Patriarchy and hierarchy endorse Shontel Brown. Think long and deep, voters. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice……… —
Nina Turner Gets AOC Endorsement As Biden, Clyburn, And AIPAC Back Shontel Brown
“I’m proud to have @AOC’s endorsement. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is a leader in the fight for climate justice, workers rights and building a multi-generational, multi-racial working-class democracy,” Turner wrote. “Together we will change what is possible in our political system. Thank you, sister.”—end of moguldom info– —
Cleveland’s Turner, who co-chaired Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and touted his endorsement, had 36.5% of the votes that were tallied by the time the Associated Press called the race in her favor, compared with 63.5% for Brown, a former Cuyahoga Council member who chairs the county Democratic party and was endorsed by President Joe Biden.–end of cleveland info–
As most people have been aware, naivete is all too noticeable.—From aol — –Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Tuesday that if a report suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade is accurate, she was misled in her conversations with two justices who had told her that the landmark 1973 abortion ruling was settled law.–end of aol info–
C-Span has recently hosted several discussions on the topic of choice.
7:55AM–caller—paraphrase—-The Supreme Court has designated corporations as people for political expediency, the same as they seem attempting to insinuate the same for fetuses.
Some people have opined that the next target for the Supreme Court/pro-life types will be birth control. So will sperm be designated as a human being for political expediency? It has been mentioned on C-Span without being verified that 5 of the chief justices are Catholics. The notion of defining a fetus as a person complies with some notions of physics and Buddhism. But to take this seriously one will recognize that an abortion could be the freeing of the idea of cause and effect to new possibilities. In other words is the Supreme Court more nearly promoting policy of a specific religion which seems contrary to the Constitutional separation of church and state?
But the Democratic/Republican duopoly have insinuated the policy that “we are a 2-Party system”, which we are not, Constitutionally speaking. And so we watch a dictatorial governance based on interests of political Parties and abusing religion to do so. One has been criticized when saying that a topic is complicated, but many topics are complicated. For those open to advisement by political Parties to solve their thorny issues, topics may not be complicated, bless their hearts.
9:20AM–caller–paraphrase–Against Roe vs. Wad but pro-choice for individual right to choose. Obama enjoyed a Democratic majority but failed to codify choice and Biden has a Democratic majority but has failed to codify choice.
And so the Democrats are using as campaign fodder, the idea of choice at the same time Republicans are using as campaign fodder incredible inflation. Does this feel a bit dictatorial? The Constitution seems to imply the use of the USA government to protect both liberty and the welfare of We The People.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America———end of Preamble to the Constitution—
A Catholic hierarchical insinuation into governance is expressed wonderfully and historically in the following book—-
C-Span–9:30AM–caller–paraphrase—-Gave a Biblical reference to a Numbers something or other in which he says the Bible gives a recipe for an abortion.
As one who is admittedly ignorant on the topic of the Bible, one still must admit having read sufficient information on a historical level of the times in question, including the History of Josephus. –You want to go deeper, understand, and immerse yourself in the Jewish history, culture, and community of Jesus. Let Josephus: The Complete Works open your eyes. Flavius Josephus–first-century Pharisee, Jewish historian, Roman consultant, and writer, documented aspects of life during the time of Christ, giving us extensive writings on ancient Jewish history in existence. By studying Josephus’ works, readers gain a behind-the-scenes look at biblical figures including Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, and James the brother of Jesus, plus insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls community, Sadducees and Pharisees, the War of the Jews, and beyond. Features include: The War of the Jews–an account of the Jewish revolt against Rome up to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem The Antiquities of the Jews–a history of the Jews from Creation to the Roman occupation of Palestine The Life of Flavius Josephus–the autobiography of Josephus, who fought against Rome and later served the empire Against Apion–a defense of the origin of Judaism in the face of Greco-Roman slanders Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades–a text Whiston attributed to Josephus Index of parallels between Josephus’s Antiquities and the Old Testament including the Apocrypha About Flavius Josephus Josephus was a first-century Pharisee, soldier, informant to the Romans, and writer. He left behind the most extensive writings on ancient Jewish history still in existence. This description may be from another edition of this product.–end of flavius josephus info–
One will see Jesus less related to Easter bunnies and Christmas trees, if history from the times and places are considered.
As to the referral to 5 Catholic chief justices, one is supremely uninterested in the religious propensities of another person. However, the history of the Catholic Church Establishment is noteworthy.—–* — But according to a new theory, these trials were a way for Catholic and Protestant churches to compete with each other for followers.* –he Doctrine of Discovery had been used for centuries to expropriate indigenous lands and facilitate their transfer to colonizing or dominating nations, speakers in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues stressed today, urging the expert body to study the creation of a special mechanism, under United Nations auspices, to investigate historical land claims.
In other words, actual religious belief seems historically to have been the excuse for colonialism and imperialism, and in FACT local domestic terrorism.
To insinuate that one branch or the other of the Republican/Democratic duopoly, in 2022, have not used misogyny as a campaign strategy flies in the face of use of women……especially white women…….during the Democratic Presidential campaign. Both branches offer planks on a platform that promote capitalistic hierarchical Establishment in place of compliance to the Oath taken to support the US Constitution.
A personal observation includes the enthusiasm with which the military is supported by said 2 branches of the American duopoly, Both the Democrats and Republicans enthusiastically hyper-funded the Pentagon which doesn’t address cyber attacks that seem the most likely type of foreign harm to the USA in 2022. Meanwhile Build-Back-Better is neglected.
This seems to be modern-day language of the type one actually was afflicted with in one’s early-day career of being a female “first” among dozens of men in a “man’s job”, which was “don’t you feel bad to take the job of a man trying to support his family”. In other words, if you can’t beat ’em, legislate against their femaleness. The same female hormones that males demand are then used against women in their capacity as women. Having overlooked much of modern young women’s hubris toward ‘militant feminists of the ’70’s” as the posture of those who are succeeding (which is the point), FACTually speaking they may not know what they’re up against. —
Don’t Miss It! “Ukraine,
Fossil Fuels and Unanswered Questions”
7 pm CT USA, Wed, May 4, 2022
What does the Ukraine War tell us about the challenges of humanity’s
urgent need to reduce fossil fuel usage? How does the war reflect
colonialism and racism? How well is President Zelensky coping with
opposition political parties and the Azov Battalion? Join us for a
discussion of Ukraine’s history, Joe Biden’s role in that history, the 2014
coup, the risk of nuclear weapons and NATO’s actions, as well as
how the media affects our perceptions of the war. What is the key for
bringing peace to Ukraine?–end of gatewaygreens info–
From—–LISTEN via Socialist Program: At The Brink: Global Food CrisisREAD via It’s Goin Down: Why Fascists, Authoritarians, & Theocrats Are The Enemies Of Reproductive Freedom
WATCH via Richard Medhurst: Biden’s New “Ministry Of Truth” Is A Dystopian NightmareLISTEN via Covert Action Magazine: Julian Assange & the U.S. War on Whistleblowers with John Kiriakou—end of info–
From popularresistance —— —
The Non-Independence Of Western-Funded ‘Independent Media’ In Ukraine
These Countries Are Willing To Risk US Ire Over Russia-Ukraine
How A Gas Facility Started A Fight Over Climate Change And Sovereignty
A Nation Of ‘Geophobes’
US Coup Specialist Victoria Nuland Visits Brazil
On Venezuela, Only Hawkish ‘Dissent’ Allowed
Workers Are Tired Of Being Exploited And They’re Fighting Back
Enduring Lessons From The Pittsburgh And Flint Water Crises
Radioactivity Levels Found Outside Ohio Oilfield Waste Facility ‘Excessive’
Supreme Court Declares War On Women And Abortion Rights
–end of popularresistance info–
The US Constitution doesn’t seem to sanction elections run by political Parties, and to permit control of political debates by political Parties seems equally corrupt. —
Ross Perot in 1992 on NAFTA and the “Giant Sucking Sound”
Centralization is the lifeblood of the R&D duopoly. It’s the way to enforce capitalism onto workers in 2022.
———————–We can do better———-