So patriarchy held up a mirror to itself and were shocked…SHOCKED…to watch what the rest of us are forced to tolerate everyday as they inflict their version of who we should be in utter authoritarian presumption and self-indulgence.


“What the hell am I watching right now?” an unnamed Trump adviser told Rolling Stone.

“It’s one of our biggest disasters ever,” another unnamed Republican strategist told the Daily Beast.

–end of katiebritt info–

That patriarchy envisions some silly mid-’50’s notion of womanhood is pure ego tripping on their part.  This is a reason some people feel so negatively toward these boys.  They seriously need to continue to see themselves as do some of us.

As law enforcement envisions some sort of fantasy of “good men with guns” protecting others, others are being deeply injured by the antics of said boys.

A case in point is “crack down” on the locals, some of whom surely need monitoring, while Establishment runs wild in exploiting We The People.  A prime example has been TPP.

If Ms. Britt made a fool of herself in her caricature of the model American woman, how much so did Barack Obama as he fell over himself to keep happy his friend Jamie Dimon.  —Overview of TPP— President Obama announced in November 2009 the United States’ intention to participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations to conclude an ambitious, next-generation, Asia-Pacific trade agreement that reflects U.S. economic priorities and values. Through this agreement, the Obama Administration seeks to boost U.S. economic growth and support the creation and retention of high-quality American jobs by increasing exports in a region that includes some of the world’s most robust economies and that represents nearly 40 percent of global GDP.  The Obama Administration, in close partnership with Congress and a wide range of stakeholders, is working to conclude a strong agreement that addresses the issues that U.S. businesses and workers face in the 21st century.

–end of overview of tpp info–

TPP activey spelled out guidelines to place corporate rights and privilege over natural and human rights.  That was signed onto be Obama who wanted desperately to “fast track” TPP.  This sounds rather Trump-esc.

It’s not that the community organizer from Chicago was so stupid, it’s about the campaign-donor money and greed.  Sending American jobs overseas undermined We The People and our ability to live in dignity.  This can’t be the the reason the majority of people voted him into office.  There must have been a miscommunication in the platform delivery.  We now have an awkward supply chain, no US manufacturing to speak of, high prices at the grocery store, often empty shelves, and sky-high price gouging by corporations providing these services to We The People.  Some people believe this is Fascism.  Obama didn’t mention his change in governing philosophy, although some people are aghast when Trump spells it out for us.  Each style is as dangerous as the other.

And so, We The People are no longer citizens, but are consumers flying in flocks like pigeons for the safety of perhaps not being picked off by the hierarchy that are no longer leaders but are capitalists.

A case in point was discussed on C-Span about cyber attacks.  Without being asked, We The People have been coerced into the herd of web users, a system that our exploiters inform us that we cannot live without.  This is FACTually incorrect, although the protection racket has so set us up for their own convenience and greed.

Washington Journal: Greg Garcia Discusses Cybersecurity & Healthcare Industry


Washington Journal

Greg Garcia Discusses Cybersecurity & Healthcare Industryctor for the Healthcare Sector Coordinating Council discusses recent cyber hacks on the healthcare industry and efforts to combat them

—end of Greggarcia info–

How wealthy and under taxed have grow our cyber oligarchs, without considering protection for We The Pigeons? Why isn’t protection from their product not their responsibility? Why do they get the largely un-taxed profits while the public accepts the liability and cost?

Americans do indeed see themselves as consumers rather than human beings, thanks to the dismal so-called leadership of such people as Trump and Obama.  We can do better.

Washington Journal: Louise Dube Discusses the Importance of Civics Education  –


Washington Journal

Louise Dube Discusses the Importance of Civics Education

iCivics CEO Louise Dube discusses Civics Learning Week and the importance of civics education.

–end of Louisedube info–

And as my husband and I watched this C-Span discussion today, and we are both 70 years old or better, he asked why kids weren’t learning civic in school as were we.

I’m quite sure the reason is that teachers are supposed to be babysitters raising and feeding the children of the nation, which responsibility once fell to the parents.

I’m sure our teachers of 50 years ago didn’t bother with the emotional state of students, for better or worse, but at least we received the education of which children are bereft in 2024.  But children don’t seem to fully grow up in 2024, which must be fun.

And so we, for example women, are losing the rights for which women of the ’60’s and ’70’s struggled and won.  But the ladies of 2024 are surely that, and quite happily presenting as docile and compliant, for what that’s worth.  So we watch the embarrassment of Katie Britt, acting as stipulated by a culture of Christian nationalism inflicted upon We The People, even women.  

But that’s just the view of one person, who has been much insulted by a pervading Upstate NY apparent protection racket by too many of patriarchy.  What do you think?  


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