A local news outlet presented a Rep. Molinaro photo-op of a particularly relevant Cadosia Boat Launch in our Upstate NY region.  One notices so many Rep. Molinaro populist events that surely add to the quality of life in our countryside.  He touched on ability for youth to make use of such projects, and this seems particularly beneficial.–Celebrated the opening of the Cadosia Boat Launch which is an amazing new addition in Hancock that’ll boost public access & use of our beautiful Delaware River. I’m proud to fight for federal funding for the Delaware River Basin. It’s what helps get crucial projects like this across the finish line.

–end of molinaro photo-op info–

The transparency should extend to more clandestine Rep. Molinaro policies and legislation, that remain hidden within the depths of the dark and frankly dictatorial side of MAGA world.

One such unsettling event in the world of NYS Rep Molinaro is the patriarchal system that crowds out rights and justice for everyone outside of their cronies.  One is particularly interested  in the law enforcement such as the DA and local Sheriffs collaboration.  House Speaker Mike Johnson to travel to Binghamton for event with Rep. Molinaro

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., will travel to Binghamton Thursday for an event with Republican U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro focused on law enforcement funding and public safety. 

The Thursday meeting will be at the Broome County Sheriff’s Office and is said to feature sheriff’s deputies, neighboring law enforcement, other first responders and families. 

Johnson’s trip comes as Molinaro seeks reelection in the 19th Congressional District. Broome County is the most-populous county there and could play a large role in in the upcoming election. Molinaro is being challenged by Democrat Josh Riley, who is from Endicott, a village just outside Binghamton. Molinaro flipped the seat in 2022, defeating Riley by about 4,500 votes.

–end of Spectrum info—

Complimentary to such collaboration is the unspoken reality of the NYS Rep Molinaro legislation that will clamp down on Free Speech byway of naming anti-war protesters and anti semitic.  —Rep. Molinaro Condemns Antisemtism on Binghamton University Campus

Rep. Molinaro continued, “These remarks open old wounds, obstruct the healing process, and underscore the need to enlighten many Americans – especially many young Americans – about the horrors of the Holocaust. I authored legislation to promote the teaching of accurate Holocaust history in our schools. The lessons of the Holocaust cannot ever be forgotten.

Rep. Molinaro concluded, “So, let me speak directly to the students who have launched these anti-Israel protests at colleges across America. We will always respect — and fight — for your right to free expression. But we will never accept bigotry or outright idiocy. Please take the time to learn history, remember the past and open your eyes and minds to truth. We will not forget.”

–end of antisemitic legislation—

While fully supporting the teaching of Holocaust history in school, one also wonders at the paucity of education about the Slave Trade that built America and most notably the massacre and genocide against Native Americans; making special note of the Haudenosaunee of NYS.

Haudenosaunee (Iroquois)-The five nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy — also known as the Iroquois League or League of the Five Nations — occupied an area from the Genesee River on the west, through the Finger Lakes regions, to the Hudson River on the east in what is known as the Eastern Woodlands cultural area. The linguistically related Tuscarora moved north from North Carolina and Virginia to join the confederacy in 1722. Though technically the sixth nation of the confederacy, the Tuscarora — along with other represented nations like the Delaware, Wyandot and Tutelo — present their issues to the confederacy through the Cayuga nation.

—end of haudenosaunee info–

One wonders at the especially voluble celebration of Genocidal Christopher Columbus by many local European immigrants while undermining the rights and justice for the Haudenosaunee.  This seems like immigrant chauvinism.

White appreciating the photo-ops of Rep Molinaro of his populist intentions, one wishes for transparency about his patriarchal chauvinism.  That this is campaign season surely has piqued the politicking of NYS Rep. Molinaro.

Campaign contributions may be a factor including his protection for the genocidal Israel government.  One wonders how long it will be before laws are passed that label as domestic terrorism, critique of the US government.

This is a reason one is pleased to have a choice in non-corporate financed (so he states) —Who’s running in NY-19?

Riley is an Endicott native. After spending time as a staffer for Rep. Maurice Hinchey, he served as counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee while working in former Sen. Al Franken’s office. After working in private practice, he returned to New York in 2021 to begin campaigning. The time he spent in D.C. led Molinaro’s campaign to suggest in 2022 that Riley was a carpetbagger, referring to him in releases as “Josh Riley (D-Washington, D.C.).” 

The Harvard-educated attorney has marketed himself as a true upstater with grassroots support and highlighted his working-class upbringing in campaign materials. He is also a strong fundraiser, outraising Molinaro since he announced his campaign in April.

Riley’s platform is focused on revamping the region’s economy and progressive reforms like gun control and deemphasizing the role of law enforcement in mental health calls. He told City & State that Molinaro’s support of Jim Jordan and his general associations with extremists should be of concern to voters and could be his opponent’s undoing

–end of JoshRiley info–

Choose carefully when voting.

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