A topic of discussion on C-Span was of the 3 dead troops, killed by a drone attack. At about 7:50AM a purported cy-ops military person made the point that in Iran, existed a panel of elite-ists who can be called oligarchs, instrumental in these actions.
All nations have such panels that are called oligarchs. The USA has been prominent in spreading the culture of greed and ruthlessness around the world, being called “Western values”.
The caller made the point that although this cy-ops military man abhors violence, something must be done about such panels, he said.
In patriarchal indoctrination, the fall-back response seems to be violence. Another way to short-circuit oligarchical indoctrination would be simple recognition of one’s indoctrination: And to recognize reality, name it, and deal with it is to challenge denial.
For what reason have We The People on a world-wide level, bought into the notion that international oligarchs, including the USA, Iran, Middle Easter nations, Israel, Russia, and China, are sacrosanct and cannot b economically challenged during the wealth transfer of the treasure of the world from the international cadre of We The People, to international oligarchs.
For what reason have We The People on a world-wide level, accepted that We The People can be collateral damage while international oligarchs are sacrosanct and can kill with impunity without personal exposure?
The USA currently has running for President, an oligarch who is asking our Supreme Court to hand down a decision so stating. How groveling have We The People become? Question this absurdity, if not prosecuting it.
And consider that American lawmakers may have dual citizenship with the same Israel the USA is funding and supporting the genocide from Israel. That We the People accept this absurdity doesn’t personify democracy, dignity, or freedom and liberty.
One is pleased at the number of callers to C-Span that expressed wishes to withdraw from a hemisphere not our own, as we cater to international oligarchs.
The cy-ops fellow makes a great point about “taking out” oligarchical panels, but simple economic policy that fairly spreads the wealth is a better choice than violence. Challenge patriarchy.
An eye-opening view can be read in –
Controversial and explosive, The Christ Conspiracy marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence that the religion of Christianity and Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion! This powerful book maintains that these groups drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that already existed long before the Christian era and reworked them…
–end of abebooks info–
One interjects the topic of theocracy for 2 reasons. Iran is an admitted theocracy; the USA is a closet theocracy. Evidence is that our Presidential candidates are relying heavily on the institutionalized religions that some people think first harnessed We The People into slavery in the first place, whether outright or under such gentle labels as “workers’. —
In a nation that neglects universal health care for We The People, in order to permit funding in foreign nations for the same, in order to continue the wealth transfer from We The People to international oligarchs including but not limited to those in the USA, Iran, Middle Eastern nations, Russia and China, to watch US oligarchs abuse the concept of religion to deflect from oligarchical indoctrination, would be a good place to begin to eschew denial. We don’t need to use violence against this system of organized crime, we can simply short-circuit the money stream.
The idea of separation of church and state is valid and we ignore this to our own harm. And we also need to look askance at the so-called Presidential candidates abusing this system for self-promotion.
Any one of the 3 dead Americans is worth more than these self-involved characters. Vote accordingly.