As a child of the ’60’s and having apparently been a bit of a nird, one remembers the wrenching disappointment to become aware that the CIA was involved in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba who was a democratically-elected leader of the Congo.–

Within a year, everything would unravel. The CIA plot to murder Lumumba would fizzle out, but he would be deposed in a CIA-backed coup, transferred to enemy territory in a CIA-approved operation, and shot dead by Congolese assassins. Hammarskjöld, too, would die, in a mysterious plane crash en route to negotiate a cease-fire with the Congo’s rebellious southeast. And a young, ambitious military officer named Joseph Mobutu, who had once sworn fealty to Lumumba, would seize power with U.S. help and misrule the country for more than three decades. For the Congolese people, the events of 1960–61 represented the opening chapter of a long horror story. For the U.S. government, however, they provided a playbook for future interventions.

–end of lumumba info–

To have been aware of the function of the CIA at such an early age, inescapable was the reality of propaganda about American exceptinalism as being nothing but, has been a backdrop to viewing of US politics.

CIA is under scrutiny about the Pennsylvania  assassination event raises many questions.  Simplicity and transparency isn’t the work of our governance.  To presuppose the underpinnings of this uniquely garbled keystone cops event is too naive even for Americans, who seem capable of swallowing more than their share of propaganda.

If a governing body was truly involved in the process of governing rather than self aggrandizing, said governing body may have paid more attention to honest governing then said self-aggrandizing.  For example, adequate funding for regulatory agencies could have provided support for campaign rallies for local law enforcement that would legitimize oversight and at least concerned involvement from elected politicians. 

And so a negligent governing body once again will aimlessly question others about “what went wrong”.

Then hands will be washed of responsibility.  Keep in mind that this was one politician under attack, while hordes of public citizens have been murdered by senseless gunfire over the years….and this instigated by both of fellow citizens and law enforcement……and reciprocated in kind.  As portions of our governing body wishes to unencumber itself of regulatory restrictions, said governing body continues on a course of apparent malfeasance and negligence of official duty.

This raises notions about American involvement in most foreign wars.  What is our right?  Why have we supported apparent genocidal Israel government?  A cynic might suspect greed and money.

This is a reason some people questions the hyper-patriarchal hierarchy presuming too much as the citizenship of women is being mitigated.

As heard on C-Span this morning from a seemingly quaintly charming woman, she supports ideas from candidate Trump because she approves of the pro-life position in which one didn’t hear about abortion, and women and girls were more in tune to the niceties of appropriate and charming dress.

Perhaps parasols and bustles would be cute??

One recalls, as many youngsters may not be aware, of a movie called The Stepford Wives.  That, girls and boys, was indicative of growing up in the ’50’s.  Check it out.

The Stepford Wives – Wikipedia

he Stepford Wives is a 1972 satirical “feminist horror[1] novel by Ira Levin. The story concerns Joanna Eberhart, a talented photographer, wife, and young mother who suspects that something in the town of Stepford is changing the wives from free-thinking, intelligent women into compliant wives dedicated solely to homemaking. As her friends slowly transform, Joanna realizes the horrific truth.

The book has had two feature film adaptations, both using the same title as the novel: the 1975 version, and the 2004 remake. Edgar J. Scherick produced the 1975 version as well as all three of the television sequels. Scherick was credited posthumously as producer of the 2004 remake.

–end of stepfordwives info–

Is life mimicking art or is art mimicking life?  Or are women simply indoctrinated in permitting others to define their being?

When Andrew Cuomo was forced to step down from the NYS governing position, one’s first thought was intrique about a Governor Hochul.  One has not been disappointed.

Obviously this leads back to a Joe Biden relinquishing of the Presidency.  One continues to hear Biden’s concerns for his legacy, while Americans are worried about democracy.  Does Biden begin to sound like Trump? 

Priorities seem askew.

And one is intrigued with the ideas of a President Harris; and especially with a possibility of a V-P Corey Booker.

It’s not like we don’t need a change, boys and girls.

And especially needed is a reinstating of full human rights for women. 

This atrocity and violation of human rights could have been short-circuited with codification of Roe v Wade while the Democrats had control of both houses and the Presidency.  It wasn’t, but it turned out to be a great campaign platform, didn’t it.

One suspects but isn’t sure that Democratic women governing would have done so.  The same concern remains about the penchant by Democrats to be pro-war. 

One wishes to hear more about the possibilities of anti-war positions from Democratic women.  This is a reason still sees one voting for either of Jill Stein or Cornel West.

Yet, silence on the topic, or at least the sleazy FACT of going along to get along that is extant within Democratic women, has left a void that is too important to ignore.  One wishes to now the stance of Democratic women on the topic of forever wars.

One could consider a President Harris with V-P Cory Booker, if they answered satisfactorily, on the topic of the criminality of wars.  Remember than the phrase war criminal, is an oxymoron.

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