It’s almost as though global oligarchs regardless of nation of origin have found an excellent distraction for the transfer of wealth from the 100% to the 1%        –“Three months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we face a new reality. For those on the ground, every day brings new bloodshed and suffering. And for people around the world, the war, together with the other crises, is threatening to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and destitution, leaving social and economic chaos in its wake,” the U.N. chief said.

In reality, the cost of living was already rising well before the conflict. The massive surge in inflation is the outcome of bipartisan monetary policies pursued by both the Democrats and Republicans, who printed trillions of dollars to prop up the stock markets and guarantee the wealth of the ultra-rich.

Moreover, any attempt to place Russia as the sole party responsible for the global crisis is belied by the fact that a conflict with Russia has been a central goal of US imperialist planning since at least the 2014 CIA-backed Ukrainian coup. In April, former US Army Europe Commander Ben Hodges declared that US war goals in Ukraine included “breaking the back” of Russia.–end of countercurrents info–

Similar efforts at preeminence are identifiable in each of global-national-oligarchical power positioning and political antics between each branch of the Democratic/Republican duopoly, with use of humanity and nature as resources to the end of power, in one person’s feeling.

Capitalism has little to nothing to do with free market concepts.  Particularly in a nation encumbered with Citizens United that legalizes without legitimizing the buying of lawmakers, laws that support free markets such as monopoly law and price gouging law, are not enforced, if they even exist.  This can lead to commercial authoritarianism that has in other places and times been called fascism.      –While You’re All Distracted By Russia…      —

If you think of “value” in this way, the traditional socialist charge that workers are exploited under capitalism is easy to understand: workers produce value but capitalists control how much of it is returned to them in wages.

What makes the surrender of some of the value produced by workers exploitation is that it’s surrendered not in some democratic process but taken as a result of the power one class has over another.–end of portside info–
The “Western values” for which the USA is expending energy and money to promote in Europe have yet to be defined, but seems accompanied by American transfer of wealth from the 100% to the 1%.  A case can be made that Citizens United has markedly skewed precepts of capitalism as discussed by Engels and Marx.  Laws and taxation promote the interests of capitalism over workers. One obvious example is trade agreements such as TPP that have sent living-wage jobs overseas and enriched commercial interests.  A nearly laughable discussion about funding of social security and medicare on C-Span ignored the living-wage jobs that have been sent overseas and no longer are available for funding purposes and the predatory character of the US health care industry. Young workers who aren’t paying into the social security trust fund may feel relieved, forgetting that social security earned benefits (maliciously labeled entitlements) will be decreased in retirement, dependent on their working-years contributions.  Max Richtman did emphasize the burden carried by low-income workers as compared to wealthy income earners. –JUNE 13, 2022  | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 06/13/2022

Washington Journal

Joseph Antos and Max Richtman on the Future Social Security and Medicare

Joseph Antos and Max Richtman talked about the fiscal viability of Social Security and Medicare.—end of c-span info–

From popularresistance —-          —

Washington Starts Blame Game Over Defeat In Ukraine

Iran V UAE – ‘Russia And Ukraine Gulf Edition’ Coming Soon?

Venezuela And Iran Sign 20-year Cooperation Plan

Uvalde And The Border Security Scam

–end of popularresistance info–

The US Constitution doesn’t seem to sanction elections run by political Parties, and to permit control of political debates by political Parties seems equally corrupt.       —

Ross Perot in 1992 on NAFTA and the “Giant Sucking Sound”

Centralization is the lifeblood of the R&D duopoly.  It’s the way to enforce capitalism onto workers in 2022.

———————–We can do better———-

That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  
Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. *******************************************************************—-Political Party affiliation of voters.–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”

WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FROM FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE–end of lwv info–Murray Bookchin, who founded social ecology, a theory that strongly influenced early Green Socialist thought, strongly advocated the discussion and study group as the first step of any revolutionary movement. A group of individuals meets to expand their knowledge of radical thought and form a radical intellectual community; through the give and take of discussion, can eventually form ideas for next steps in organizing and political activity. According to Bookchin, study groups help create solidarity and a shared language — with a shared coherent vision — for building a mass, organizing, political movement!
Along with Climate Change, many people oppose the imperialism of the USA under control of the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  Use of the wealth of our nation should be to enhance quality of life for We The People rather than for imperialism.  Some people vote accordingly.I———————–That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  
Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. *******************************************************************—-Political Party affiliation of voters.

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