Who doesn’t understand the motivation of Zalensky and in FACT who wouldn’t act the same in his shoes? And this may be how history is rewritten to fit the Establishment script. The movement of non-violence that was the foundation of ideas from MLK, Jr. has been white-washed for political expediency by capitalists who are posturing as pro-democracy when an informed person can understand that capitalism is hierarchical and antithetical to democracy.
One can understand the motivation of Zalensky as he used the “I have a dream” soundbite while ignored is the spirit and heart of non-violence. We can also understand that having been attacked by Russia, the response must be defense. But understanding more deeply, the notion of non-violence needs to be ubiquitous and be the prelude before military action begins. Military action doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Violence isn’t only physical but can be emotional, legislative, or economic. Americans are only too aware of this.
But back to the message of MLK, Jr. In his own words, MLK, Jr. challenged capitalism as being an instigator of war. Where did these ideas from MLK, Jr. originate, about non-violence? It would seem MLK, Jr. got these ideas from Gandhi, who got these ideas from American Quakers, who got these ideas from Leo Tolstoi, a Russian author.
An enlightening read is by Thomas Paine in The Age Of Reason. His ideas were informative for The Revolutionary War and could inform a US public that has traveled far from the roots of our democratic Constitutional republic.
But those who hold up as a model MLK, Jr., need only refer to his actual thoughts and words, devoid of soundbite spectacle.
MLK, Jr. seemed to promote peace rather than war. Consider how quickly the USA has jumped into a war posture, after ousting a democratically although possibly corrupt President of Ukraine in 2014, to install one to the liking of “The West”. Voile….war……
But sometimes truth seeps through the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment rhetoric as reality rises—- –BREAKING NEWS: @SwissRe, one of the world’s ultimate risk managers, brings new momentum to the insurance industry’s shift away from fossil fuels with a new oil and gas policy today. A quick on the breakthroughs, the gaps and the steps which other insurers now need to take.–end of twitter info– –But NATO is hardly a “defensive organization.”Indeed, from its founding NATO has been an aggressive alliance designed to hem in the then Soviet Union, and to to threaten it with destruction by US nuclear weapons which were and still are stored in member countries, sometimes actually mounted on missiles and available for rapid loading onto US and NATO bombers parked on air bases all over Europe.–end of counterpunch info– –But this symbol of Russia is now being replaced by a picture in which an oligarch’s giant yacht rides at anchor off some Mediterranean resort. This provides an easily recognisable visual sign of the vast wealth obtained by the oligarchs, often corruptly acquired through looting the Soviet state of its most valuable assets after its collapse in 1991.Putting their great fortunes so blatantly on display in the shape of yachts, mansions and football teams reflects a need on the part of the Russian super-rich to highlight their elite status, while obscuring the semi-criminal means by which they acquired their wealth.–end of counterpunch info–It’s like taking a day-trip into outer space by non-Russian oligarchs isn’t a brash display of a needy ego.
And while being neutral about who so-calls wins the Russia/Ukrainian war, if the USA is using disinformation in the promotion of “Western values” that seem to be capitalism, how is “The West” different from communism? Does anyone care? Or is this again a matter of whether one cheers for Team Red or Team Blue? Are we just one big sports conglomeration rather than a civilization? — –The director of the US Central Intelligence Community has admitted to waging an “information war” against Russia.–end multipolarista info–
As mentioned previously, why are local-community members involved in an oligarch vs. oligarch argument? Should this stop being acceptable? It is barbaric, similar to jus primae noctis (“right of the first night”) . Isn’t it time to say enough? — –The overwhelming support that Western governments and media outlets have poured out for Ukraine since Russia invaded on February 24 is not actually motivated by concern for the Ukrainian people. They are using us to advance their political and economic interests.–end of mronline info–
Obsession with a white-on-white war raises questions about the imperialism we’ve watched perpetrated against “The South” over so many decades—- –War in Ukraine: The View From the Global SouthThe war in Ukraine has focused world public opinion on the conflict, the loss of human life, and a new refugee crisis in Europe. Meanwhile, 75 million people have been made into refugees in recent years from intensifying U.S. and NATO wars in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. –end of freedomside info–
Discussion about the health and welfare of the American public has magically stopped. The pressure is off our big-money campaign donor-purchased legislators as they grandstand about “protecting American interests overseas’ and “spreading democracy around the globe”.
As heard on a Bill Moyers show, governments don’t do democracy, people do democracy. The public can speak up and therefore function democratically. –SENECA FALLS, Mar. 18, 2022 — Runoff from the state’s active and inactive landfills contains PFAS ‘non-stick’ chemicals at hundreds of times the levels deemed a health risk in drinking water.–end of waterfrontonline info–
Like the guy who told me his wife and he had had 3 children before they realized what was causing it, more seriously deadly causes of actual disease should be recognized sooner—- –Phthalates, known as “everywhere chemicals” or plasticizers, have been linked to an increased risk in childhood cancer, a new study finds. These chemicals are widely used in consumer products and increase the durability or consistency of plastic.–end of ecowatch info–
Why are people dumping sludge? Is that good for local communities? This feels like criminal behavior on par with physical attack. Why have no laws been passed to control such anti-social behavior? — –Alabama neighbors ask for stricter rules about sludge dumping on land–end of twitter info– –Both Veterans for Peace and the Minnesota Democrat—who spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday—emphasized that enforcing an NFZ would require shooting down Russian aircraft.–end of commondreams info–
———————–We can do better———-