We need to question more closely, those telling our story to us. Myth could be involved. Myth is pretty…sometimes ugly.
Myth as ‘splained to the public is often more nearly excuses for Supremacy of Establishment. Consider several—
New report clears Uvalde police in school shooting response – The investigator who presented the report blamed families who rushed to the school that day for compromising the police response, prompting an eruption of anger from several families and some stormed out. Law enforcement took more than an hour to get inside the classroom and kill the gunman, even as children inside the classrooms called 911, begging police to rescue them.
–end of shooting info–
An excuse to “run government like a business” is efficiency and competence. This isn’t FACTually true, but it sounds good. This phrase and notion also keep quiet, a put-upon public. If the commentators on this topic wearing the expensive shoes say so, it must be true. If the bullhorn who is nearing 80 years old says, with the brilliant orange hair makes this statement, what could go wrong. And so the lemmings join hands and march over the cliff.
Boeing CEO, other executives stepping down amid safety crisis – Three senior Boeing executives including its CEO are stepping down, the company said Monday, as the company continues to deal with an ongoing scandal and federal investigation into the safety of its passenger jets.
–end of CEO info–
Laws are passed supported by big-money campaign donors. This feels like corruption
Once again, New York’s bail law is set to change – “We must break the cycle of retreating from what is right and reversing landmark civil rights progress year after year,” New York Civil Liberties Union Policy Counsel Jared Trujillo. “Lawmakers must protect criminal legal system reforms, listen to communities impacted by mass incarceration, and invest in initiatives and supports that prevent violence from happening in the first place. Access to housing, employment assistance, expanded mental health care and treatment resources, and violence interruption programs are the answer: ensnaring more New Yorkers in our criminal legal system is not.”
–end of NYS bail law reform info–
Trump says he ‘works the system”, but objects when low-income people object to untenable levels of bail imposed….to non-violent offenders.
Trump civil fraud case: New York court lowers bond to $175m and gives 10-day deadline A panel of appellate court judges gave Trump 10 days to secure a far smaller $175m bond just hours before New York’s attorney general could legally begin the long, slow process of seizing his assets.
–end of guardian info–
In an area where law enforcement have enthusiastically encouraged “crack down” on everyday citizens while apparently supporting Trump who apparently has been elevated as above the law by these same characters, questions are acceptable, while we still have Free Speech.
Speake Mike Johnson’s visit to Binghamton draws protests; Molinaro responds–
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson’s visit to Binghamton Thursday in support of Republican Rep. Marc Molinaro drew protests.
Johnson was in town for the statewide Republican convention earlier in the day, later making a quick stop at the Broome County Sheriff’s Office.
In part, his visit was aimed at supporting Molinaro’s reelection bid in a seat that could shape the future of power in the GOP.
Protestors took issue with the move.
“Molinaro is a rubber stamp for this guy. Invites him in our backyard here in Binghamton. It’s unacceptable. And Molinaro shows with his votes. He’s not for the people of the 19th District,” said Ravo Root, community organizer for Citizen Action of New York.
–end of spectrum info–
While patriarchy continues to insist on its veracity as a healthy system of society, reality tells a different story. Consider the essence of the following stories and what they imply for for general society and the majority of people, as an example.–
Federal and state expert endorses overdose prevention centers
Broome County sheriff urges DOH to consider synthetic opioid antagonists
Drug Companies’ Liability for the Opioid Epidemic
Successive Presidential and Congressional Administrations that have usurped authority of We The People, have adopted the policy of “running government like a business”. This is a laughable overreach of capitalistic hierarchical Establishment as given us by the patriarchy that insists on their Supremacy, which has proven to be a fallacy.
The reason We The People continue to buy this nonsense is about the same indoctrination perpetrated against humanity over thousands and thousands of years, and is FACTually human rights violations by the criminally inclined among us. Ultimately we have reached the level currently where they are all of the perpetrators, profiteers and lawmakers.
Their deflection is to designate everyone else as the criminals.
–C-Span hosted the call-in session today on disparate topics of Mifespristone and Trump’s bond amount reduction.
Some callers mentioned the new normal of courts in our electoral system. This coincides with “running government like a business”, that on a continuum becomes organized crime, special note should be taken by local communities. If your particular bureaucrats who we have voted into positions of control, under a system of tyranny, it would behoove us to keep a sharp eye on the shysters selling product, posing as leaders.
On the topic of reproductive rights, the control naturally belongs to the woman. Without this natural right, the criminal element in capitalistic hierarchy presumes Supremacy, usually White.
The guest on C-Span seemed to speak to this very issue. Washington Journal: Kelly Dittmar Discusses Women & Campaign 2024—
Washington Journal
Kelly Dittmar on Women and Campaign 2024
Kelly Dittmar discusses the role women will play in campaign 2024.
—end of WJ info–
Ms. Dittmar said her organization is non-partisan, so didn’t answer the question as to her opinion about reproductive rights. This has nothing to do with women in politics, anymore than it has to do with men. They are apples and oranges. In FACT, without hierarchical interference based on capitalistic Establishment needs, it wouldn’t occur to the political landscapes to care. Women would handle it themselves as have Indigenous women throughout history. When courts can legislate reproductive rights, when will they choose to step in on the topic of, for example, whether a cancer patient must undergo chemo-therapy against their will.
In FACT, as an Accord mediator, one sat in on more than a few mother-father discussions on the topic of child care payments. Mature adults raising children, even if separated, should be capable of handling this for themselves. A hierarchical system has indoctrinated into a mindset of compliance. This is control.
Ms. Dittmar said the reason for more women in politics is the female interest in health, food, local-community vibrancy, education, and children in general along with everyone else. In patriarchy we don’t see this, and explore the Greek mythology to understand how entrenched is the unfairness. This system is held in place under capitalism by economic means. This is a reason to keep a close eye on local-community bureaucrats who may or may not have used their bait-and-switch from democracy to a quasi-Pyramid Scheme. This is just a suggestion. Are we watching dedicated public servants or shysters?
As one who is proud of the achievements of white women over past years, one understands the draw of acceptance in the ‘ole-boy network. One believes degrees from institutions of higher learning are specifically in place to steer women and others down the road of hierarchical capitalism. Some have and some haven’t.
Meanwhile, black and brown women are defensively entering this maelstrom. One looks forward to more of these leaders because they may be closer to respect for matriarchy. One hopes the system doesn’t change principles and again, some have changed and some haven’t.
Anyway, the language of inferiority used toward women is a definition of chauvinism. It is unfair, pointless, and arbitrary.
Courage is needed to understand that, for example, war is not avoided by being the meanest SOB on the globe.
One can be convinced that the problem, danger, and menace are these capitalistic hierarchical Establishment elite who are sometime known as oligarchs.
What an embarrassment it must have been to UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, after she rendered the minimum of abstention about continuing that whoch many people see as genocide, and were applauded by the nations we purport to lead.
Just as many of We The People didn’t vote for installation of the system of capitalistic hierarchical Establishment to replace principles of the US Constitutional Republic, we also didn’t vote to become the world’s police and shyster, yet here we are. We are buying into the lie that this is the best system possible.
It isn’t. We are only dazzled by the expensive wardrobes and bright and oddly out-of-date hair. Our lack of imagination is stupifying.
Liz Cheney hits Ronna McDaniel over ‘take one for the team’ remark–
“If you attacked our Capitol … and you’ve been convicted, then that should stay,” McDaniel said when asked about Trump’s promise.
McDaniel said, when pressed by NBC’s Kristen Welker, that she is only now voicing her disagreement because she didn’t want to disagree with the former president while heading the RNC.
“When you’re the RNC chair, you kind of take one for the whole team,” she said. “Right now, I get to be a little bit more myself. This is what I believe.”
–end of cheney info–
No, Ms McDaniel (and so many MAGA followers and politicians) are “being themselves in their critical moments, when they can choose truth and courage or run to the cover of bullies.