The jarring dissidence between choosing the courage to be a whistle blower followed by suicide due to being a whistle blower must be obvious to many people. 

Boeing Whistleblower John Barnett Found Dead Amid Depositions Against Plane Company—  The 62-year-old, who had worked at Boeing for over three decades as a quality control engineer and manager until his retirement in 2017, has for the past few years been outspoken about his skepticism of the company’s safety standards, which have come under heightened scrutiny in recent months amid a series of high-profile malfunctions on Boeing planes.

–end of whisteblower info–

What we know about Alexei Navalny’s death in Arctic prison  — His death was announced by the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District at 2:19 pm Moscow time (1119 GMT) on Feb. 16.

—-end of reuters info—-

Culling was previously accomplished in the DNC, as we experienced supporters of Bernie Sanders disenfranchised of our votes to prioritize DNC insiders.  This practice has been highlighted by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment from “both sides of the isle”, among Communist Party nations.  How does this practice differ from American hierarchical practice among the Republican/Democratic Duopoly?  In other words, capitalism and communism are opposite sides of the same coin.

Absolute bloodbath’ at RNC as new leadership loyal to Trump purges staff  – The RNC is expected to cull about 60 people across the political, data and communications departments. At least five members of the senior staff will be let go and some third-party contracts may also be cancelled. One source familiar with the situation described it as an “absolute bloodbath”.

–end of aol info–

Hierarchical deflection seems reflected from the D&R Duopoly, as each accuses the leader of the other Party of low acuity.  They are probably both right, and this discussion is the drama played out for the public to avoid discussion about actual topics critical to the public, and a reason Trump and Biden are foisted upon the electorate, rather than actual choice by voting by the electorate.

The actual control over We The People is perpetrated, meanwhile, by international oligarchs.  So far…….the harm to Americans hasn’t reached the level of that toward Palestinians.  Remember US lawmakers may have dual citizenship with oligarchs of Israel who currently seem to approve genocide as a means of control.

This is a reason We The People may wish to grow our own level of sophistication of perception before judging either of the figureheads of the capitalistic Party, in the persons of Trump or Biden, who probably both could deserve a rest in accord with chronological reality.

And so this morning on C-Span, some of these considerations were raised without directly being defined by a MSM too comfortable with Establishment obsequious behavior than journalism.  However the topic was raised by a few people of the purging of diverse news outlets over the years.

Washington Journal | Series |


Guest Lineup


    • Matt Bennett
      Third Way
      Co-Founder & Senior Vice President for Public Affairs
    8:00AM EDT
    • Max Cohen
      Punchbowl News
      Congressional Reporter
    9:00AM EDT
    • Chuck DeVore
      Texas Public Policy Institute
      Chief National Initiatives Officer
    9:15AM EDT

—end of c-span info

 A Tik Tok hearing in Congress was charming.  One will share a personal view.  A Q&A between Marco Rubio and Christopher Wray included privileged renaming of the PRC to the CCP.  This removed the troubling association between China and the USA due to both be “Republics”; and as many will remind, the USA isn’t a democracy.  This reminder often overlooks that the USA has been subsumed by capitalists.  Since We The People never voted for the change from democracy to capitalism, the reminder applies as we change into capitalism, the opposite side of the coin from communism.

This switch seems to arrive with the epiphany that “we are not a democracy” rhetoric.  In other words if China is the CCP, the USA logically is CAUSP, or the Capitalist American Party, no longer functioning as either a Republic or a democracy.

The opposite of a CCP which describes the Communist Party rather than the Constitutional Republic of China, would be recognized as a US Capitalist Party, not a Republic or democracy, but for a D&C Duopoly controlled by other than elected officials, byway of the legal but illegitimate Citizens United, that encouraged corruption in our electoral process.  This is a reason for concern of US/Israel lawmakers choosing the laws for We The People.

Both of the USA and China are led by Chinese and American/Israeli oligarchs.  Open your eyes and think, please.

That Marco Rubio uses this word bait=and-switch compliments his pride in origin from Cuban oligarchs, who fled “the communists” during the Cuban Revolution and Castro.  What “our leaders” say and what they do can be in interesting tension.  

Similarities between communist Cuba and capitalist USA is no different from that of communist China and capitalist USA.  In both cases, the public may not be the priority.  If the people were the priority, each would then function as a democracy, whether a Republic or not.

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