Democratic Party members are disturbed about a possible Trump-stacked Supreme Court that is obviously corrupted by cash, power, and self-interest, choosing to keep Trump on the Colorado ballet, after he engineered what is obvious also to many of We The People, an insurrection against peaceful transfer of power.

However, some of We The People remember the Democratic-Party bosses orchestrating a censorship of the voters’ choice of Bernie Sanders, using the PR that the Democratic Party is of, by and for African Americans, and using the hubris-crazed Jim Clyburn, a “powerful Senator”, to spread his level of arrogance and so insinuating Joe Biden into the position voters were choosing for Bernie Sanders.

Also, the Democratic Party worked to keep off the ballet, Bernie Sanders.

And so, be careful of what you wish for.  Voters are no longer in command of anything.  It’s called dictatorship.  Dictatorship is always about corruption, as ultimately is capitalism on its continuum toward organized crime.  Hence such characters as an orange savior.

Washington Journal: News Headlines and Viewer Calls  –


Washington Journal

Open Forum, Part 1

Viewers responded to the question “Do you trust the Supreme Court on election 2024 cases?”–end of c-span info–

Washington Journal: Henry Olsen Discusses Campaign 2024 & Future of the Republican Part  —


Washington Journal

Henry Olsen on Campaign 2024 and the Future of the Republican Party

Henry Olsen talked about campaign 2024 and the state of the Republican Party.—

–end of henryolsen info–

One is always interested to hear the views from Henry Olsen, a person with whom one has nothing in common politically.  Still the principles that are transparently expressed; including his wish to install Judeo-Christian values sans the typical Christian-Nationalist wink-and-a-nod toward Jesus Christ and his apparently outdated values, is refreshing and worthy of discussion.

For instances, the Democratic Party that was instrumental in promoting the idea of ubiquitous college-funding borrowing by those who have little to no understanding of use of an education other than to become rich, may have as little understanding about paying back a debt that enriches institutions of higher learning and lending institutions, but is nothing other  than a capitalist-hierarchical fraud strategy.  This is part and parcel of the Citizens United fraud of buying “Representatives of The People”.

The wink-and-a-nod political ploys extend to the Supreme Court, with an electorate so capitalistically indoctrinated as to unable to forget they only need to vote their conscience, rather than to be voter-sheep for the Democratic/Republican Party Corporation duopoly that has no legitimate function in our elections.

If the voters didn’t insist that everyone “hold your nose” and vote against your conscience, we could have as President, Bernie Sanders, an honest public servant to the extent of the ability of a human being.  So far, the system doesn’t seem so special.

An excellent alternative could be Cornel West.  But don’t hold your breath with the childlike voters with which one contends.

Cornel West 2024 POLICY PILLAR POWER HOUR on Racial Justice

Cornel West 2024 POLICY PILLAR POWER HOUR on Racial Justice

  –end of cornelwest info–

Just as white women aren’t just short white men, others aren’t nothing other than differently-tinted white people.  We all have our own Creator-gifted dreams, mores, lifestyle, and ideals ideals that deserve respect.  We need the same from government.

Just as white women aren’t nothing other than short white men, others aren’t nothing other than differently-tinted white people.  It is permissible express one’s own view of mores, lifestyle, and priorities; and these ideals needn’t be politically censored, and then white-washed into white male patriarchy.

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