Apparently grifters will say it as often as possible, hoping it will begin to sound true. –Former President Donald Trump, who said in the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape that “when you’re a star, you can do anything” to women, doubled down on those remarks in the just-released deposition he gave in the E. Jean Carroll defamation and battery case.
–end of aol info–
Here’s another hierarchical piece of nonsense to mull over—-
*Capitalistic hierarchical Establishment regurgitates the info of benefits of globalism that in several generations, may result in a universal ostensible middle class
*That the universal middle class must endure the pain, death and poverty related to globalism, has a happy current benefit of wealth generation for the 1%
*Exploitation of natural resources seem to increase Climate Change that in several generations may mean the end of the Earth as we know it, but the happy benefit is wealth generation now for the 1%
Heads up I win, tails up you lose. Meanwhile voters are held to loyalty for either of Team Red or Team Blue as the Democratic/Republican duopoly maintains a delusion of choice where there is none. But the good news is our politicians are becoming wealthy byway of big-money interest campaign contributions.
A Free Press is required for freedom and justice. Assange is an example of Establishment abuse of journalists. — –I implore you, King Charles, to visit His Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh, for it is an honour befitting a king. As you embark upon your reign, may you always remember the words of the King James Bible: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). And may mercy be the guiding light of your kingdom, both within and without the walls of Belmarsh.
–end of mronline info–Justice s much as mercy is needed. A stage upon which transparency reigned would not work to the benefit of Establishment, seems the message.
Before institutionalization of humanity and nature, were Pagans. — —
As I consider the last 18 months, our planet has undergone a tremendous amount of turbulence of the life-death variety. What was hidden has come to the surface, for better or worse. Our values, our opinions, our prejudices, our fears, our true selves emerged from beneath the societally correct masks that we wear on a regular basis.Life is filled with choices. As humans, executing our ability to regain consciousness each diurnal on this planet is a choice.-
-end of wildhunt info–
Transparency is vital. — —
Buffalo argues that some First Nations who oppose oil and gas expansion are serving someone else’s agenda. During a 2019 speech in Calgary, he said that legal challenges to the Trans Mountain oil sands pipeline were brought “by a small number of First Nations who were funded by foreign environmental NGOs,” according to a description of the event.
“So, when you see this activism, it’s somewhat challenging because we don’t know who’s speaking anymore,” Buffalo told APTN News. “The hard part again is who’s really pulling the string here?”
Yet that same year the Indian Resource Council received a $100,000 contribution from CNRL, which describes itself as “a large producer of natural gas in Canada with a vast land base, significant owned and operated infrastructure and a deep inventory of drill to fill opportunities.”–end of desmog info– —
#GreenSocialist Notes, Episode 124
–end of howiehawkins info–
Here’s what I see.–
*Some people defend US participation in Ukraine against Russia, because “Ukrainians have said they wish “Western values”
*”Western values” have been sold to the world as glibly as has been capitalism, as being good for you
*An honest assessment of US governance reveals deep and disturbing dictatorship rather than democracy
*To both support spread of “Western values” while understanding of US governance and how it actually functions, is highly questionable
*To suspect Americans have been misled by political propaganda, but that Ukrainians have a clear and succinct understanding of the same, seems strained
As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-