Is it a wonder that some of the elite are planning for a future away from Mother Earth? —
Public discourse seems to force us to take sides: either with Russian imperialism or with NATO expansionism and the prominent role of the US. We are supposed to take a side with one nationalism or with the other. But both systems organise exploitation with different means and turn borders into deadly tools. It is not by chance that the remilitarisation of borders has happened first against migrants seeking a better life. It is not by chance that no declarations from all sides are currently concerned with people’s actual lives.–end of transnational info–
Similar to wealthy nations who are largely responsible for Climate Change, oligarchs are largely responsible for military actions. Perpetrators grow wealthy at the expense of residents of Mother Earth including people, animals, and nature. The price is too high.
As Putin uses the phrase “peacekeeper” to define his actions in the Ukraine, how few people seem to recognize this as sarcasm in use of the Western propaganda.
The infrastructure for our Pyramid-Scheme economy is aggression, exploitation, and greed. Don’t we see ourselves as we challenge others, or don’t we want to? – –Even often hawkish New York Times columnists – Thomas Friedman and Bret Stephens made this point this week about the brazen U.S. history of military hypocrisy while tearing into Putin. Stephens brought up the Monroe Doctrine over the entire Western Hemisphere, in raising repeatedly the question, “Who are We?”–end of ralphdader info–
The wealth necessary for oligarchs to consider abandoning an unlivable Earth of their own making fuels the pain to humanity and nature.
Centuries of colonialism seem to be acceptable in the USA, along with harm to Indigenous People and nature, in order to support capitalism — Received from lakotalaw—-I hope you’re safe and remaining hopeful despite the horrific world events taking place. The Russian invasion of Ukraine highlights once again how important it is for people everywhere to remain sovereign and free of tyranny. My heart goes out to all who are now suffering through another needless, bloody war.Perhaps it will lend you some comfort to know that there is good news this week from Standing Rock. This Wednesday, tribal leaders from across the Great Sioux Nation will have an opportunity to sit down with the U.S. Army Civil Works and relay our concerns about the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL). After years of our #NoDAPL resistance falling on deaf ears — as highlighted by Standing Rock Chairwoman Janet Alkire in our new video, co-produced with the tribe — the Army finally reached out to Standing Rock. This is a potential turning point, though we are keeping our expectations modest. —
We originally expected the Army Corps of Engineers to release its DAPL Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) earlier this month. But that’s now on hold, pending our coming conversation about this dangerous pipeline. This opportunity to have the appropriate government officials really listen to our concerns is long overdue.Of course, given the long history of broken promises by the U.S. government to Native People, I take everything with a grain of salt and won’t celebrate prematurely. We must continue to stand ready to protest the EIS, should it eventually be released in any form that doesn’t fully address our concerns. Right now, I’m happy to say we have some additional leverage. The meeting with Civil Works will happen against the backdrop of a huge win for Standing Rock in the Supreme Court this past week. Justices shut down DAPL’s attempt to make an end-run around the environmental oversight process. Solidarity remains paramount if we are to achieve our goal of ending DAPL once and for all. As people from many nations gathered for our original NoDAPL stand in 2016 and ‘17, Wednesday’s meeting will bring together leaders from throughout the Oceti Sakowin — our Great Sioux Nation. We will, of course, report on the results of that conversation to you. So, please continue to stay with us. We must remain vigilant, united, and ready to act.Wopila tanka — my deep gratitude to you for your friendship!
Chase Iron Eyes
Co-Director and Lead Counsel
The Lakota People’s Law Project–end of lakotalaw info–
Who would challenge that “public relations” has replaced good governance in the USA? — –On matters of war and peace, ministerial deceit is reported as news. Inconvenient facts are censored, demons are nurtured. The model is corporate spin, the currency of the age. In 1964, McLuhan famously declared, “The medium is the message.” The lie is the message now.But is this new? It is more than a century since Edward Bernays, the father of spin, invented “public relations” as a cover for war propaganda. What is new is the virtual elimination of dissent in the mainstream.In the US media, the Odessa atrocity was played down as “murky” and a “tragedy” in which “nationalists” (neo-Nazis) attacked “separatists” (people collecting signatures for a referendum on a federal Ukraine). Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal damned the victims – “Deadly Ukraine Fire Likely Sparked by Rebels, Government Says”.–end of popularresistance info–
A MSNBC talking head, interviewing Ukrainians in a parking garage during Russian bombing, asked the journalist she interviewed about Putin’s statement about Nazis fomenting unrest in Ukraine. She asked whether this was true. The reply after a short pause was (paraphrase), I don’t think so; Ukraine has only about 1% right-wing followers. Today corporate-owned-state-run media conveniently overlook their hair-on-fire reporting over the last several years about the very real expanding Nazi movement in the USA, with people posing as if not in FACT Nazis marching in US streets. The Ukrainian was sufficiently adroit to replace the phrase Nazi with right wing. He was sophisticated, the talking head was practicing public relations. If Nazis can be replaced by the phrase “the right wing”, the USA is 50% infiltrated. Ukrainian involvement by US politicians can possibly be misconstrued as Nazi involvement. In politics the appearance of corruption should be avoided. In the USA, with Citizens United in place, one wonders if corruption is even recognizable or admitted.It is informed that the journalist when asked if Nazis were in Ukraine, reframed (sic) to say, no, only about 1% are right wing. In contrast in the USA when asked, probably 50% of people would identify as right wing, but not Nazis. Perhaps the 1% in Ukraine who are right wing, are the leaders. The same is FACTual in the USA, but to a higher number. This is pure speculation, but worthy of thought.A large majority of Americans participate in left-wing notions such as the military, fire departments, police departments, Social Security, and also are demanding a 1-payer comprehensive public health care policy that would be less costly to the nation and more inclusive in health care, but display as right wing. In other words, we may be confused. And so when leaders of a foreign nation make statements that are verifiable, corporate-owned-state-run media in the USA will label them as unstable, when perhaps it is only about linguistic miscommunication, if not MSM propaganda.One wonders how many people listened to the entirety of what Putin said, or simply accepted state-run-corporate-owned media interpretation.And while we’re on the topic—–—Summary: The Congressional Budget Office just released a powerful report, highlighting multiple ways in which single payer would strengthen the economy. That’s right, not just health, but also general economic productivity and well-being. Efficiently financed universal health care improves health and reduces financial burdens, boosting economic performance.–end of hjm info–A nice war with Russia will distract from the issues in the USA.Capitalistic hierarchical use of public relations produces advertisement rather than governance— –Under capitalism, the meaning and substance of wealth is restricted to the value of commodities produced for sale and profit, accumulated as capital and measured in money -the universal measure of human labour time involved in commodity production. This meaning of wealth excludes human social needs as well as the impact on wealth from environmental degradation, pollution, exploitation and inequalities. These are not accounted for the capitalist accumulation of private wealth. Because of that, capitalist economies are not only destructive and wasteful; capitalism is unfit for the purpose of delivering real wealth to humanity.
Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters have become so serious that the contradiction between capital and wealth accumulation has become obvious. This has forced even mainstream economics to consider ways of measuring ‘wealth’ as opposed to the production of value (GDP) and its accumulation into capital.
–end of mronline info–When hierarchy is in control, hierarchy is the entity to protect and promote— –The problem, however, is that militarist managerialism works by harvesting problems that it creates.In military managerialism a host of diverse actors including the Pentagon, allied militaries in Europe, war corporations benefitting from NATO standardization requirements, the elite mass media, allied politicians, think tanks and academics each gain by supporting NATO expansion. These groups represent the nexus of political, economic, media and academic capital aligned with militarist interests. Such expansion raises the power and status of each group and individual supporting such advocacy.–end of portside info– –Public discourse seems to force us to take sides: either with Russian imperialism or with NATO expansionism and the prominent role of the US. We are supposed to take a side with one nationalism or with the other. But both systems organize exploitation with different means and turn borders into deadly tools. It is not by chance that the remilitarization of borders has happened first against migrants seeking a better life. It is not by chance that no declarations from all sides are currently concerned with people’s actual lives.–end of socialstoproject info–
Globalism and capitalism has required more surgical media reporting to attempt to divide the public by nationality rather than class. Other people see the current tension as between those at the top of the Pyramid-Scheme economy struggling for supremacy regardless of national identification. The public seems to be required as fodder for the game. Oligarchs will be oligarchs, whether American or Russian.
Telling are the infrastructure build out by some oligarchs to leave Mother Earth after said oligarchs have rendered Mother Earth unlivable, whether due to Climate Change or war. —BBC news pointed out that Russians in the UK protesting the invasion of Ukraine could be arrested in Russia, but didn’t also point out that when the Police & Crimes Bill passes in the UK anyone ‘noisily’ protesting anything could also be arrested.–end of twitter info–