The foundation of democracy is individual involvement and the dream of America is the ability for citizens to so act. A troubling parallel arises between the PRC and the USA, both of which are republics, as we watch the democracy that is the function of We The People, not of government, is restricted by the hierarchic Establishment. If the common impulse toward peace must be stifled to protect oligarchical control of the global elite, what are we to make of the American Dream of democracy?
Labor leaders and organizers are banding together to demand justice for Chinese-American unionized worker and activist Li Tang “Henry” Liang. Liang was indicted and then arrested in early May in Boston in retaliation for exercising his free speech rights. “The federal government has targeted Liang for advocating peaceful relations between the US and China,” say labor activists in the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance of the AFL-CIO, the largest trade union in the US
“Li Tang has been a participant in important fights for workers rights, including going on strike with his co-workers for 46 days in 2018,” Mike Kramer, Executive Vice President of Local 26, told Peoples Dispatch. “Despite working long hours as a hotel worker, he has dedicated his free time to being active in his community and to the service of others. The charges being brought against this man are a shameful, racist attack.”.—–end of popularresistance info—-
In a predator capitalistic system such as in the USA, profit to corporations outrank concerns for We The People. This isn’t bad or good, it just is. Liability has systematically devolved onto the public as hierarchical Establishment cashes in. When it can no longer do so, to stop selling product is predictable. A sane system would have predicted that infinite growth using finite resources has a shelf life.
State Farm recently announced that it is halting new insurance policies for homeowners in the state of California, where the agency is currently the top insurance provider, due to rising “catastrophe exposure” coupled with inflating construction costs. In 2022, Allstate quietly discontinued new homeowner policies in California and that same year several other insurance companies canceled thousands of policies in Florida and Louisiana, citing similar concerns. It is inevitable that other companies will follow their lead, as catastrophic disasters are no longer random or unusual in these regions. In places like California, Florida, and Louisiana, devastating climate-related events are at least an annual occurrence, and are increasing in magnitude.
—-end of mronline info–
HO’ers insurance is an interesting complication as we watch our natural areas turned into industrial resources. The typical HO-3 policy seemed unintended to handle industrial production, and the policyholder isn’t often advised of this FACT as they are solicited by corporate-industry salesmen.
During the NYS fracking dust up, when politicians, college professors, salesmen, and lawyers descended upon the public via local news conferences aired on nightly news, to ‘splain the benefits of fracking, and the local legislators were receiving letters reminding of the danger of conflict of interest for personal gain, one recalls no mention of the ubiquitous HO’er’s 3 that should be considered. Instances related to business pursuit may not be covered, and the homeowner may be unaware. Also, due to the character of fracking, a neighbor can expose another neighbor to hazard.
The general natural danger of ubiquitous open-air factory conditions may not be covered under your HO’ers 3.
In other words, profit accrued to industry and liability accrued to the local community members. That we haven’t fully discussed this quirk in the American Dream isn’t coincidental.
Signs of turpitude are so in-your-face as to be unnoticeable, about fealty to hierarchical Establishment. —
The question of class intrudes in both tragedies like a knife-blade.–end of mronline info–
From Thewildhunt — – While living with Bear Path Cottage, I have learned that it is possible to help a piece of land and its natural extensions and resident spirits heal from human-caused trauma. Gentle encouragement from this land and her spirits have enabled me to work magically and physically on that endeavor, and I hold gratitude and love for the opportunity to experience the results of that work.
–end of wildhunt info–
Opossum’s are said to be proficient at mitigating tick populations. One mentions this because in Upstate NY, Lyme disease carried by ticks is an ever-present danger. Lyme disease carried by ticks is said to have been introduced by some sort of governmental research project. This feels like another instances of leaving well enough alone, and protecting nature. But that seldom is a concept in hierarchical-Establishment think. We are the poorer for this. —
LIVE: This Is How Fascism Will Take Hold (& Much More)
—end of leecamp info–
As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-