Lies are direct or by omission. Then there’s the lie of charming disarming by persuasion…aka actors. Recognize them.
As we experience unprecedented weather reports that now include smoke prevalence, Politicians ‘splain that smoke originates from Canadian wildfires and there is little that can be done while meteorologists ‘splain, after consulting with “experts” that wildfires are normal. This after decades of censorship of environmentalists who apparently get in the way of infinite growth using finite resources that is the foundation of capitalism and the origin of the advertising dollars and political-campaign donations that grease the wheels. Coincidentally laws are passed to “crack-down” on protesters and activists who dare to speak truth to power on the topic of Climate Change. In other words, we seem to live in a dictatorship equipped with state/corporate run news outlets that pretend to be Free Speech and a Free Press.
https://www.commondreams.org/news/hottest-day-ever-tuesday —
Data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction shows that the average global temperature reached 17.01°C, or 62.62°F, on Monday—making it the hottest day ever recorded.
The record lasted just 24 hours.
On Tuesday, the global average temperature peaked at a new all-time high of 17.18°C as regions worldwide—from Asia to Africa to the U.S. South—reeled from dangerous heatwaves.
—end of commondreams info–
The reason for a need for “crack-down” laws against local-community members (We The People), is oppression. This has always been the case. https://solidarity-us.org/revolutionary-peasant-leader-hugo-blanco-1934-2023/ – Hugo Blanco did not compromise in political struggles, and he neither surrendered nor was enticed by privileges he was offered. For instance, he totally rejected offers of joining the half-hearted land reform of the military regime in the beginning of the 1970s. He opposed self-appointed leaderships in parties and movements. Hugo stressed the importance of being practically involved in the daily work of the movements and of listening to all concerned. He also had a rare quality of reaching out to and convincing people. One example is how he addressed his prison guards in the military trial and explained that he made a clear difference between them and their superior offices. During his prison custody and during the trial, his guards repeatedly had to be exchanged since they grew too sympathetic to him. He was present in dramatic moments in world politics, and he managed to convey strategic lessons from every struggle to the rest of us.
—end of solidarity info–
Meanwhile, touching on the new smoke alerts in the Northeast, isn’t a request logical, for explanations from all of politicians, experts, and professionals about their personal negligence in raising or at least permitting genuine conversation about Climate Change that is probably brought on in large part by infinite growth using finite resources.
Local-community would do themselves a service to keep in mind that our so-called allies are less Establishment representatives and more nearly global local community members. South America has been an inordinately excellent example of leadership, if we only had the ability to understand. https://popularresistance.org/peruvians-call-for-10-day-struggle-against-the-boluarte-government/ –
Jorge Pizarro, representative of the National Assembly of the Peoples (ANP), explained that the new round of protests would be called the “National Day of Permanent Popular Mobilization” and that the capital Lima would be its epicenter. Pizarro informed that the protests would begin on July 19, the day for which ‘Toma de Lima’ or ‘Takeover of Lima’ march had been called, and conclude on July 28, on the Peruvian Independence Day.Thousands of people from across the country are expected to arrive in Lima in the coming days. Pizarro reported that the leadership of the protest was considering the possibility of requesting international observers, in order to avoid deaths and injuries such as those registered during the demonstrations between December 2022 and February 2023.
—end of popularresistance info–
Is this a bait-and-switch case? — https://portside.org/2023-07-04/supreme-court-decides-fake-plaintiffs-are-good-plaintiffs?utm_source=portside-general&utm_medium=email – Approximately 43 million Americans were made between $10,000 and $20,000 poorer today (plus interest) thanks to six Republican lawyers from Harvard and Yale. They decided that a program based on a statute intended to modify student loan balances in the event of an emergency could not modify student loan balances in the event of the COVID-19 emergency. And they did it by claiming that a plaintiff was injured by this program, when that plaintiff did not petition the Court over its injury, had no involvement in the case, and would likely not be injured by the program.
–end of portside info—-Establishment engineers new ways to obfuscate for power and profit.
And by the way, Wokesters, we could use some ‘splaining about the support for this Biden guy, who seems to get odder and odder. —
https://www.commondreams.org/news/biden-elliott-abrams-diplomacy – President Joe Biden on Monday quietly nominated Elliott Abrams to serve on a bipartisan diplomacy commission, a move that human rights advocates condemned as outrageous given the longtime Republican official’s past as a defender of Latin American death squads and cheerleader for murderous U.S. foreign policy interventions.
–end of commondreams info——-A lotta people took a lotta heat from Wokesters for rejecting Biden. “Splain again, your position, please?
Most people understand the titillation of a Team Win, but this isn’t a game, boys and girls.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8n51xlrMy8 —
The Chris Hedges Report: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters on Ukraine, Palestine, music & more
–end of chrishedges info–
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJvU9zovQss —
Bruised & Beaten For Free Speech
–end of leecamp info–
As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-