Ignorance about the Women’s Suffrage Movement, often pretended for political purposes, seem to have been used by the Democratic/Republican Duopoly has permitted this political party tyranny to mark territories as it’s own, like for instances, the civil rights movement as white-washed in 2020.  This elevated capitalistic hierarchical Establishment to a self-serving network of self-promotion.

A topic highlighted in the C-Span discussion this morning (because it is women’s history month) is whether we would be better governed if more women were in leadership.  Some made the point that women are not morally superior to men, but issues would be more targeted on humanity than business.  As one who disdains “running government like a business”, one agrees.  We still, as constituents, need to be intellectually involved in our own governance.

Washington Journal | Series | C-SPAN.org—-

Washington Journal: Rebecca Roberts Discusses the Significance of Women’s History Month

Washington Journal: Erin Vilardi Discusses Efforts to Increase Women Serving in Public Office

–end of c-span info–

We help women run for office—and win. – Vote Run Lead——— Flip The Seats! Vote Run Lead Encourages Women To Run For EVERY Open Seat In State Legislature


Flip The Seats! Vote Run Lead Encourages Women To Run For EVERY Open Seat In State Legislature

MARCH 6, 2024

It’s time for women to flip the seats in state legislature and finally achieve equal representation in our statehouse governments. 

Vote Run Lead, the nonprofit that helps train women to run for office and win, has a plan to do this in just 10 years — versus the 100 years currently projected — by having women run for every open or contested seat.

Vote Run Lead has created a visualization of how this will happen — state-by-state — at womensmajority.org. Want to see what’s possible in YOUR state? Go directly to any individual state’s analysis by putting the two-letter state abbreviation at the end of the website address (URL). Examples:  womensmajority.org/state/ny for New York or womensmajority.org/state/ca for California, etc.

–end of voterunlead info–

This is not a funding effort, it is a guideline for women wishing to participate in our own governance and the issues that impact humanity.

Permission to participate is crucial and women may not have sufficiently internalized the energy.

A network has and still is in place to ensure this permission is perniciously cause for female embarrassment, supported by, if one may openly use the phrase, patriarchy and White Supremacy.

An excellent (so far) State Legislator Leah Webb is currently doing a great job and is being challenged by such system in The Southern Tier of NYS.  Meanwhile and coincidentally, said network, if one watches closely, may imagine engineering of a Pyramid Scheme bureaucratic political crony group, insinuating huckster-ism into our local government.

One would be less inclined to so imagine if one, being local, hadn’t watched some of these characters over years.

By the way, with MD’s investing in or owning medical products that are advertised as health-care treatment, why not local bureaucrats?

AMA Code of Medical Ethics’ Opinions on Physicians’ Financial Interests  —–

Business arrangements among physicians in the health care marketplace have the potential to benefit patients by enhancing quality of care and access to health care services. However, these arrangements can also be ethically challenging when they create opportunities for self-referral in which patients’ medical interests can be in tension with physicians’ financial interests. Such arrangements can undermine a robust commitment to professionalism in medicine as well as trust in the profession.

In general, physicians should not refer patients to a health care facility that is outside their office practice and at which they do not directly provide care or services when they have a financial interest in that facility. Physicians who enter into legally permissible contractual relationships—including acquisition of ownership or investment interests in health facilities, products, or equipment; or contracts for service in group practices—are expected to uphold their responsibilities to patients first. When physicians enter into arrangements that provide opportunities for self-referral they must:

–end of AMA opinion—

Speake Mike Johnson’s visit to Binghamton draws protests; Molinaro responds——– “Obviously, he’s supportive of our efforts. Obviously, I welcome to the support. But what’s most important is, is that there’s a focus on communities like ours that makes a difference,” said Molinaro.

———–end of crony info—-

One is not informed on this topic about the best antidote to overdoses.  However one is informed about human nature and networking.  The Southern Tier may wish to take with a grain of salt and discuss……..

Broome County sheriff urges DOH to consider synthetic opioid antagonists   ———-

In response to an emailed inquiry to NYSDOH, a spokesperson sent the following statement:

“The State Department of Health whole-heartedly agrees that we must work together to develop programs, services, and strategies to treat opioid use disorder and prevent overdose deaths.

“Nalmefene, the generic for Opvee, has no known history of use in emergency department or ambulance settings in New York State and the is currently no evidence there is a need, or additional benefit, for this product.”

–end of narcan info—-

Ol-boy networks have matched their patriarchal magic to their benefit.  Voices of women are inherently more attuned to benefits to everyone, even those outside of their families.

And so one supports promotion of diverse views in governance, which is silly to “run like a business”, which is capitalism that on a continuum is organized crime.

There is a story about wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Take seriously if you wish or not.  Either way, inform yourself.

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