Each of the Russian-Ukrainian military action and the Supreme Court confirmation hearing raises important questions about US policy. As we “spread democracy around the world”, how is democracy playing out in the USA?
This is what justice could look like –After Justice Clarence Thomas recuses himself — can we please replace him with a qualified, experienced Native federal judge?–end of twitter info–
Recognize real leadership—- –Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of sustaining biodiversity — from salmon recovery to caribou monitoring & cultural burning practices. As global leaders meet in #Geneva to discuss #biodiversity targets, our leadership is a model for conserving nature @UNBiodiversity–end of twitter info–
Abuse of nature by those calling it progress ignores the message of the Tower of Babel which seems to be hubris. To avoid innuendo one refers to infinite growth using finite resources. As we argue about which energy source will best propel us to Mars figuratively speaking, the obvious answer of human actions that match reality are ignored. –The Ukraine government has acted as the US and NATO’s proxy in hostilely encircling the Russian Federation. Ukraine military and paramilitaries have attacked Donetsk and Lugansk since 2014, resulting in the deaths of some 14,000 of their own people, many of whom were Russian speakers and some Russian citizens. Most recently, Russia discovered an imminent Ukrainian government plan for a large-scale invasion of the Donetsk and Lugansk that border Russia. Russia now recognizes these two republics as independent states, after they asked Russia to aid in their defense.
–end of popularresistance info– –Corporate media may not be saying that America should launch a third world war, but the courses these outlets are recommending are geared toward prolonging the war in Ukraine, intensifying the violence and risking its expansion, rather toward achieving a negotiated end to the war as quickly as possible.–end of mronline info–
The following 2 examples of refugees are significant—*** –BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — Authorities issued an evacuation order for 19,400 people Saturday near a fast-moving Colorado wildfire in rolling hills south of the college town of Boulder, not far from the site of a destructive 2021 blaze that leveled more than 1,000 homes.—end of example 1—
*** –Four-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Carol Guzy captured the tragic moments across Ukraine, including in the historic city of Lviv, which has been the target of recent Russian airstrikes that have left people running for their lives.–end ofexample 2—
A military action in a foreign nation has over decades been the political ploy to distract away from the expanding exploitation of We The People by American oligarchs who are transferring the wealth and power of the USA from the 100% to the 1%.
Insinuation of “Western values” is boldly explained about American tampering in the Ukraine, which FACT is admitted by US oligarchs, and seems to be expected to be ignored as an act of corruption that may be instrumental in the unrest around the globe. Are corrupt intentions from imperialism supposed to be acceptable to challenge corruption in other nations? Why must we pretend the USA hasn’t interfered in an election that resulted in a pro-Russian government that currently seems the basis for the Ukrainian-Russian crisis.
C-Span raised a few interesting topics this morning that mirrors the message of Establishment. The good news is diverse viewers calling in to comment.At 7:00AM the topic was the Supreme Court nomination confirmation hearing for Brown-Jackson.The host asked “what questions should have been asked that weren’t asked of Brown-Jackson.
Good-cop-bad-cop works its magic again—- –Senators, who should have known better, declined to raise the important questions about corporate personhood, or the provision of equal rights for corporations with human beings in a Constitution that never mentions “corporations” or “companies.” The Constitution is all about “We the People.”Ignoring the immense power of global corporations over the rule of law, the immunities and privileges these companies use to escape the law and harm people with impunity, and the power of corporations under the 2011 Citizens United case to spend unlimited amounts of money to independently support or oppose candidates for public office were taboo subjects.–end of ralphnader info–*t’s like politicians are careful to avoid questions about big-money campaign donors.
We should have a better understanding of all Supreme Court Justices as to the insinuation of corporate power into our politics that is deeply contrary to democracy. In FACT the Supreme Court is instrumental in introducing money into the electoral process with an inordinate presence of commercial interests. Citizens United is one problem to which one refers, but the other is that unavailable to We The People in 2022 is the ability of Corporate Revocation due to anti-social behavior. These are both enormous changes that were not supported by The Founders but have been instituted via the Supreme Court.
They both seem to support the fascism about which corporate-owned-state-run MSM talking heads have opined until they began insinuating that “crazy Putin is a Nazi”.
He may or may not be, but who isn’t?
On the topic of Supreme Court nominee choices, a caller said that Brown-Jackson may be a nice person (paraphrase) but that isn’t the basis for a choice for the Supreme Court.
This idea brings to mind the phalanx of hysterical Senators who were demanding whether Brown-Jackson “regretted” a sentencing of a person found guilty of a child-pornography charge.
This is a disturbingly emotional crime. As one understands it the judicial system should be unemotional in application of the law. Of interest was the shrill demands from some Senators that Brown-Jackson reveal her emotional state, as she explained her ruling according to guidelines of the law.
Both the perpetrators and Senators who questioned Brown-Jackson about her emotional state, are typically male emotional in their stances; which surely brings into question the intrinsic emotional status of men that so often leads nations into armed conflict. Child pornography is emotional for most people, the law shouldn’t be emotional in it application. One was enchanted watching typically emotional me urging a professional woman attempting to answer according to her perception of the law.
As an emotional person oneself, a distinction can be made of the emotions that bring peace and insight rather than emotion that promotes war and depravity. This may be the “Free Choice” some people speak of. –The book, Diary of a Young Naturalist, is his ecstatic journey through the four seasons of the year he was fourteen. He starts with his birthday month, March 2018, when “spring seems to be escaping the retreating shadows of winter.” When I say ecstatic I don’t mean a measure of happiness, but that he lives in the altered states of a being who is illuminated by love. In his case, by a passion for the natural world. It’s a saving passion because he is autistic in a world that for much of his young life struggled to offer him a place. A world with too much noise and bustle for him to comfortably process. A world startlingly cruel to those who are different.–end of thesouloftheearth info–
What is one to make of labels of “crazy” by in particular state-fun-corporate-owned media, along with a growing movement to fit each person into an emotional cubicle to the liking of Establishment?
C-Span–9:45SM–guest Hake–(paraphrase)–NGO offers a “private-public” collaboration into supporting the Ukraine.
Unemotionally speaking, can this be construed as fascism? Should this be discussed?
Typically-patriarchal emotional notions leading to demonizing another nation is particularly identified with The Military-Industrial Complex—– –The US with its NATO allies have not only provoked this tragedy but have sought to prolong it in their refusal to engage in negotiations for a ceasefire.–end of portside info– —
Is It OK To Mention NATO Expansionism When We Discuss the Russian Invasion of Ukraine?
–end of portside info–
From popularresistance — —
BBC Correspondent-Fixer Shaping Ukraine War Coverage Is PR Operative Involved In ‘War-Messaging Tool’
Propaganda Does Not Change The War – The Ukraine Is Still Losing – Updated
Devastation In Postwar Afghanistan
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Contaminates Neuse River With PFAS
–end of popularresistance info–
From mronline — —
Halfway to the End of the War
UN Special Rapporteur says Israel is committing ‘pitiless’ apartheid in new report
to the End of the War
Ukraine is brutally repressing the left, criminalizing socialist parties, imprisoning activists
–end of mronline info–
One harkens back to a phrase about corporate-owned-state-run MSM from a person speaking on the currently censored RT, that pertain to the Ukraine, talking heads are running around with their hair on fire trying to put it out with a frying pan. Snarky, one admits, but truthful if not FACTual.
———————–We can do better———-