Nick Timiraos speaks to the terror by the Feds of deflation, which they abhor because people anticipate lower prices as prices deflate, and so put off buying products, and so a spiral of unemployment is set into place. The reason US workers were expected to accept globalism was ‘splained with lower product costs
…..which by the way supported growing unemployment and diminishing wages for Americans, while corporations took advantage of quasi-slavery conditions in foreign nations. Before drinking the cool-aid of capitalist hierarchical Establishment ‘splaining, we need to hear the similarities in policies that ultimately have profited corporations at the expense of We The People. And as to the promised lower product costs, where are they? So we have high product costs with low US wages, under the excuse of inflation. Economists have a few things to answer to. If the proof is in the pudding, the experts are worthless. —
ULY 27, 2023 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 07/27/2023
Washington Journal
Nick Timiraos on Federal Reserve Meeting and the U.S. Economy
Nick Timiraos talked about the previous day’s Federal Reserve meeting and state of the U.S. economy
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Speaks of a book about the pretended chivalry of the Ku Klux Klan, which is an apt topic in 2023 as women are beaten about the head and shoulders by Democratic Party campaign strategists, to use as the less scary people to demonize when said strategists won’t directly challenge the perpetrators……in the view of one person……chivalry is indeed the cloying facade behind which atrocity can be committed when the disingenuous are fearful of the actual perpetrators. In other words, stop holding women by the shoulders inf front of you to avoid the ire of the hierarchical patriarchy.. —
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The responses to truth from patriarchy/capitalism is violence, if not physical, then in the many facets available to the powerful and self-indulgent. That those most sensitive are often most surely targeted is a sign of Establishment paranoia, and quite predictable.— – A sharp critic of racism and misogyny in the music business who refused to play the national anthem before her concerts, O’Connor was already a controversial figure. But the “SNL” incident — in which O’Connor sang Bob Marley’s “War” before tearing up the photo to protest, she later said, the Catholic Church’s enablement of child abuse — turned her into a full-blown pariah. Two weeks later, O’Connor was booed off the stage at a Bob Dylan tribute concert at Madison Square Garden and fled, crying, into the arms of Kris Kristofferson.
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Both Branches of the D&R duopoly have squelched voices of We The People, whether speaking to protect the rights of women or the environment, with the lie that money is Speech, which notion effectively censors activists. The money propagandized as Speech buys lawmakers who pass laws that violate human and natural rights. Law enforcement is paid to “clamp down on activists and protesters who raise voices to protect natural and human rights”.
We are living in a time when we the people are witnessing more and more of our protected constitutional human rights eroded or taken away at an alarming rate, while also witnessing the expansion of “corporate rights”. As a passionate environmental activist and organizer, working for the recognition of the Rights of Nature, there is some irony and also more than a few “ah-ha” moments over the past decade while studying past history and living current history at the same time.
Enter Dave Mansbery, a local resident who just so happened to be the owner of an oil/gas drilling company, and did not appreciate the sharing of ideas and information about the industry or a waste by-product of drilling he was marketing to the public as a harmless road deicer.
In March of 2012, he filed a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) against me and another resident working on stopping this by-product from being spread on local roads, claiming we were factually misrepresenting the nature of his deicer, AquaSalina. He was worried about his profits. The SLAPP suit is yet another tool that industry and corporations have to intimidate and stop citizens and activists. Dave Mansbery used this tool to silence our Free Speech and keep us from sharing critical information and ideas that people need to protect themselves. Such information, if made public, might impact profits, a priority routinely held in higher esteem than people and nature.
–end of celdf info——–CELDF was instrumental, among so many other dedicated local-community citizens, in struggling toward the NYS fracking ban. Incidentally the ideas of a democracy school was inspired and taught. CELDF can provide the foundation for many topics of human and natural rights. —
LIVE: Cornel West Joins Lee Camp!
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Regeneration International (RI) is one of the largest and most significant regenerative organizations on the planet, with over 500 partners in over 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Australasia, the Pacific, North America, and Europe. We are the people who started the global regeneration movement.
Leaders of the organic, agroecology, holistic management, environmental, and natural health movements came together to form Regeneration International as a genuinely inclusive and representative umbrella organization. We aimed to establish a global network of like-minded agricultural, environmental, health, and social organizations to regenerate our food and farming systems, our health, environment, climate, and communities – which is what we have done.
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As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate——–