Transparency seems important if people are to have the ability to understand the complexity on topics our politicians make decisions about, for the US public. RT has been censored out of the US media line-up. As one who believes one receives propaganda via RT, one also recognizes the propaganda is no more nor less than received byway of CNN, MSNBC, or FOX. This is the reason diversity in news sources is important, along with individuals who are aware enough to compare and investigate upon one’s own.
e has a very interesting and complex history and culture, but most Americans see them as “communists”. Here’s a peak behind the curtain.—https://www.rt.com/russia/568614-war-and-churches-in-ukraine/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=push_notifications&utm_campaign=push_notifications —
War of the churches: How Ukraine has become unsafe for millions of Orthodox believers
–end of rt info–
Religion is an important influence around the globe. While the USA has a system of governance that has veered into capitalism which is about the dollar, simmering underneath is institutionalized religion. NATO seems to make decisions for other nations that seem based upon capitalistic principles, To overlook historical and religious realities of the nations targeted for NATO tailoring may be a mistake.
On the topic of institutionalized religion, one wonders whether anyone can seriously hold the view that politics aren’t involved. Reasons for this view follow–**Jesus was a Jew**The Gospels seem to have been written afterward for a gentile consumer**Those who spoke the language of Jesus were not the target audience**Translation seemed first to be into Greek, then into Latin, then into other languages
Relating to the complexity of humanity, Orthodox religion seems to be pre-Roman interpretation. and the entirety seems to have political implications. At the point of politics it seems self-interest is interjected; and in particular based on money.
A reason one loves NYS and in particular the Southern Tier is the interspersing among buildings to be the gold domes of Orthodox churches.
This raises questions about support “for Ukrainians” when religion may be a source of tension in Ukraine. This is beyond the scope of my understanding, but it seems to ask valid questions.
The other side of this coin is presuming the actions of NATO are only about “spreading democracy around the world” when it may include uplifting capitalism. Can there be any honest discussion without touching upon greed and corruption?
This opens space for another topic that is associated with bait-and-switch, and one can label it as socialism. One would be intellectually dishonest not to admit that the USA has a system of corporate socialism and Pentagon socialism. But when We The People wish inclusion into a socialism that would provide fairness in our system, some people are aghast.
At this point the topic of free markets is brought up as being the same as capitalism, when the two concepts are different.
One is interested in a democratic socialism for America. This to me means the following—
**The harder one works toward accumulating cash on a personal level, both intention and cash should be secure to the individual
**People who choose rather to invest less time earning and accumulating cash, should be free to do so
**Each should be responsible for earning their place in a community, which implies work that earns one’s way
**Those with a propensity to accumulate cash to enhance personal lifestyle should be free to do so
**Those who choose to accumulate cash sufficient to cover expenses should be free to do so without disrespect
**It seems that at some point those with an abundance of cash notice that the system can be ratcheted in their favor, using cash, to permit less of personal energy invested or more of cash to be gained by rigging
**This is where exploitation begins toward other people or the environment.
**For example, Citizens United seems to be the organized system of policies and laws based upon big-money campaign contributions to buy politicians
to pass laws that enhance this corruption when government should be the foundation to avoid corruption
War seems to be the system of corruption out of control and unacknowledged while using concepts of “spreading democracy” at the cost and harm of local communities while obscene profiteering continues among the elite who are never actually annoyed by the messy reality of war.
And so NATO may wish to explain their positions in these issues.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acrkFKxmmfY —
Lee Camp & Margaret Kimberly: The Empire Controls The Narrative
–end of leecamp info–