professionals and experts
What should we expect from our well-remunerated professional classes and experts, as pertains to information. Could conflict of interest be so inherent in the US system that it has become unnoticeable, as it is broad-brushed across the public consciousness as a form of uplifting positivity?
For decades environmentalists have been denigrated as spreading sad news that somehow hinders the infinite progress using finite resources of capitalism. Currently environmentalists are labeled as domestic terrorists for speaking truth to power. Big-money-interest =-purchased politicians are passing laws that “crack-down” on local community members who find themselves in this position of choosing to become willing servants of the state or to retain human and natural rights dignity.
Experts are cited by professional classes who bring information to the public, as viable sources to squelch the Free Speech of We The People. Perhaps common sense originates from local community while corruption is too natural for well-remunerated professional classes. And so the professional is eager to inform common sense of its inferiority.
Knowing nothing of Chicago, one still thinks that large rivers running through their streets is an anomaly. We are receiving meteorological reports that dryly ticket of the daily instances of flood, storms, outages, and smoke events with interestingly little reference to Climate Change. This seems noteworthy and worrisome. –
The National Weather Service reported that some areas had received over seven inches of rain and several roadways remained flooded. The Illinois State Police said portions of Interstate 55 and Interstate 290 have been closed because of flooding, with at least 10 cars trapped in water on Interstate 55, WLS-TV reported.
Trains had also stopped in some parts of the city.
–end of aol info–
So what exactly is the function of reporters in informing the public in that which is said to be a democracy, which system needs correct and relevant information in order that We The People can cast a vote that makes sense. And so the electorate is urged to “hold your nose and vote”. This is insulting.
One suggests that weather has become a national security risk. The reason weather as we experience it in 2023 and Climate Change aren’t directly linked by professionals and experts is a matter of concern. — – Bishop William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, says it’s “grotesque and immoral” that poverty is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, higher than homicide and respiratory illness, citing recent findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. “Why do we hear so much about crime rates and opioids and gun violence in America, but poverty kills more people than all of those things?” asks Barber. He joins us to talk about the intensifying efforts of the Poor People’s Campaign to end poverty and empower poor and low-wage workers and support “The Third Reconstruction” resolution in Congress. This weekend, the Poor People’s Campaign led a Moral Poverty Action Congress in Washington, D.C., focused on ending poverty in the United States.
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Death is the real-time consequence of the bait-and-switch Americans are experiencing from capitalistic hierarchical Establishment.
From Sabbysabs — —
Cornel West SHOCKING Poll And Ballot ACCESS (clip)
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From gatewaygreens — —“Path to Win Single Payer NOW!”
Green Party Webinar
5:30 PT/ 6:30 MT/ 7:30 CT/ 8:30 ET, Wed, July 5, 2023
The profit-driven U.S. healthcare system has produced staggering healthcare
inequities, patient suffering and death, declining health outcomes, and massive
medical debt. A single-payer system would cover comprehensive health
care for everyone from head to toe regardless of citizenship or employment.
It will be free at the point of service and cost less than the current system.
Co-Hosted by: Green Party of California, Missouri Green Party
Co-Sponsored by: (TBD)
—-end of gatewaygreens info–
Presumption by experts and professionals that they have it figured out and the rest of us need to rely upon their expertise flys in the face of dismal real-time life experience on so many levels. —
What You Don’t Realize About Affirmative Action
–end of leecamp info–
As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-