While some people might prefer a free-market and democratically supporting system over a blanket-defined socialism, to insinuate that fascism fits the bill over either is cynical and dangerous indoctrination into acceptance of dictatorship by moneyed interests of We The People.  Imperialism by this dictatorship is outside of the auspices of the US Constitution.

https://mailchi.mp/popularresistance/nfbfzjimg8?e=1b0a9c0541      —

Chris Hedges: Soldiers Speak Out Against America’s Misguided Wars

Amnesty International On Ukraine’s Violations Of International Law

What Has ‘Champion Of Democracy’ Wrought?Big Chip In US-China Crisis

Fighting For Healthcare Means Fighting For Socialism

The Rise Of The Monster DAFs

Climate Protesters Delay Congressional Baseball Game

–end of popularresistance info–

Wise would be serious consideration of who are the enemies of We The People, when oligarchs make that determination for us.    https://portside.org/2022-08-06/pro-israel-lobby-drops-millions-influence-us-congressional-elections?utm_source=portside-general&utm_medium=email                   –According to AIPAC spokesperson Marshall Whittmann their mission is simple: “We are engaged in the democratic process to elect candidates who will support the U.S.-Israel relationship and oppose those who will not.” In other words, they won’t be looking at candidates’ views on the economy, race relations, guns, abortion, the environment, or any other issue important to American voters. Only Israel. This could be devastating for progressives running for office.

–end of portside info–

This seems an odd but typical qualification for a politician.  This coincides with the endorsement of Joe Biden who won the Democratic Primary with little to no mention of policies or platform, including Choice and women’s rights, but seemed to receive votes based upon the curious Jim Clyburn influence, who himself seems inordinately influenced by personal interests, based upon publicly available reports.

Concern by some people over the topic of misogyny and Choice, have appeared prophetic as Choice is attacked and Biden’s solution now that he is in power is “vote Democratic”.   Meanwhile the challenge to Choice and women’s rights are being labeled as especially racist.  Huh?….So what was the impetus for a vote for Biden?

But it wasn’t only about Clyburn.  To speak plainly, how many of institutionalized clergy joined the ego train to endorse a candidate devoid of expressed policy or ideas?  Institutionalized clergy seem particularly hierarchical and ready to self promote within a safe enclave.  Organizing is crucial but a reason to do so might be based on interests of voters rather than the ego of the self-defined leaders.

From MRonline  —          https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=2833cdb99b&u=36ce609ae68971b4f060ad9c7&id=d2ddae50d7      —

Inside the Democrats’ climate deal with the devilCuban vaccine against lung cancer makes its way in the United StatesHow the Pentagon dictates Hollywood storylines

–end of mronline info–

From gateway-greens.org—               https://mailchi.mp/2180913bea20/green-party-of-st-louis-meeting-wed-april-19-2017-recent-and-future-elections-6157049?e=d624642c9f

Decriminalized Marijuana Reinvents Racism and Poisoning

Contribution to the Development of an Ecosocialist Program

Onslaught of the Oily Authoritarians

World Drought Gets Worse, Cities Ration

Mapping U.S. Imperialism
“Serbia Is (Not) for Sale”: On Lithium, Hunger and Other Betrayals
Nationalize or Neutralize: How to Neutralize the Fossil Fuel Industry
 Activists Launch New Organization to 

Challenge AFL-CIO Foreign Policy

India – Birds Drop out of the Sky, People Die

—end of gateway-greens info–

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdeqSy0B4Pg        –Streamed live 19 hours ago 2020 Green/Socialist Presidential Nominee Howie Hawkins talks about the Democrats’ “Build Back Badly” bill, voter intimidation, and the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing, before taking questions from viewers. Green Socialist Notes is a weekly livestream/podcast hosted by 2020 Green Party/Socialist Party presidential nominee, Howie Hawkins. Started as a weekly campaign livestream in the spring of 2020, the streams have continued post elections and are now under the umbrella of the Green Socialist Organizing Project, which grew out of the 2020 presidential campaign. Green Socialist Notes seeks to provide both an independent Green Socialist perspective, as well as link listeners up with opportunities to get involved in building a real people-powered movement in their communities.

–end of howiehawkins info–

Another reason I love NYS——

https://www.wicz.com/story/47044729/secondannual-childrens-peace-fair-held-in-binghamton      –Dozens gathered to call for world peace today.

The second-annual Children’s Peace Fair was held in the parking lot of Binghamton’s First Congregational Church. Organized by Broome County Peace Action and Veterans for Peace, the event featured a variety of fun activities for local children.

The day was also meant to commemorate the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings — with today being the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.

–end of wicz info–

****As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-
 This is a reminder of how much we don’t know.  This brings one around to Howie Hawkins, who continues to impress with original thought.  We also could acknowledge Hawkins often speaks to censored information.
One such topic about which one would never have even considered, is whether the USA needs The Senate.  Apparently The Senate is little other than expensive window dressing, promoting hierarchical interests, and too often placed in positions of power by big-money via Citizens United.  But the public gets to fund this curiosity of pompous supremacy.  Who knew?
The Democratic Branch of the Republican/Democratic Duopoly are especially functional in voter suppression—–https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNbdkuU1edw          —#GreenSocialist Notes #76
Howie Hawkins brings up the concept of whether the USA needs the Senate.  Apparently according to some people, the Senate isn’t necessary.  This brings up the blockage from the Senate of many bills that would benefit We The People.  Combined with Citizens United that promotes big-money interest choice of Senators, in which laws are passed that benefit big-money interest rather than We The People, and that We The People support economically, the members of the Senate, this seems a good topic for discussion.
The US Constitution doesn’t seem to sanction elections run by political Parties, and to permit control of political debates by political Parties seems equally corrupt.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ7kn2-GEmM       —

Ross Perot in 1992 on NAFTA and the “Giant Sucking Sound”

Centralization is the lifeblood of the R&D duopoly.  It’s the way to enforce capitalism onto workers in 2022.———————–We can do better———-

That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  

Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access www.debates.org to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”
If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. 
*******************************************************************https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx—-Political Party affiliation of voters.
    https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”

WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FROM FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE–end of lwv info–Murray Bookchin, who founded social ecology, a theory that strongly influenced early Green Socialist thought, strongly advocated the discussion and study group as the first step of any revolutionary movement. A group of individuals meets to expand their knowledge of radical thought and form a radical intellectual community; through the give and take of discussion, can eventually form ideas for next steps in organizing and political activity. According to Bookchin, study groups help create solidarity and a shared language — with a shared coherent vision — for building a mass, organizing, political movement!

Along with Climate Change, many people oppose the imperialism of the USA under control of the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  Use of the wealth of our nation should be to enhance quality of life for We The People rather than for imperialism.  Some people vote accordingly.

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