war, if indeed they were so lucky, trained into combat and functioning on mind-altering substance. What else would a boy drafted into a pro-capitalist nonsense war, be?
This is a tragedy and if “our government” would do this once, expect anything from these characters.
And so democratic outcry for self-preservation is sane.