One suggests the value of Affirmative Action was genuine as far as it went, but it could have been a hierarchical deflection.  Consider networking as pertains to the college admissions process.  Why address the requirements of the underprivileged when legislation, policy and tradition give precedent to entrenched interests in college admissions.

And by the way, how’s about all that student debt?  Just a happy result of Affirmative Action?

In other words, Affirmative Action provided bullet points for MSM talking heads and campaign slogans for politicians without addressing inherent White Supremacy in the system.  In other words, Establishment has it both ways.  

From popularresistance  —  https://popularresistance.org/lessons-in-freedom-agroecology-localisation-and-food-sovereignty/  –

Industry figures and scientists claim pesticide use and GMOs are necessary in ‘modern agriculture’. But this is not the case: there is now sufficient evidence to suggest otherwise. It is simply not necessary to have our bodies contaminated with toxic agrochemicals, regardless of how much global agribusiness firms try to reassure us that they are present in ‘safe’ levels.There is also the industry-promoted narrative that if you question the need for synthetic pesticides or GMOs in ‘modern agriculture’, you are somehow ignorant or even ‘anti-science’. This is again not true. What does ‘modern agriculture’ even mean? It means a system adapted to meet the demands of global agri-capital and its international markets and supply chains.

–end of popularresistance info–Challenge the “because we say so” indoctrination….Common sense still applies.

From popularresistance  —  https://popularresistance.org/rishi-sunak-boasts-oil-funded-think-tank-helped-us-draft-crackdown-on-protests/  —

Rishi Sunak has confirmed that a fossil fuel-funded think tank helped to draft his government’s laws targeting climate protests.Speaking at Policy Exchange’s summer party on Wednesday (28 June), the prime minister boasted that the think tank’s work “helped us draft” the government’s crackdown on protests, according to Politico.

—end of popularresistance info–Take a cursory glance into the legislation of your local US government and you will probably identify influence from moneyed interests in the laws under which you labor.  

https://justtalk.blog/index.php/2019/12/05/broome-countys-censorship-bill-its-all-about-the-police/   —

Local legislators at the meeting were however insistent: Broome County needs a law to protect firefighters and EMT workers from being harassed on the job.  The possible penalty for being annoying?  A year in jail and a $5,000 fine. And to top that off, legislators pushed a resolution to support a state bill that would turn such assaults into a special category of a “hate crime”.[2]—end of justtalk info–

Several thoughts—-

*A large number of firefighters and EMT workers in the Southern Tier are volunteers

*Absurd is the notion that local-community members are antagonistic toward local firefighters and EMT workers 

*Volunteer firefighters have been exposed to a growing level of dangerous fires due to chemicals and industrial toxicity associated more with industry than with home ownership

*Some may suggest that negligence toward EMT workers and firefighters are more nearly associated with capitalistic-leaning legislation than by antagonism from local-community members who are one-and-the-same with EMT workers and firefighters

It takes a militarized police force to abolish democracy.

https://justtalk.blog/index.php/2019/12/05/broome-countys-censorship-bill-its-all-about-the-police/  – There were no such attempts at deception when the bill was introduced at a press conference in October. Reynolds then introduced the bill standing alongside not firefighters or EMT personnel, but next to Binghamton Mayor Richard David and former Broome County Undersheriff, and current part-time patrolman, Senator Akshar. Reynolds at that time was quite clear:  the bill was explicitly modeled after and designed to support Akshar’s Senate bill that would make harassment of police a hate crime.[7] 

–end of justtalk info–To clarify the reason for skepticism, Harder endorsed his Deputy Sheriff Akshar for State Senator which was accomplished, and then when Harder retired, State Senator, after crafting bills, jumped back into the position of Sheriff Akshar.   None of this is illegal.  Should we, however, discuss?  

Governance by cronyism is a matter of interest.

Governance by cronyism must piggy-back off of this well-understood capitalistic business model.  Anyone who has worked in corporate is aware of the value of networking.  Networking excludes the unwanted outsider, and favors the entrenched interests.  This is an easy trajectory to the top by those so motivated and comfortable with the exclusive style.  

https://wildhunt.org/2023/07/editorial-scotus-conjures-conservative-rulings-out-of-thin-air.html    — In theory, the “major questions” doctrine is supposed to give power to the legislature. In practice, however, it gives the Supreme Court ultimately the power to legislate – another power grab in line with the Roberts “imperial Supreme Court.”

—-end of wildhunt info–

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX_BsjvitjI    —

#GreenSocialist Notes, Episode #132

—-end of howiehawkins info–

Because predatory capitalism is dictatorship, imagine a different path.—-

From mronline —

https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=2833cdb99b&u=36ce609ae68971b4f060ad9c7&id=2bd30c0104  —

Planned Degrowth: Ecosocialism and Sustainable Human Development—An Introduction

Degrowth and Socialism: Notes on Some Critical JunctureOn Technology and Degrowth

Planning Degrowth: The Necessity, History, and Challenge

Capitalism, Global Poverty, and the Case for Democratic Socialis

Planning an Ecologically Sustainable and Democratic Economy: Challenges and Task

Planning and the Ecosocialist Mode of Cooperation

—end of popularresistance info–

Why would truth be offensive?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Kzgb3aiDg  —

LIVE: Audit Of US Funding Corruption Revealed (& much more)

–end of leecamp info–


As one who would be perfectly contented to retain the Senate if they adhered to Oaths of Office more than to Citizens United campaign donations, one is interested in a topic raised as to the reason we maintain the US Senate—-

 This is a reminder of how much we don’t know.  This brings one around to Howie Hawkins, who continues to impress with original thought.  We also could acknowledge Hawkins often speaks to censored information.
One such topic about which one would never have even considered, is whether the USA needs The Senate.  Apparently The Senate is little other than expensive window dressing, promoting hierarchical interests, and too often placed in positions of power by big-money via Citizens United.  But the public gets to fund this curiosity of pompous supremacy.  Who knew?
The Democratic Branch of the Republican/Democratic Duopoly are especially functional in voter suppression—–https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNbdkuU1edw          —#GreenSocialist Notes #76
Howie Hawkins brings up the concept of whether the USA needs the Senate.  Apparently according to some people, the Senate isn’t necessary.  This brings up the blockage from the Senate of many bills that would benefit We The People.  Combined with Citizens United that promotes big-money interest choice of Senators, in which laws are passed that benefit big-money interest rather than We The People, and that We The People support economically, the members of the Senate, this seems a good topic for discussion.
The US Constitution doesn’t seem to sanction elections run by political Parties, and to permit control of political debates by political Parties seems equally corrupt.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ7kn2-GEmM       —

Ross Perot in 1992 on NAFTA and the “Giant Sucking Sound”

Centralization is the lifeblood of the R&D duopoly.  It’s the way to enforce capitalism onto workers in 2022.———————–We can do better———-

That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  

Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access www.debates.org to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”
If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. 
*******************************************************************https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx—-Political Party affiliation of voters.
    https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”

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