Why go back to 1600 when you can travel back to 700 B. C.?

Ownership: Early Christian Teaching- Wipf and Stock Publishers—- Charles Avila’s important retrieval of patristic texts reminds us that the ‘option for the poor’ is not a new theological fad, but an ancient Christian legacy. Joe Holland, Center of Concern, Washington, D.C. Charles Avila has provided an important recovery of the patristic teachings on wealth and poverty and has shown that a Christian theology of stewardship must be rooted in an ethic of economic justice.

–end of ownership info–  

Excerpt from this book that lays bare FACTS that even in 2024, We The People (plebians in the misnomer of Roman Law fro which originated our system of exploitation)—

“Private ownership and possession of land originally belonging to all in common enabled the patricians to exact services and rents in money and kind from plebians who had had to stay within the limits of their homesteads.  Now, whenever these plebians needed to use the land, they found they had to pay a price. to new owners for permission to use what was once of common domain.

The Roman State from very early times, was governed by elements especially favorable to patrician interests: the king, whose role was subsequently taken over by the magistracy; the council of elders, which became known as the senate, (from senex, elder): and the council of the people (or concilium plebis).  The people, (the plebs) hardly had any say in matters of moment, for instance in decisions to go to war.  They were the soldier-farmers.  They were not political decision makers.  Each time they returned from war, they might find their little farms ruined through neglect or devastated by the enemy.  The patricians, on the other hand, had slaves to carry on the farm work in their absence.  Wars impoverished the plebians then, and they were forced to borrow from the patricians in order to begin all over again.  But the patricians were enriched by war, for they had the money to lease or buy the large tracts of land conquered by the Roman State.  They could also acquire as many slaves as they liked, and these were not only cheaper to use than free labor, but could not be drafted for military service, and therefore would be available to tend the farms continuously.  The plebians were thus progressively buried in debt and reduced to ever more dire and greater dependence.”

Does this sound eerily similar to life in 2024?  Who else has noticed our so-called laws are capricious and promotes the interests of who I will call the patricians.  Originated from a common-usage culture, who were these patricians who presumed the privilege of passing laughable laws that benefited themselves at the cost of plebians and the environment?  Why in 2024 are we still indoctrinated into compliance to a quasi-slavery system, and especially using the deadly use of war to promote patrician interests?

Why in our enlightened and technologically-advanced age, don’t we ask these questions.

Another point mentioned is the difference between English common law and Roman Law.  This book written by a Catholic-seminary student, underlines the questionable interference by “the church” into manufacturing these gross human rights violations by law.

Maintaining this system of human rights violations is a surprising remnant from the deep past among we who pride ourselves on progress.  That we don’t even ask the origins of the laws is a unique curiosity of plebians, one considers, while reinforcing the criminality of our patricians.

Many of We The People, so-called free, are quite aware of the arrival of our judicial system at the door of organized crime.  We are watching the genocide toward Palestinians when we have patricians such as Kushner (Trump crony) expressing the following— Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’ – 

Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.

The former property dealer, married to Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, made the comments in an interview at Harvard University on 15 February. The interview was posted on the YouTube channel of the Middle East Initiative, a program of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, earlier this month.

–end of kushner thoughts—-

Religion seems to used as an excuse for many of the wars that are inflicted by patricians, by which they profiteer, in order as they assert to “protect the plebs”, and uphold religious virtues and values, which curiously is a parallel path to the organized crime that maintains the of paterfamlias as inspired around 700 B. C. .  And so the refrain goes out….MAGA….

One wonders at the superficiality of studying history only to the 1600’s, when we could go back to 700 B. C..

While the Catholic Church in Rome has taken over this paterfamilias system of exploitation byway of lawmaking, the Roman Catholic Church is only the tip of the iceberg of oligarch violations of human rights.

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