The capitalistic hierarchy that disdains the concept of worker-owned co-op business, may insinuate a notion that the lifeblood of business, which is the worker, is outside of the mechanism and therefore unworthy of standards of employment.  Laws to protect workers have a low chance of passing when lawmakers are contained in positions of power by big-money campaign donations from big-money and commercial interests.  Capitalism is the protection of hierarchy, not of workers.  This isn’t the concept of free markets, but seems more nearly indenture.

https://socialistproject.ca/2021/05/this-mayday-even-the-designation-workers-is-under-threat/        –The latest threat involves the ride-hailing company Uber. Uber is in the midst of an international campaign – enthusiastically and richly supported by the likes of Lyft, DoorDash and Amazon – to legally classify those who they hire and fire, whose working conditions they set and monitor, and whose pay they determine, as not really workers but dependent contractors. If successful, this would, for a start, mean that these ‘non-workers’ would be excluded from minimum standards on wages, vacation pay, parental leave, workers’ comp, unemployment insurance.–end of socialistproject info–
The same characters describing and mandating this system toward American workers that has included globalism that sent living-wage jobs overseas and undermined human rights and environmental rights are also defining and mandating world war and peace.  Is this wise to allow such important issues to remain in the purview of such players, movers, and shakers? 
From popularresistance  — https://mailchi.mp/popularresistance/1f1wgyty1q?e=1b0a9c0541            —

Indigenous Women Say ‘No’ To Extraction For Sustainable Future

Repair Cafes Build Community Across All Social Divides

May Day: Worker’s Struggle Celebration Is Well-Deserved

Obama Wants Censorship

Peace Movement Needs To Demand Dismantling Of NATO

Being Anti-War Isn’t Easy

–end of popularresistance info–

A point can be made that portions of the US electorate are either unconcerned about or ignorant about corruption.  The purported Democratic-Party boss is Shontel Brown and she is debating Nina Turner in the youtube below.  The electorate also seem ignorant on the topic that political Parties do not have the standing to run elections.  Political Parties participate in campaigns and elections.  In the Former Soviet Union, political Parties ran campaigns and elections.  As some people have said, capitalism and communism are opposite sides of the same coin.  Americans have been lectured at by those expressing that “we are the backbone of democracy” while that self-defined backbone adhere to a corrupt system of elections run by political Parties as modeled in the past by The Former Soviet Union.  This is an outrage and an American tragedy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DHYoVxvYpU    —

Shontel Brown EXPLODES on Nina Turner in an Interview with The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Workers could self-define and speak out  —  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71OqzM81QJo          –Howie Hawkins was the Green Party and Socialist Party nominee for President in 2020. This weekly series takes on a new focus now, toward building a Green Party that will fight for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal and that will elect thousands of Greens up and down the ballot in the 2020s. Learn more at https://greensocialist.net. Let’s keep fighting!—end of howiehawkins info–
Local government can be complicit in quasi-democratic action that too often is a vehicle to drain wealth away from locals and toward far-flung hierarchical pockets. The following seems to promote local-community municipal participation. https://mailchi.mp/8848d0b6b184/gen-august-membership-meeting-sat-august-7-note-new-date-11490077?e=6520f97976—–The goals of the learning series:

  1. To introduce a democratic municipalist framework to a broad audience
  2. To present case studies of municipalist projects from around the world
  3. To create a space for municipalist organizers to share translocal ideas and tactics

The panels will be convened every quarter, with the opening panel tomorrow, on May Day. The second panel scheduled is for September 17, 2022 (the anniversary of Occupy Wall Street) will focus on municipalist platforms in Europe. Future topics include indigenous municipalism, labor and municipalism, popular assemblies, and just transition.

The Municipalist Moment
Date: Sunday, May 1st 2022
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT / 7:00 – 8:00 PM CT / 8:00 – 9:00 PM ET
RSVP online for Zoom access
In Solidarity,
GEN Interim Steering Committee
—-end of green info—
Too many instances happen of non-democratic municipal action, for example in the Southern Tier of NYS, with a recent action highlighting questionable governance—-https://www.wbng.com/2022/04/28/town-vestal-holds-public-hearing-regarding-retreat-bunn-hill-motion-designation-property/    —
“I’m trying to get both sides of this. So I’m just wondering on the record,” said the 12 News reporter. “If the supreme court shut this down, why are you guys bringing this back? In your own words, what’s so enticing about this project for our area?”“Jill, this is not a Q&A, we’re just listening to the people. You can call my office or stop in and talk to Victor anytime you want,” said Town of Vestal Supervisor John Schaffer. “He’ll fill you in and I’ll fill you in on what I know. Thank you for calling, bye.”Before the April 27 meeting, 12 News asked the town supervisor via email for a Zoom chat request for prior to the meeting. Up to this point from airing the report, our station has not received a reply.During the April 27 Zoom, a motion was held to approve or deny the designation of the property as a ‘planned development district’ within the town of Vestal. The motion was approved.–end of wbng info——-This is good journalism, by the way.

The Southern Tier of NYS has a recent history of questionable interaction by bureaucrats toward honest, involved, and responsible citizens.  This is the platform from which a cadre of Sheriffs have called for “a crack down on activists”, insultingly referring to said involved citizens.  This is the Town of Vestal in which law enforcement warned a public-safety advocate that he could be labeled a domestic terrorist due to having used the phrase “bomb truck” to describe vehicles hauling liquified gas on our public roads among family vehicles, ambulances, school buses, and young drivers.
In other words, authority is testing its limits against our hotbed of responsible citizens.
Participation in local government seems to be democracy.  Some people feel discouraged in doing so by hierarchical attitude.  Organizations exist that can help citizens to feel empowered to own civic responsibility.
https://www.transitionus.org/the-five-stages-of-transition/          –The Five Stages of Transition were first articulated by Transition movement founder Rob Hopkins in his 2011 book, The Transition Companion: Making Your Community More Resilient in Uncertain Times. Together, they offer a theory of change for our movement as a whole, as well as a pathway for Transition groups to start from scratch and gradually expand their positive impacts over time. Examples from Transition Sarasota (Florida) are used below to illustrate how a single group might work its way through all five stages.–end of transitionus info–

Some people are becoming illuminated to the idea that commercial capitalism is connected with imperialism and The Military-Industrial Complex, perhaps to the extent of being indivisible. — https://portside.org/2022-04-30/un-chief-slams-fossil-fuel-sector —United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Saturday slammed the fossil fuel industry for trying to use Russia’s war on Ukraine to boost polluters’ profits at the expense of the global climate and all life on Earth.–end of portside info–
War is reported too often by sources supported by hierarchy, whether capitalist or communist, or any other powerful and wealthy voice. The poor are not perpetrating imperialism. This brings up the curiosity of the Russian involvement in Afghanistan followed by the US involvement in Afghanistan, along with a comparison between reporting about the plight of Afghanistan local community and the local community plight in Ukraine. One doesn’t know the reason for the portrayal of any of these, but this is worthy of consideration. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5586087-zinky-boys –From 1979 to 1989 a million Soviet troops engaged in a devastating war in Afghanistan that claimed 50,000 casualties—and the youth and humanity of many tens of thousands more. Creating controversy and outrage when it was first published in the USSR—it was called by reviewers there a “slanderous piece of fantasy” and part of a “hysterical chorus of malign attacks”—Zinky Boys presents the candid and affecting testimony of the officers and grunts, nurses and prostitutes, mothers, sons, and daughters who describe the war and its lasting effects. What emerges is a story that is shocking in its brutality and revelatory in its similarities to the American experience in Vietnam. The Soviet dead were shipped back in sealed zinc coffins (hence the term “Zinky Boys”), while the state denied the very existence of the conflict. Svetlana Alexievich brings us the truth of the Soviet-Afghan War: the beauty of the country and the savage Army bullying, the killing and the mutilation, the profusion of Western goods, the shame and shattered lives of returned veterans. Zinky Boys offers a unique, harrowing, and unforgettably powerful insight into the harsh realities of war.–end of zinkyboys info–
Were Afghanistan people better off having been invaded by Russia or the USA? Why do we see this as a part of an economic requirement?
To be frightened by the definition of socialism seems a deflection from the realities of communism/capitalism. The US Constitution doesn’t seem to sanction elections run by political Parties, and to permit control of political debates by political Parties seems equally corrupt.  
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ7kn2-GEmM       —

Ross Perot in 1992 on NAFTA and the “Giant Sucking Sound”

Centralization is the lifeblood of the R&D duopoly.  It’s the way to enforce capitalism onto workers in 2022.
———————–We can do better———-

That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  

Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access www.debates.org to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”
If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. 
*******************************************************************https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx—-Political Party affiliation of voters.
    https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/league-refuses-help-perpetrate-fraud–LEAGUE REFUSES TO “HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD”

WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FROM FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE–end of lwv info–Murray Bookchin, who founded social ecology, a theory that strongly influenced early Green Socialist thought, strongly advocated the discussion and study group as the first step of any revolutionary movement. A group of individuals meets to expand their knowledge of radical thought and form a radical intellectual community; through the give and take of discussion, can eventually form ideas for next steps in organizing and political activity. According to Bookchin, study groups help create solidarity and a shared language — with a shared coherent vision — for building a mass, organizing, political movement!
Along with Climate Change, many people oppose the imperialism of the USA under control of the Republican/Democratic duopoly.  Use of the wealth of our nation should be to enhance quality of life for We The People rather than for imperialism.  Some people vote accordingly.I———————–That “we are a 2-Party system” is a fabrication of the Republican/Democratic duopoly and spread by MSM.  In FACT the majority of voters aren’t either registered Democratic or Republican.  The censorship about this info must be envied by bureaucrats of the Former USSR and their simplistic style of 1-Party elections.  

Regardless of which character sits in the Oval Office, We The People have work to do to maintain principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic.  Several items to challenge—*We need the integrity of ranked-choice voting so voters won’t feel compelled to “hold your nose and vote”*Censored debates must be stopped.  The Democratic/Republican duopoly pretends to legitimate debates in what is nothing other than another campaign show.  Independent debates run by uninterested sponsors such as The League of Women Voters, must be restored.  (Access www.debates.org to understand the extent of duopoly control).  The so-called Debate Commission is a corporation to promote the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation, not to inform We The People*Challenge and stop gerrymandering that is a trick especially of the Republican branch of the duopoly.*Stop voter suppression by political Parties, and especially confront and stop Party suppression, which is the over-arching approach to voter suppression.  Party suppression seems to have been the responsibility of the Democratic corporation*Promote by law ranked-choice voting, so we won’t be told again, by D&R duopoly, to “hold your nose and vote”
If these issues are handled, our next elections can be honorable. 
*******************************************************************https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx—-Political Party affiliation of voters.

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